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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Juat out of curiosity, who would you like to see do Han Solo's voice? If it wasn't for the fact I associate him too much with Cowboy Bebop and The Big O, I'd go with Steve Blum. Harrison Ford. No way he'd do it, which is why I asked. He even tried to get Lucas to kill Han Solo off and apparently didn't really like playing the character. What's going to change his mind now? Money?
  2. I don't see why Star Wars Episode VII (Adrian's Revenge) would be another prequel GhostMachine... Though I wouldn't mind a look into Han Solo's story leading up to ANH. As an animated miniseries or something, I mean.
  3. Oh man, you would hate the way they wrote him out of the Scarlaac in the EU.
  4. Demons and Wizards is fantastic but the only reason I didn't have them in my top 5 was because there's only two albums (though, looking back, I should have put them over Bloodbath). A weird criteria because both albums are masterpieces IMO, but they just don't come to my mind as quick as Guardian or IE does.
  5. Fair enough. I've just known a few people who like Blind Guardian that wouldn't normally listen to a metal band. Same with Iced Earth, really, though I suspect you wouldn't be a fan of them either.
  6. Yeah I pretty much chose that one because it's my overall favorite. It doesn't really feel long to me. Here's one of their http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8GIVtCNlCk, only 3:48, but this is mostly a demonstration of the vocalist than an actual reflection of the band.
  7. Nothing about this dissuades me from thinking they're a metal band. Well of course it won't if you're not even going to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjAxCx95mO8.
  8. Calling Blind Guardian a metal band really doesn't do them justice. It's more like minstrel music with electric guitars, and the guitars are the least important pat of their sound really. Hansi Kursch is a legitimately fantastic singer with an amazing vocal range, and also a really really good songwriter. They're like Bizarro DragonForce in that nobody would give a shit about DragonForce if not for Herman Li's insane guitar skills, where Guardian have done songs where they completely eschewed electric instruments and are still awesome for it. It's awesome that they're this high on the list.
  9. I was like 12 when Episode 1 first came out. But by then I've already seen the original trilogy several times. In fact, my parents would get me out of school early to see the Special Edition in theatres. Easily the highlight of my fifth grade year. Well, that, and the near-daily trips to 7-11 which fueled my slurpee addiction.
  10. I agree it's not a horrible film, but IMO the weakest of the movies. Though Attack of the Clones was pretty much entirely redeemed by Yoda fighting.
  11. So far I've had Trick or Treaters as: 14 year old as some kind of tramp in handcuffs, three pirates, a secret agent, and Lionel Messi.

  12. You still HAVE a local Blockbuster?
  13. The only objection I would have to another Star Wars is that it would pretty much have to be animated because nobody should ever play Han Solo except Harrison Ford. Well, that, and Solo's kids never make an appearance because those brats are individually worse than six Jar Jars each.
  14. How...how on Earth did you pull that off? I so need to try that next time I play. I was playing as Undertaker against... I want to say Batista. Had the table set up, ready to put Tista through it... and BUHGAWD IT'S KANE!!! Kane runs in, grabs Batista, chokeslams him through the table. Bell rings.
  15. They had it coming, they had it coming, they only have themselves to blame...
  16. Only saw bits of Avatar, didn't care for it, but I didn't hate it. It just came off as the world's most expensive B-movie. I guess Daybreakers could be seen the same way but the entire plot was just so incredibly stupid that for all intents and purposes the vampires shouldn't have been able to take over humanity in the first place because they just had no concept of foresight whatsoever.
  17. Just got back from GWAR. That was a blast and a half. DevilDriver were solid too. Opening acts were Legacy of Disorder (who were decent) and Cancer Bats (sucked, and worst possible cover of Sabotage).
  18. I agree on the lack of likable characters than it was really, really, really pretentious at times. It's not nearly as deep as fanboys suggest (Seriously, it's just a suicide allegory. Nothing much more than that). But I didn't think it was that bad. Not a great movie either, but had a few good moments. I was mostly surprised that it got as much as hate as it does. Though I guess given that it is a junior film student's golden cow, it makes sense...
  19. Okay... what did people not like about Donnie Darko exactly?
  20. Okay, who broke the EA servers? Can't ever upload a screenshot because the server keeps dropping every time I play a match and they won't let you save one for later.
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