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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. I Would recommend not adding them. Unless you definitely know them by name, I would still be weary. They'll just end up being some sort of scammer. Likely game items etc
  2. I wish I could play Fire Promoter now Was it just because of the NJPW update that caused the delay in the PC Season Pass? Because I'd still buy/play while waiting.
  3. I'll just sit here and watch and wait for the PC releases while you kids have fun
  4. Ive played the second one but have never got around to completing it. I guess I somewhat enjoyed it but not enough to play it through.
  5. Sorry about the delay. Actually forgot it was up this week. Current prizes are: There is interest in Two Point Hospital so I'll throw it up again, Unfortunately it won't be drawn before release. Football Tactics is thrown in because I've gone back and started playing it more and enjoy it so you should too. The bundle and Gift card are the lazy options. Quick. Easy. Popular. In regards to the Bundle, you can choose the early unlock between [Tales of Berseria, Staxel & Sniper Elite 4] or [Rise of the Tomb Raider] Personally, I have SE4 and Tomb Raider and no interest in the other 2 so I'm stuck for a choice for my own collection. Deadline is basically midnight Sunday, as per usual. Hopefully there is something for you to enjoy in these choices.
  6. I rate this. Solid idea. Are those end logos just decals? I have literally nothing on the walls in my house. This is something I need to do. My "game Station" is just so cluttered.
  7. Couple of names need to be changed in the Performance Center. Rename Chris Dijak to Dominik Dijakovic Fix the spelling of Shadia Bseiso Add Stacey Ervin Add Luke Menzies Add Denzel Dejournette Stats are based off videos I could find so it's not much to go on at the moment but should be a decent starting point.
  8. @9 to 5 can you confirm if you've received the gift? Not sure if I missed the notification of you redeeming it but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Cheers.
  9. For Honor: Starter Edition is currently free on Steam for a limited time.
  10. Should have added this a few weeks ago but forgot. Apologies. These are for use with my EWRGFX Pack. The logo_/User_/Banner_ sets for Rise and Smash promotions added to this months DATA
  11. New Split-Data is up and available for download in the first post (Last entry to those who are new). It is set to the SummerSlam results, so anything that has happened since has not been accounted for. Only change to previous set up is I have added NXT UK as a brand within NXT with it's own TV show on the Network. As always, any feedback on ideas or misplaced workers, just let me know as I don't test the data before uploading (I know I really should). Cheers
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ng11qch9q6gtgzn/EWRevengeColorMod.exe/file
  13. That's not a skin edit. Thats a modded game. Can't remember who made it unfortunately or how know it is done. I can send you that one if you'd prefer it.
  14. I'm tired. Thanks to everyone that has entered. Winner has been drawn. This weeks winner is.. @9 to 5 https://i.gyazo.com/6892c1a5ccbfaa20556bb3252e84bada.mp4 He chose the $10 Steam Gift Card as his prize so if you could add me on steam asap we can get the process going as we must be friends for about 3 days for me to send you a gift card. https://steamcommunity.com/id/iAmRockyFeller A couple of quick things. I am yet to come up with an idea for the FM19 giveaway. I've even resorted to google ideas but they seem Social Media oriented but I don't care for "follows." I will add Two Point Hospital to next weeks draw again due to it's popularity and I'll add the September Bundle as well. Sometime this week, I'll set up a post for a quick Fire Pro giveaway for the release of the Season Pass next week. Once again, thanks to those who entered and congrats to Niner.. Goodnight.
  15. Give-away is closed. Will be drawn later today. 

  16. Last week, Hard West was 90% off so for $2 it was worth a crack. So far, I'm enjoying it. It's an Oregon Trail based Omerta. Maybe I'm just playing as many western themed games I can until rdr2 drops. Though the rdr online is more active atm.
  17. Well I fell off The Simpsons and Futurama. Let's watch me fall off this one as well.
  18. I think there's about 4 days (?) left for the next game giveaway in the Winning Thingy Thread over in Coin Op.

  19. http://homeofprowrestling.com/tew/ewr/ewrrwupdates.html I believe it was September 2015. You can find it in the link above.
  20. Pretty sure there's an "Unsubscribe All" button in the workshop. Edit: click on Browse and select "Subscribed Items" and you should see something like this in the right panel.
  21. This coming weeks giveaway is now live. I've upped the anti on a few choices to go with what I believe to be a few tough choices. No repeat games this week. Some might make a return in the future. I will likely do the September Humble Bundle in the next round. Good luck to all entrants. Also, I'll be looking to giveaway a copy of Football Manager 2019 at some point but want to make it a bit more interesting. I'll have to look into a way to do so. It'll be a longer giveaway than the one week poll, I'm thinking. Thank you for your time.
  22. That was well worth the watch. Haven't decided which console to use yet, but if it does come to PC eventually, definitely there too.
  23. I think I'm gonna try out LAFC for my MLS game. It gives me a full season to work out my staff, squad, tactics and training before I get thrown in the deep end.
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