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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. There's a double action revolver under a bed you search during a house robbery you do with Sean.
  2. I ended a mission a ridiculous distance from camp, so I stole a train, drove it to the next station, got off, bought a train ticket to take me home.
  3. I seem to lose my boots often too. I have no idea.
  4. I like how the thread is all about how bad we are at things.
  5. Yeah I lost him a few times. So every time I chased time I tried a different route. He got his
  6. EDIT: link removed now that @Fat Frog has updated the opening post with a new link.
  7. I keep riding into sign posts. I think my horse hates me.
  8. I've never been attacked for no reason but I do murder people who wrong me. Then I kill the witness, and then that witness if necessary. It's a fun cycle
  9. On journeys I just hold x and go into cinematic mode. It follows the set path and keeps pace. Looks pretty too Cinematic is my favourite new thing so far I think, for that reason alone.
  10. If it's like GTA th3n it's just objectives I believe. @Maxx install is roughly 2hrs and there's a 2gb network update to do while installing. You can skip the update though (as it's network related) if you just want to dive straight into it.
  11. It being generational would explain it. Definitely from the previous group. I have a similar situation to stok but with my son. Once he saw me pause RDR before the first cut scene could get started, he knew why. And verbally rolled his eyes with a big SIIIIIIIGGHHHHH! 😂
  12. Found out today that the fact I invert my controller right at the very start of the game is odd. I cannot play a game in which I use a controller without it being inverted. Is that uncommon? Because I thought it was the norm.
  13. I honestly didn't mind the opening part. It may seem drawn out but I can see why they went that route. Definite character development and introductions plus tutorials especially with new mechanics. Very handy.
  14. Nothing here has hampered my excitement in any way. 12Hrs... Is 1hr notice shitty notice for a sickie when your job can't be covered easily?
  15. In under 24hrs, I should be home from work staring at my horses balls while it takes a shit. This game could be borderline fetishism.
  16. I'm just kidding dude. Splits are basic. Rather do that than monthly updates..
  17. I do it roughly twice a year. Using your data and I've credited you every time... Totally underappreciated.
  18. Drag and drop the DATA folder into the folder containing the DATA folder (I think its EWR4.2 by default). Overwrite all files.
  19. I have the mass effect games for 360 in my car. I'll check when I go home.
  20. Pretty much what is available on hopw is all there is. You'll just need to arsenic wages to a better amount or alter the data prior to starting.
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