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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. So it'll definitely take me 100hrs to complete as I'm easily distracted by shineys
  2. Done this up quickly to see if it is how you wanted it. Can't remember how to do Tag belts... Been a while. I might be able to get to the rest depending on when I knock off work tomorrow.
  3. Followed. Most likely won't come in. Is it weird that all your streams start too late for me?
  4. Redone. No knock on the other guys attempt, just a correction to get them in line with most other packs. For future reference @Cambrock223 put the border over the image and turn the belt -30.00 degrees to get the angle. Drop shadow is optional but does add depth. I usually go a 10x px with 50% opacity. Any chances of better quality pics? Dimensions are fine, just the quality with the dark background isn't fun. This is how they're looking as is I'm not sure if I'm even getting the right border for them.
  5. Throwback time-filling requests Not sure how you wanted it... .. .. No idea what cornellverse style is so if you could link me(?) but this is on the grey background as a filler for the time being and anyone else who may use them . . Belts are more of a hassle to do so I may or may not get to them.
  6. Besides "we're Alive" and "The Black Tapes" are any other ones there episodic audio drama? I'm running out again.
  7. My Memory of Us just came out on Steam. Real fun little puzzle game. Only part way through it so far but have enjoyed what I've experienced.
  8. Switch: breath of the wild Anything before that would be purely guessing like most of these lists can be. Sorry... PS3: The Last of Us. I bought the console for that game.
  9. Rocky

    Doctor Who

    Forgot this was on. Well worth the extra 36hr wait to see it. Jodie Whittaker is filling this role wonderfully.
  10. Yuh. @ToasterStrudelPepsi you can get it here It's the last section in the first post. Last one made was set to after SummerSlam.
  11. I've seen none of the DCEU... Is this a good place to start? Or should I actually do the Superman/Batman series first?
  12. This error only occurs if you play at easy level. What it is is that every owner has a preferred worker type (veterans, high-flyers etc). when the game loads each owners option moves one down the list meaning they'd have their preferences incorrect. Tweaking the data the way he has will allow the game to do the error above but end up correctly lining up the preferences.
  13. I enjoyed Venom. It done exactly what I wanted it to do. I can see where people may not have enjoyed it but I don't go into anything with the intention of nitpicking.
  14. I posted this somewhere on here previously, actually thought it was this thread http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgjs48scc60vedc/SuperHeroes.zip/file
  15. .. This is the font, in case you want to use it for anything else in the future. https://www.dafont.com/osaka-sans-serif.font
  16. The logo will be easy enough, the banner will be a bit difficult unless I can find the used font. What are you actually wanting changed to royal purple? I should also mention I'm colorblind so that may make that part slightly more difficult to get right.
  17. Another week passes by and another winner is drawn. Only seven entrants this time round which greatly increased everyone's chances of winning but there can be only one. This weeks winner of The Universim is... @Ms. Canadian Destroyer https://i.gyazo.com/5d7f2e7e4970a38dd1b932dedf6a90d3.mp4 I will have sent you a gift link via PM right after posting this. Just follow the link to Humblebundle and follow the instructions and the prize will be sent out. I believe this makes you the first Two-Time winner so double congrats Remember, you can suggest me games to put up so I'm not guessing at what people might be into. Thanks to all and grats again to MCD.
  18. I see where you're coming from. UK Exposure means little in the "US Market" within this game.
  19. You're reaching. 20hr later Edit: Literally just got home after going out and buying Premier Manager 2000 (PS1), 04-05 and 05-06. I really wanted 2003 but couldn't find a copy.
  20. I have no idea what VAR is...
  21. I've not played any since the season 2 but I do have the intention of completing the series and hopefully the full series.
  22. Excited but I only want Fire Promoter and they seem to have removed the season pass from the store.
  23. I went to buy Minecraft 2 when it was on-sale but it turns out I had bought a year prior. Don't remember buying it let alone it being released.
  24. Clay fighters was sooooo much fun.
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