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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Finished the last chapter. Small spoiler: Choice-related spoilers: Huge fucking spoilers: Epilogue spoilers: Holy fuck that was a great finale.
  2. Has anyone else noted the Shattered Dreams can make people bleed?
  3. So playing through Universe mode, there's a lot of weird "this guy should be this guy" errors. Like for example, after a tag match, Kofi starts beating up Jack Swagger, but instead of R-Truth getting in to join him, for no apparent reason Dolph does (but nobody turns, and Swaggler is still a team). Also had Ryder vs Otunga with Johnny Ace being the referee of PEOPLE POWER~!, but Otunga is announced as the referee... as Ryder gets jumped by Big Johnny before the match begins. The first one seems a more confusing bug than the latter. That, and run-ins that never actually occur but are said to have afterward.
  4. Holy crap Bret Hart is overpowered. Just had him tap out Shawn Micheals in 15 seconds... with the first move... an abdominal stretch.
  5. What was harder for me was keeping Kane from escaping, because the AI seemed to be able to automatically get the best climb EVERY TIME.
  6. I went out the door myself. Corner grapple starts that. The Ten Punch was more frustrating to me, but if you develop a pattern the AI won't pick up you're set.
  7. I hope so. Universe is pretty fun so far. Made the Attitude Era as a third brand that doesn't get involved in the draft or participate in Superstars, and PPVs on the third week (The Big Four, Backlash, and the rest are In Your Houses). Used all-CPU Royal Rumbles to determine my first champs: Undertaker is the WWF champ, X-Pac the IC, and NAO are tag champs (Whoever won the Tag Rumble got to pick their partner as co-champ,a and Billy Gunn won). Also made Team Friendship among a fuckload of other tag teams.
  8. it was like that in WWE '12 too, IIRC.. And '11. Which is ridiculous because I find it hard to believe that NOBODY at THQ picked up on this and didn't realize it would piss off a ton of people.
  9. THQ needs to make trio groups have a "leader" so certain entrances look right... or let you choose which entrant is in which spot.
  10. And of course DLC undoes the teams and roster changes in Universe. EDIT- If I merge Raw and Smackdown into one brand, will both the WHC and WWE titles be defended? Or will the Smackdown titles just stop mattering?
  11. The Lita/Steph one gave me more headaches because Triple H wouldn't fuck off to the back. Basically I resorted to giving him a TOF before moonsaulting Steph.
  12. Festival of Blood is good though I wouldn't say it's the best of the series. You don't really need to know anything about the series to get the plot, so it's worth looking at. Really short though and you only explore like a third of what you would get in the first two games. Which isn't a bad thing because the faux-New Orleans district is by far the most fun one to muck around in but there's only so much exploration to do. Dead Nation is loads of fun and challenging. Walking Dead is glorious as is pretty much every single Telltale adventure game.
  13. Am I the only one who finds it a little weird that Drew McIntyre's music is menu BGM but McIntyre himself is not in the game?
  14. So the Attitude Moment in the Rock/Austin WM 15 match is supposed to trigger after Mankind comes out right? I can't get it to happen... Also the game keeps freezing during the live-action videos for some reason and it's annoying as shit. EDIT- Okay, got the Moment to trigger... odd because I did EXACTLY that the first two times...
  15. Believe it or not, I've seen romantic zombie short stories as part of a zombie apocalypse compendium. Just hope there's not an erotica fan-fiction of this to come... but if there is, it would have to be called Fifty Shades of Grey Matter.
  16. "Did you ever have the dream where someone is chasing you down the hallway and all the doors are locked?" "I did not!" "Neither did I!" "Hooray!"

  17. Maiden in the top 5, that's fucking awesome. In my sophmore year of high school when I was dropped off at school like four hours before classes even began because my parents worked that early and I didn't even have my learner's permit, so I would pretty much just listen to CDs until class began. Must've listened to Number of the Beast like two hundred times that year because it would spend an entire week in my player sometimes.
  18. Time for Houston to park the bus now and get Zandji off if they still have a sub left.
  19. Was half expecting Salazar to whip out the red after that spiking the ball...
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