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Everything posted by DoubleX

  1. They've revealed another Pokemon, and this one's a doozy. Manaphy, the D/P cute legendary, uses its Heart Swap ability. What this does is it makes two players switch places. The example they gave on the website is player 1 is Donkey Kong, player 2 is Zelda. Manaphy uses Heart Swap, and suddenly player 1 is Zelda and player 2 is Donkey Kong. This isn't a complete swap, though: a death for Donkey Kong is a death for player 1, and the damage percentages remain as they were, only swapped over. After a short while the effect reverses itself. Good lord. That's quite something. For those unaware, this is Manaphy:
  2. What the fuck. My thoughts also go out to his surviving family. It's awful for someone to die this young, but a child no longer has a father, and that's downright depressing. I haven't seen a great deal of Ledger's stuff, but I for one did enjoy his role in Brokeback Mountain, and I am looking forward to The Dark Knight, as surreal as it's going to be. R.I.P. Heath Ledger
  3. Give credit where it's due, in this case to Ennio Morricone for composing it. But yes, the Metallica version is quite awesome. Also on the topic of Metallica, To Live Is To Die is pretty awesome, and the Apocalyptica covers of Fade to Black and Welcome Home (Sanitarium) are pretty awesome too.
  4. A: Apocalyptica B: Big Dismal C: Cold D: Dragonforce E: Evanescence F: Finger Eleven G: Guns 'n Roses H: ...d'oh I: Iron Maiden J: ...also d'oh K: KISS L: Led Zeppelin M: Megadeth/Metallica N: Nightwish O: Our Lady Peace P: ...more d'oh Q: Queen R: ...much d'oh S: Sevendust/Staind T: ...d'oh again U: ...double d'oh V: Van Halen W: Within Temptation X: XJapan Y: ...d'oh once more Z: ...final d'oh
  5. Hey, Mewtwo rules! I play best as Mewtwo or Dr. Mario in Melee, and I'll be disappointed if Mewtwo doesn't make the cut. Dr. Mario isn't a great loss, since Mario's still there. I do find it interesting that I play better as Dr. Mario than I do as Mario >_>
  6. Apparently, once your sims have a child, you have to go back to the neighbourhood screen at some point and create a new family (basically generate a new sim) otherwise all subsequent children from the same two sims will have the same genes as the first. So yeah. That might be it.
  7. Good lord YI, I'd never be able to keep all of that going without losing interest. Well done. You could be a soap writer with that kind of talent. It's twisty and swervy enough to be soap material.
  8. Seventh Sanctum usually works for me past the second generation... I just used the quick-name generator on that site for a male name and got Hyman Cherry. Best name ever.
  9. How old is the female sim? Once a female sim gets too close to becoming an Elder you can no longer Try For Baby (but can still WooHoo...insert mental image here).
  10. 'sup Kaney the Scotsman?

  11. Bwahahahahaha Best power copy ever.
  12. This man knows what he's talking about.
  13. That's what I was thinking. I heard about this at work on Monday, and my immediate response was something along the lines of "wtf?"
  14. Bwahaha, best teaser trailer ever. "I'm looking for some alien toilet to park my bricks. Who's first?" My only complaint is that Duke looks a bit...overdeveloped in the arms. Oh well, it's Duke, I shouldn't be surprised. That actually looks like it could live up to being in development for ten years. Roll on 3D Realms!
  15. Because it's slow and lacks defenses? It's like a less extreme version of Rampardos.
  16. I can get you a Sudowoodo and Azumarill, Ellis. In return you can give me a Scyther and a Larvitar. You caught a Larvitar some time ago when we first tried to trade but your WiFi went shitty on you, as I recall. So MSN me next time you see me online.
  17. Oh well. At least we can enjoy seeing someone brutalising people with a tennis racket, even if it is just an assist trophy.
  18. Hentai is anime too. That's what you get for the topic title not being specific enough. Hahahaha what Best thing ever.
  19. Do NOT disrespect the 'Deth! Besides, how is Hangar 18 bad lyrics? It makes sense when you think about it, considering Hangar 18 is about Area 51. Those lyrics from Trust are pretty ordinary, but I don't see how the lyrics from Sweating Bullets are that bad either. He's fucking demented in that song, and so it's the kind of thing you'd expect. It's also a fantastic example of Mustaine's stage voice, so yeah.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_NeU3t0l-0 This one beats everything.
  21. ... ...I'm utterly speechless. At the very least, though, they won't be able to take four episodes to power up for a fight this time.
  22. Good Enough was a song off The Open Door that took a bit to grow on me, but it did eventually. I'm a big fan of theirs, and I like the song, and it should be noted for being the first truly happy song they've released. Having said that, I'm not sure it was the best choice for a single. So my opinion on it as a single is mixed. I'm not sure what else they could've released as single #4, though.
  23. ...touche. Just remembered another anime I watched when I was younger. I don't know its Japanese name, but its English name was Ninja Robots. Does anyone know/recall this?
  24. Probably Yoshinoya. Not sure why that'd be censored though. To be slightly more on-topic, a friend was going to give me a copy of Akira the other day but he forgot to bring it. Should I make a concerted effort to try and acquire this off him?
  25. RAYQUAZA WHAT Holy crap that's awesome. I agree with the Pokemon boss battles thing also. A Lati@s two-on-two would be brutality but awesome. And Rayquaza got malowned, lol.
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