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Everything posted by Mofoticon

  1. If you ignore the Andy parts (and don't we all wish we could?), it was pretty flawless. I wish now that Dwight was made manager immediately after Michael left and Jim was his assistant regional manager, just because last night was far more interesting than anything they've done with Andy as manager. The Darryl dance routine and the Jim/Pam scene in the break room was fantastic, as well. I'm eager to see what happens next week, especially since
  2. Dreadful Community episode (and it's already getting crapped on critically), but at least we got this GIF out of it! http://i.minus.com/iLqNad9Ut7feI.gif This season simply wasn't the same without Dan Harmon, and honestly I won't be sad to see it go if it is cancelled.
  3. I don't care what the haters say, great finale!
  4. He deserves a lot of credit for being the first active athlete to do this in the big 4 sports. Hopefully it leads to more people being open and not feeling like they have to hide who they are. Then again, when you have idiots like Mike Wallace... http://www.thebiglead.com/index.php/2013/04/29/mike-wallace-big-free-agent-signing-for-the-dolphins-is-the-first-athlete-to-say-something-dumb-after-jason-collins-comes-out/ It's no wonder it's taken this long for it to happen
  5. Not sure if this deserves it's own topic or not, but Jason Collins has become the first ever openly gay professional sports athlete http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/magazine/news/20130429/jason-collins-gay-nba-player/#ixzz2Rrh8O559
  6. I can't think of a more annoying place for John Simon to go...damnit Ravens
  7. Dallas sure has fumbled their first 2 picks.
  8. How so? Mingo was widely regarded as a top 10 pick (top 5 by some). He's an elite pass rusher with lots of upside. They surely could have traded down a few spots and still gotten Mingo. It felt like a panic move to keep him away from the Jets. I just had been reading a lot of apprehension about Mingo recently. Ansah leapfrogging him is telling of this. Basically I feel like he will be good but I definitely had been reading that he probably isn't good enough for the 6th pick. A team with as many holes as Cleveland really, really needed to trade down. You have to find a partner in order to trade down. Easier said than done. They probably could have done the same Rams deal, but they wanted Mingo and got him. The pass rush is going to be ridiculous for the Browns now.
  9. How so? Mingo was widely regarded as a top 10 pick (top 5 by some). He's an elite pass rusher with lots of upside.
  10. To be fair, we have no idea what Greinke said to piss Quentin off. Plus Greinke has the type of face you just want to punch
  11. Hue Jackson is the guy who did it for Palmer (he inexplicably had full power after Al Davis's death). Other than that, it was all Al Davis.
  12. Not really sure I like the move but I guess he's a decent backup. I was hoping they'd be confident enough in Tolzien to go into the year with him as the primary backup and using one if the million picks to develop one of the later round QBs in the draft. As a Browns fan, I am just shocked that they got anything for him. He was a for sure cut, and deservedly so. He's bad
  13. Tony Romo gets a 6 year extension worth 108 million...and 55 million guaranteed (more than Flacco and as far as I know, more than any NFL player ever). So there you go!
  14. It's been renewed for another 15 episode 2nd season already
  15. It was a good episode, but the problem I had with it was spending another whole episode away from Rick's group this late in the season. We already just had the episode with only Rick/Machionne/Carl, which was great and all, but I did not want to spend a whole episode away from the group again. Maybe it's just me, but with only 2 episodes left now, that was disappointing
  16. The Office episode airing Thursday is the not picked up Dwight spin-off "The Farm". After this, the Office is not new again until April. They are also currently filming the finale and
  17. Another classic Ron Swanson moment in the spoiler tag below Also, "I just opened up a can of whoop ass on myself" had me laughing so much that I had to pause the episode. Parks and Rec continues to be incredibly funny.
  18. No talk about how dreadful the Office was last night? That was maybe the worst episode since Michael Scott left and at this point, the sooner Andy gets fired the better. It's gotten to the point where him simply being on the show is a huge detriment to everything. And they also wasted one of the most intriguing remaining story lines of who is the Scranton strangler with....nothing. About the only funny thing was Gabe's return.
  19. It's not like it's a disappointment ratings wise though, it's a hit in that regard.
  20. This is really embarrassing for SF, I hate the Ravens but they are clearly the team that wants this more, so congratulations to them.
  21. The Ravens: Allowed to shove referees and not be ejected!
  22. Sorry to say, that episodes going to have to last for you for good (there's a small chance it may come back later) http://tvline.com/2013/01/23/ben-and-kate-cancelled-fox/
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