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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. I have a MIRC dice roller that has special functions for 4th Edition Shadowrun among other systems.
  2. I am. Only got a play one campaign of it though. Really fun though, it's a shame the group ended before the rigger could really show off his custom transforming vehicle called DRAGONFORCE. .
  3. I agree. When I ran in and murdered all of them it was pretty satisfying Heh. I actually did that in my first "super good guy" playthrough. Now I'm playing an evil thief/mage type and decided to do the guild quintella as well. Dark Brotherhood was my last one.
  4. Sweet. Also, the Dark Brotherhood arc has such a satisfying end.
  5. Well of course the film school guy loves the game that's essentially just a film with a bit of gameplay! I'm a video game design school guy and I agree with LL, so.
  6. So I just got the 1.9 update after popping Skyrim in for the first time in months. So, this "legendary" thing. I get that it drops the skill to 15 and refunds all your perks. Does that mean there's no overall level cap though? Like, you can get more and more perks after 81? Because well... that'd mean I don't have to wear different armor types to level anymore and that's kind of awesome.
  7. Pretty sure Eschrew Materials is an automatic feat. Right, Pathfinder. That'd also explain why he has three feats at first level instead of two.
  8. Eschew Materials? Why not Silent Spell? Also ditto on Read Magic > Resistance.
  9. This method also works for generating power metal band names.
  10. I use corny joke names myself, the cheesier the better. But barring that, try to use something appropriate to the owner or the city. Like, maybe the owner was a pikeman who was relieved of duty due to injuries, so the inn is called the Broken Spear.
  11. One thing I like about Wizards is that you can spend GP to add more spells to your overall repertoire. A sorcerer makes a better specialist/combatant though. Oh, and in D&D 3.5e Wizards get exactly one spell sorcerers don't, but that's because it has absolutely no value to sorcerers anyway because they can already do what the wizard spell is. Not sure if the same spell is in Pathfinder though... but otherwise, yeah, same spell list.
  12. NASL: Proving that there are indeed worse referees than Ricardo Salazar since 2011.
  13. "You know, the first two, I probably should've seen coming. The leprechaun costume? Not so much."

  14. "Just remember that Scooty-Puff Jr. suuuuuuuuuuuucks!"

  15. *Googles* .......Well, at least your boys can take solace that at least they're not playing for Atlanta.
  16. Ah Easter. The magical time of the year where Smarties aren't fucking impossible to find in Florida.

    1. SESbb30


      dollar general....not only smarties, GIANT SMARTIES, THE PANDEMONIUM

  17. http://www.ea.com/soccer/videos/ugc/154130455
  18. This is the Walking Dead FPS before you get the crossbow: "FUCKING VAGUE ASS COMPASS CAN'T FIND ANYTHING WHY CAN'T I CLIMB FENCES HOLY SHIT THE ZOMBIES ARE ALL SWARMING ON ME FUCK FUCK FUCK" This is the Walking Dead FPS approximately 30 seconds after getting the crossbow: "I Am The Night" *takes down 10 zombies before they even react*
  19. You mean the clumsy, uncoordinated, partial-rigormortis-suffering zombies can't climb ladders? Wowee! I've played it for a bit, and yeah, wait for the price to drop to the teens. Lots of annoying moments, especially in the second level.
  20. "Ha ha! Scandal always beats gun!"

  21. It's weird having the same name as a player in the match you're watching. Also, Seattle's right defender has awesome hair.
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