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Cheeky Hughes

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Everything posted by Cheeky Hughes

  1. You mean when he was fouled? Players are perfectly within their rights to exaggerate contact, especially when Atkinson had started off by giving Suarez nothing when Kompany came right through the back of him. Not really. I mean, obviously they all do so it's become accepted, but its not really right to do it. Though, to be fair, I think Ryan claiming Liverpool had all the luck and that the referee was biased is a little bit biased. Of course it sounds biased, I'm a City fan defending City.
  2. Lets be fair. The bulk of those fouls came from Suarez falling at will, whereas the same thing happens to a City player and nothing gets done. Did you see the amount of times Silva was kicked? I'll give you that Liverpool had the better second half, but the more shots/on target came from the period after the red card. I think it was 6-6 on shots, 2-2 on target just before that red. And by luck, I meant that Liverpool were getting every bounce of the ball, every little deflection and that doesn't include the Lescott o.g. So yeah, Liverpool were lucky to get their goal, Liverpool were lucky to get the man advantage, and City were lucky to have England's number one between the sticks to save our asses at the end.
  3. So there were shouts just then for Mario to calm down, and the away dressing room door has been damaged. Ouch.
  4. I'm proud of City today, following that. All the luck was on Liverpool's side, and the referee knew who he wanted to win- it took a vicious tackle from behind to finally get a Liverpool player booked, for God sake! Even after all of this bullshit, we're still unbeaten.
  5. Barry off, please. We should either bring on De Jong to really show Suarez what it means to be tackled, or throw on Mario and go 4-4-2. Also, I think that should go down as the best own goal so far this year. What an absolute let off.
  6. City team to face Liverpool First XI: Hart, Richards, Kompany, Lescott, Clichy, Yaya, Barry, Milner, Silva, Nasri, Aguero Subs: Pantilimon, Zabaleta, Kolo, De Jong, Johnson, Dzeko, Balotelli
  7. He was starting to take Wales to better places too... Sad. Very sad indeed.
  8. Technically, I'm sure David James won one for Manchester City in 2003(?) against Boro which Robbie Fowler missed, hence lumping us out of a UEFA Cup place. He was playing as a striker though (including wearing his own outfield shirt!), presumably because we had sod all squad depth.
  9. Not seen anything from the City match except the result. What is this "cool" celebration that Mario has done?
  10. Change your password, receive the inevitable freebies. Could be worse, I guess.
  11. The football Manager god giveth and the Football Manager God taketh away. :(

    1. Quom


      He is a vengeful god and you were well smote for lack of Wang Ke signing.

    2. Benji


      I just want Wang Ke for the Wang King William jokes.

    3. Cheeky Hughes

      Cheeky Hughes

      We already have a joke in the team. He's called Almeida.

  12. More Ernie madness posted in the Cube.

  13. When was the last time Micah Richards was actually picked under Capello? I honestly can't remember.
  14. Looks like Ernie has a decision to make...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quom


      Just because something is offered doesn't mean you need to take it. Is it even going to put you in a better position/more prestigious league? I'd stay and try and get a national team spot.

    3. Plubby


      Luckily you're the Ernie in charge. This is the point of Ernie - to do what YOU want, not what we all want you to do.

    4. Quom


      Yeah, but if you leave we will hunt you down and lop your cock off.

  15. 3-2 to City now. This is one for Match of the Day tonight.
  16. 1-1 at half time, Dzeko with a lovely equaliser. No way was that a free kick, but to be fair a QPR goal was coming because Savic has been shit at the back all game. Wow, three "lovely"'s in two posts.
  17. Stupid foreigners, hogging all the good goals... Here's another one.
  18. Or you could get it on Xbox Marketplace (or the PS3 equivalent).
  19. Sousa just got quoted by WWE.com's "The Day After Raw" article. He is @Bill_Baconhill right?

  20. If this was a couple of weeks ago, I would say City had an easy draw. But as of right now? We have it all to do.
  21. What a day to be a City fan. Absolutely glorious.
  22. Mario Balotelli is a double legend. Once for the goal. Twice for that glorious shirt.
  23. Don't tell me you are living at Castle Irwell! Nope, staying at home. Thought better of it seeing as I am not on the main campus for my course, but at the shiny MediaCity place.
  24. I think the University of Salford decided to make Friday my day off with this in mind. ^_^
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