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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    Doctor Who

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58682472 This is exciting news. I fell off just before the first Capaldi series, but RTD being back might hook me back in.
  2. Week Six: Bournemouth Week Five: Manchester City Week Four: Arsenal Week Three: Everton Week Two: Middlesbrough Week One: Sunderland
  3. Gonna be a real rough week if City decide to be shite.
  4. I'd go with competent referees being chased away from the game at a grass roots level leading to incompetent officials, but I could be wrong on that one.
  5. 10 points out of 12 from games that we'd have definitely dropped points in last season. Turns out having a coach who gives half a shit about actually coaching works, who knew?
  6. Week Five: Manchester City Week Four: Arsenal Week Three: Everton Week Two: Middlesbrough Week One: Sunderland
  7. I'm going to regret this, but... Week Four: Arsenal Week Three: Everton Week Two: Middlesbrough Week One: Sunderland
  8. Spain haven't lost in a WCQ since 1993, so this is big. Go Sweden.
  9. I fucking love Everton.* When we're winning. Hate them usually.
  10. Xhaka with the basement dropkick for the red. Shambles.
  11. Glad I refunded Left 4 Dead 2 after I bought it the other week for about £7, the Left 4 Dead 1 + 2 bundle is currently 85% off. Roughly £2.50.
  12. Speaking of Saints Row The Third, the remastered edition is currently free on Epic Games.
  13. I'm trying not to get overly excited for No Way Home based on the trailer. I'm failing.
  14. Week Three: Everton Week Two: Middlesbrough Week One: Sunderland
  15. RE: The new Puma third kits.
  16. Realistically though, who IS good enough to displace our almighty Ketwig Kaiser?
  17. Sean Lock: Comedian and 8 Out of 10 Cats captain dies aged 58 - BBC News Well now I'm sad in work.
  18. Week Two: Middlesbrough Week One: Sunderland
  19. Here's the obligatory "end the season now". Pretty shite in the first half, but turned it on in the second to secure three points. Always had faith in Rafa.
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