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Everything posted by Twist

  1. Twist

    FIFA 09

    Legendary is a bitch. I've played 5/6 games as Bournemouth, never scored more than one goal. Lost 3, drawn 2, won 1. It's annoying
  2. Add a pick onto that, Dragsy. Urlacher tipped pass picked by Briggs. And I think 5 sacks is our highest total of the year for a single game?
  3. Well, imagine that, the Bears's defense has finally decide to show up this season. Shame the Vikes are winning as well. =/
  4. Let's remember they beat a Bears' team without Kyle Orton and even then only by one score. The Bears complete and utter lack of execution on offense cost them dearly. The Titans are likely to drop one or two games, I sure wouldn't be betting my house on them finishing the regular season undefeated. I certainly can see them making the Superbowl though. From the Bears point of view it was a decent day, at least on stopping the run and there are certainly positives to pick up from the game. I think we'll suffer for the interuption of Orton's season but hopefully he can step back in against the Packers and get right back to where he left off. Fingers crossed.
  5. Hmmm, I just rushed for 200+ yards with Donovon McNabb (with the Dolphins, good trade it seems) and passed 300+ yards with both sliders on full (pass and run offense). 3 rushing TDs and 3 passing TDs in one game. This took him from no chance of making the Pro Bowl to being right in there. Interesting game to say the least. I only won by three points as well. Bloody defense. =(
  6. Going to see him in Bournemouth, should be ace.
  7. I'd imagine it has something to do with Keegan stating he needs at least four new players and this was before we sold Milner. That leaves us with a - desperate - need for at least five proven players. Instead, we become the proving ground for some random from Valencia and bring Xisco on board. It leaves the squad so shallow in depth that any injuries or suspensions will screw us over harshly. I've seen the Toon pull some right shit over the years but the club is in a right state at the moment and with Dennis Wise favourite to take over the manager's job, I'm becoming rather pissed off with it all. For the first time in 15 years I've stopped caring. What else can Mike Ashley do to fuck this club up? Next up are the calls for Shearer to get the manager's seat and even that is a prospect I don't much look forward to. A sad day for Newcastle.
  8. Twist

    Big Brother

    Well, it's just around the corner and I've been watching the auditions. They just showed a wrestling fan explaining why he should be in there. Big trench coat, two mini-world title belts and he just bust out a CM Punk straight edge interview. Nearly had my in tears. Brilliance. He gives wrestling fans a hell of a great name.
  9. The Undertaking kissing Maria on 24/7 mode. WHAT THE FUCK? That epitomizes how lazy the developers are to me. I played this game three or four times then put it on the shelf and haven't touched it since. If we don't get some SERIOUS improvements, like wrestlers portraying their actual characters and not doing stupid shit, then I won't be playing.
  10. That's a very good point. Hmmm.

  11. Winning trophies in Scotland doesn't count. Graeme Souness has won trophies in Scotland.
  12. Actually, Souness did well at every club he managed outside of England. It was just in England he was shite.
  13. (Y) I don't mind knocking some Uni bitches on their asses during training, it shall be joyful I have no doubt. =)
  14. I've been offered a pint for every tackle and a pitcher for every sack. I reckon my Sunday nights are going to be very drunken ones from now on!!
  15. Yeah, apparently all Americans are so good at the game we need to have a restriction on how many of them can be on each roster. Gay. Yeah, I'll be a Stag from the Solent end of things come September. I look forward to it. However, I just blew £500 getting myself started fr Reading and then missed training yesterday. Bit silly. >_>
  16. Hiscock is actually a mate of mine back from our school days, not just football. The funny thing about his name is his profession ... he's a nurse. Yes, Nurse Hiscock.
  17. None of them. >_> They haven't put me on there yet but I'll be playing DE/LB. =)
  18. Just wondering if anybody else plays American Football who lives outside of the States? Name Britain or Australia. I'm currently playing for the Reading Renegades and starting at the Southampton Stags Uni team (National champions, ftw) in September at the ripe old age of 21. So, anyone else play??
  19. Mixed me up with Pepsi - I thought I'd got past it all. =(

  20. As my profile says male and my personal picture is me with a beard ... I'd say no, I'm not the girl. >_>

  21. As his body double? I didn't realize you needed body doubles for walking scenes.
  22. He was turning up to training and matches when they terminated the contract though. When he signed for them Grays were aware he was awaiting criminal charges 'for motoring offences' when it came to light what the real charges were, they gave him his noticed. In that situation, because the guy lied to them I think they have a very solid leg to stand on and can contest this decision succesfully.
  23. How is it the TNA game storylines are better than the real TNA storylines? I can't wait for this game now, wasn't so sure but sounds like it could be a real good game. I think give it a few years of development and it'll be really pushing Smackdown as the number one wrestling game about.
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