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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I've had unlimited ads all day on War
  2. Blade Runner is on there, which is still an incredible game and dear lord I know what I'm doing tonight now.
  3. Heretic - gothic Doom, I guess, would be the best way to describe it. Surprisingly good fun and I remember playing it loads as a kid.
  4. So Toro Rosso apparently are on their last power unit and Renault are refusing/can't produce another one before Abu Dhabi. So there's a very real chance that TR won't be able to race, which would massively help Renault when they're 5 points behind TR in the standings...
  5. I think he was injured still after the Suzuka crash and Toyota (thinking they were gonna be around the year after) wanted Kobayashi to get the experience.
  6. Horner actually seemed quite coy yesterday about Renault's engines making a step up next year, and that they might have an extra qualifying setting which would give them a jump up there I think the really telling thing next year will be just how far up McLaren get. Alonso being 0.2 off the fastest in Q1 on pure pace says a whole lot about just how good that chassis is.
  7. So I’m loving it, but I kind of feel like...there’s almost too many moons? Like, the areas aren’t big enough in some cases to justify it, and I don’t really want to be stood there analysing a patch of grass carefully for 10 minutes to try and get another moon >_>
  8. Marko has said they've dropped Kvyat permanently.
  9. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    Mandip Gill is a great actress, to be fair, so I'm pretty excited to see her involved.
  10. I think even this time it's pushing it. I mean I love Aja but she's not really someone you could ever consider an All-Star, bar the Valentina rant. Same with Morgan really, though she's kind of "part of the family" it seems. It's odd because with AS2, it was very clear that it was about giving Alaska the win and giving Katya a deeper run. The rest was kind of happy accidents, like giving Tati a stage to go on and be known and loved by a new audience. But AS3 doesn't have anyone like that, bar Trixie and mayyyybe Shangela and DeLa. Although (spoilers for the season) It just seems weird to have an entire season dedicated to righting a wrong and giving Trixie a win, as much as I love her. Then again, Ru knows a good thing when she sees it and the ongoing success of Trixya is probably too good an opportunity to pass on.
  11. I just saw I mean, he had two wheels on the track, that's all they need I thought. Silly, really, kinda like what happened in Mexico (?) last year... EDIT: Ah. There's a picture on Twitter which does show him very clearly with all four wheels off track. Nevermind.
  12. Michael Buffer doing the world's most ridiculous GP intro ever.
  13. Toro Rosso-Honda confirmed constructor's champions.
  14. Kobayashi might be the second Toro Rosso driver next year. ...HYYYYYYYYYPE.
  15. Started playing this again, because I is poor and can't afford F1 2017 yet. Been doing a Career mode in the Sauber. Was doing Expert difficulty for the first couple races and was finding that way too easy - was coming 5th/6th. So I upped it to 100% and Legend difficulty instead Came 13th in Spain (I just couldn't get the final corner for the life of me, was losing about 0.8 a lap there). Then was in 6th in Monaco on a one-stop, when there was a safety car. I fucked it up though and pitted, but ended up coming out behind the leader so was a lap down in like 12th - I had thought I could cheat the system and get way ahead of everyone else. No dice. Fought back to finish 10th which wasn't too bad in the end. Then came Canada. Practice One was wet and I managed to get in the top five there, then in the dry the pace seemed to be lacking. Somehow, though, I got on the pace and ended up 0.009 behind Hamilton in second on the grid. Race was light rain and intermediates the entire way; got a lightning start and led the race, then pulled away until the tyres started to go off. Ended up having to defend hard against Ricciardo and Hamilton until the pit window opened for a good 10/15 laps, but we were still quicker than anyone behind us by some margin. Came in, put in two fastest laps whilst the other two waited to pit, and ended up coming out about 2 seconds ahead of them once it all fell in to place. Thankfully, they then had a lot more trouble with the traffic, and the tyres didn't go off at all like they did in the first stint. Ended up winning by like 14 seconds in the end. Now on to Baku which I know is going to be horrific...
  16. Good for the guy to finally get his shot, and he's at least driven COTA before so he has a shot. And Kvyat is the ideal yardstick. Wouldn't be shocked if they rotate around the three of them in the remaining races.
  17. So Gasly definitely isn't racing in Austin, so Kvyat is back and then it looks like Brendon Hartley is going to get his F1 shot finally. If not, then Buemi is back for a race.
  18. Well, actually, according to reports today it seems that Honda very much don't want Gasly to give up his Super Formula duties over the Austin weekend. Which would mean Toro Rosso need to find a second driver out of somewhere, with a group that effectively consists of...erm...Buemi, Vergne, Kubica and, ironically, Palmer? (Alex Rossi too, but he's off filming The Amazing Race...)
  19. Bizarre end with Stroll and Vettel too. Also, awkwardly, this now continues the trend that Max wins a race any time Kvyat gets demoted...
  20. Jeez. Grosjean's car just got wrecked after he ran over a drain cover that just shredded the tyre in half.
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