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Everything posted by thatshortguy

  1. Sigh. Matt Ryan will now have his fourth different offensive coordinator, though it is notable all of them went on to become head coaches. Bucs would have taken the NFC South if it had not been for Atlanta getting hot. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we see Bucs v. Cowboys in the NFC Championship next year.
  2. Seriously, You will have to physically deafen and blind yourself to avoid spoilers on this game. I'm sure someone will still probably try to make you feel a Braille card with the results after the fact. Cowboys reportedly targeting Adrian Peterson and DeMarcus Ware. Peterson has expressed an interest in Houston, Tampa Bay and the Giants, however.
  3. Him or Malcolm Mitchell would have been my first choices, though ESPN and every sports station everywhere will be playing that Edelman catch over and over again.
  4. Falcons OC Kyle Shanahan is likely off to San Francisco to be the new head coach over that shitshow. Several talking heads here want Chip Kelly as the replacement for Shanahan because we haven't suffered enough as team or a country.
  5. You're good people and I am sorely biased, but you know what else I would want in that game. The worst part isn't the loss or the stats, it's that my favorite team will now always be linked as one of the worst performances in NFL history. This replaces Norwood and I will have to hear about it every time I wear anything Falcons related.
  6. You're a sweet person and I appreciate that. Pats fans, enjoy it.
  7. I hope the Falcons hang 50 on them. Doesn't even have to be points.
  8. Good to see the elder Bush in good enough health to do so. Hopefully Barbara has recovered as well.
  9. Starwhal is worth your damned time. Just under Towerfall and Nidhogg as my go-to "yell at friends on the couch" game.
  10. I still contend this game would be outstanding for tablets, but alas. Edit: I mean EWR. Not Terry Funk Retirement Simulator. That game lost me when they couldn't license "Desperado".
  11. I have been doing a ton in D Standard/whole step down lately. An SG, fuzz, and D'addario NYXL 10-52s are my go-to's for flushing a crappy day.
  12. Figures the female in the discussion goes with Model Boy.
  13. What I'm reading is that we are all now Falcons fans. Welcome aboard.
  14. Next weekend, we're going to see a football shootout in Atlanta the likes of which we have not yet known. That scoreboard is gonna look more like gas prices. They'll run out of numbers.
  15. That Shanahan interview must have been even more awkward than originally thought. No complaints from me, mind.
  16. Korver to the Cavs, per Bleacher Report and a few others with scant details. I like ditching Korver, but a.) the hell are we getting back and b.) this is all but giving up on this season already. Edit: Atlanta would get Mo Williams, Mike Dunleavey and a protected '19 1st rounder.
  17. If the Falcons keep their staff and lineup reasonably intact, that Pats/Falcons matchup next year could be great. Provided it's not a Super Bowl rematch.
  18. Falcons clinch the NFC South and thanks to Seattle's blunder, they have an actual shot at the #2 seed. Amazing for a team that just cannot play defense. If the field stays like this, I like Atlanta's chances against the Giants and Packers, but everyone else it'll have to be a shootout.
  19. I lost to a team in Langford that had no starting QB (on a bye), no third flex player even slotted and a defense on bye. I fucking quit.
  20. Falcons clinch the NFC South and thanks to Seattle's blunder, they have an actual shot at the #2 seed. Amazing for a team that just cannot play defense.
  21. +1 on Besiege. I don't remember KSP being too harsh graphically, so maaaaybe with the specs turned down the laptop could handle it? My previous machine (built when Windows 7 released its first RC) handled it fine. Same deal with Besiege, but I couldn't run it on max.
  22. One of the better things I could have done was max out all the settings and then immediately run both benchmarks. Disabling Antialias nearly doubled my framerate. May move it over to my SSD if I notice any slowdown, though.
  23. Caved. Bought it through GreenManGaming for just under $40. Played about 100 turns as Trajan on a small map. Game crashed due to video driver errors as I was sending my latest envoy to Kabul. Absolutely loving how this game feels. Very streamlined and easy to pick up.
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