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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Indeed. I'll likely have to do some more digging in regards to converting PS2 saves to PS3, just hoping someone had beat me to it. OH. That's easy. http://www.fpwarena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1965 One thing to note is they have to be North American version of FPR saves to convert them properly, if they are not, then do this: http://www.fpwarena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1965&start=200#p54273
  2. Given that the original release sold well below expectations (I'm pretty sure one of those cheeseball Bratz games actually outsold it), I'm frankly amazed it got ported at all. Though Agetec was partly responsible for the poor first week returns as they fucked up the release by starting shipping to stores on the day of release... Plus the XBox "Fire Pro In Name Only" game which was a massive bomb commercially and critically (and pissed off a large chunk of the diehard fans). Midget: Did you look in Fire Pro Arena, or Fire Pro Club? FPA would be more reliable but I think there were a few "World of Indy" mods in the FPC days that might still be around.
  3. From what I understand because I never played innocent Sin (because, again, it was never released in NA until recently), Different story, a few different characters, different main character (The female reporter in Eternal Punishment, a male high school senior in Innocent Sin) Gameplay-wise, not sure, but should be the same. Same basic setting. I think the only PCs who are in both games as PCs are the two main characters and a PC who was in Persona 1 (who I never reached playing Eternal Punishment but I know he's in it). EDIT- Looked at PSN store again, Innocent Sin is PSP only (N)
  4. $10 USD. Oh wow, they have both chapters.... Eternal Punishment is the one I've played before (and playing now), Innocent Sin was the first chapter but was never released in the US until now (supposedly because a homosexual relationship between Innocent Sin's main and another character was possible). But yeah Ruki, totally get Eternal Punishment. Also, as a jumping off point to Persona, really either the original Persona or Persona 3 are where to begin; The PS1 Persona games and the PS2 ones are barely in the same continuity (In fact the MMO that the P3 Main can play for a social link is the only direct reference to Persona 2). The only recurring character is Igor, and even the Velvet Room isn't quite the same. I'm not sure if Persona 1 is on PSN for PS3 though, or if the PSN port has the MAJOR story arc that was inexplicably cut from the NA PS1 release. EDIT-Eternal Punishment and Innocent Sin are set in parallel universes, BTW.
  5. Really? Awesome! How is Persona 2? How does it compare to 3/4? It's very different in that it plays more like a typical JRPG in that you have no overall time limit and more of a game world to explore. It's also the only one in the series to have all the main characters as adults. There's also a LOT of zany dialogue, especially in the trademark game mechanic of the first two Persona games: Diplomacy with the demons. Yes, you can parlay with them to either get them to fuck off or give you aid, though it can also end up with them just getting pissed at you. In the first game you picked a character and an action, this time each character has their own action (The main character, for example, is a reporter so she offers to interview the demon). But you can also COMBO in the parlay, which leads to more options in diplomacy. One of the combos for example is asking a demon to judge a beauty contest. ("The goodness of a woman is not just in her bra!"- Actual in-game quote).
  6. Awesome, someone at Fire Pro Arena found one of my save files from 2008 so I don't have to get a new ARMAX disc to play some of my old created characters. If anyone wants to take a look at it to see either A) How to make edit AI, B) Look at some of the silly gimmicks I came up with, including a team that's basically like the Throwbacks but less retro and the self-explanatory Geisha Man, or C) Get possibly the only Ken The Box made in FPR albeit with a completely unrealistic moveset (and some superheroes, Curly Howard, and characters from Persona 3), let me know.
  7. My name is Inigo Montoya

  8. You say companion, I say "walking storage bin" Unless I'm playing New Vegas as a combat-weak build, then I use Boone.
  9. Practice. Good rule of thumb though, having regular pins (IE, not a small package or Delfin Clutch or w/e) at very low (or even 0%) in Large Damage is a good idea to prevent the likelyhood of silly finishes (like a headlock takedown ending in a pin). You can usually get away with it when it's the face down pins because most of the moves that end up with an opponent face down tend to be pretty brutal looking with a handful of exceptions. You can set three moves to be always followed up by a face up/face down move (even taunts!) so use these to ensure the wrestler's big moves are what usually wins the match. You can also do wacky combos like setting an elbow drop to always be followed up by the same elbow drop for Dolph Ziggler style elbow drop flurries. And adding taunts will let you do things like Greg Valentine style wind up elbow drops.
  10. I look at the TV and see three local wrestlers on Let's Make A Deal. Dressed as video game characters no less. Awesome.

  11. I pretty much just play whatever my character idea I feel like, which could be anything from a tried-and-true trope knightly paladin to a CE necromancer who thinks his dead wife is still alive (just very sick) and talking to him (but only him, of course, she's very shy), and virtually anything in between.
  12. Some people are just born with a heart full of neutrality.
  13. Yeah, current sales tax law is that you can purchase online without sales tax if the company you're ordering from doesn't have a physical presence in the state you're in. They're trying to change that though.
  14. Wait, did they close the online sales tax loophole already? Because I live in Florida and I've never paid sales tax on PSN purchases.
  15. I'm doing play by post as a CN Rogue in 3.5e D&D... as the lone non-spellcaster in a group (the others are a cleric, a druid, a wizard, and a sorcerer, so we've called ourselves Team Magic Plus Rogue). Our first exploit has ended up with us accidentally burning down half of a city. Well, "accidentally" in that we only intended to destroy a magically-powered gang's source of power. Good news is, the residential area was spared, so we're just horrible arsonists and not horrible mass murderers. And we also learned that latern oil apparently burns hotter than thermite or something because damn.
  16. "I had... bad pizza yesterday."

  17. Yeah, Fire Pro Club is a ghost town, it's been that way since the board's only mod just stopped posting one day and closed registration. I think there's a new forum called FirePro Arena or something like that. EDIT- Fire Pro Club's successor: http://www.fpwarena.com/forum/index.php
  18. I suppose. It wouldn't effect me either way really because when you're just a player you rarely delve much into it unless you want to check your player goals or change your number or whatever. I just liked the old way more aesthetically because it seemed more like you were looking at a sports channel's website. This looks more... sterile, I guess would be the way to put it. I mean, it looks a lot like the design changes to FUT from 12 to 13 (which I didn't actually like either) applied to Career Mode and taken a bit further, if that makes sense.
  19. Honestly I like the layout in 13's better... though I don't do managing in career mode.
  20. Melendez should have won, but he completely took his foot off the gas in the last two rounds and took the first three rounds for granted when there was no guarantees of how the judges really scored the fight. So really, it wasn't so much that Henderson won as Melendez lost.
  21. What's the Fort DC on the cheese pizzas again?
  22. Holy fuck Huntress is amazing. That is all.
  23. The most important rule of Shadowrun is that you should never willingly work for Saeder-Krupp, ever.
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