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Everything posted by OctoberRaven

  1. Yup. Anyway, I've been going parkouring everywhere to grind my Athletics. It's a bit slow going, tho.
  2. Destroy is canon? Boooooooo. My Shep would have never done that to Joker.
  3. I think people equated "You can play a dude with a vagina" to "You can make anything yo". It's not a bad chargen creator, especially for a first person game. But it was less than people expected. I'd have loved more tattoo options myself. I love the patterns they do have, but I'd love to be able to mix and match instead of just having presets.
  4. All part of Nvidia's new slogan: "The ONLY WAY you are allowed to play >:("
  5. Also, it says a lot about cinematic CG technology that I still have to convince family that the suit-wearing Keanu in the CP2077 commercials is not CG but the actual Keanu Reeves.
  6. Careful what you wish for. Less Pirates means more prominence for the inevitable addition of Baby Yoda.
  7. Since the Game Awards are coming up, just for fun, I dug up my analysis of the Death Stranding trailer that dropped on the 2016 awards to see how much I got right. And it wasn't much! Especially who the people were, I didn't recognize GDT or Madds. Spoilered for length, and well, spoilers. Whether I was right or not in Bold
  8. True story, Death Stranding came up in conversation between me and my dad the other day. My aunt walked in, asking what Death Stranding was. I replied "The game where Norman Reedus swallowed a baby", to which my aunt immediately understood what I meant and said "oh yeah, that game"
  9. Seizure inducing boobs? btw, as an example of what I meant in General Gaming by "the hypersexualized ads in the game is a commentary on consumerism", look at this (spoilered for NSFW, not an actual story spoiler) Yeah, that's got Robocop vibes all over it.
  10. So, sexually charged advertisements for things that aren't, themselves, sexual. These are all over Cyberpunk 2077. Kind of like how almost everything commercial in GTA is a sex joke. So I can see why the idea of 'trying to be too edgy' can come across. Thing is... like GTA, and proto-cyberpunk (the genre) media like Robocop, it's kind of a social commentary, particularly on 'sex sells' advertising and, in the case of things like the "Mix It Up" ad, exploitative and objectifying advertising. Commentary on capitalism, in this case consumerism, is a major recurring theme in cyberpunk media, and it being fucked up, that's the whole point. The city's website openly advertises it's sex trade, too. Another, less sexually explicit example of social commentary: Early on you'll find a gun store called Second Amendment. Here's the thing though: Night City isn't technically part of the USA. It's not even part of the Free State of Northern California, which it nominally is located on the border of. It's an independent city-state. The US Constitution is meaningless in Night City (and Free States like NorCal). And yet, worship of the Second Amendment is alive and well. EDIT- Overall, so far, really good stuff. Gunplay is challenging but fair, and when you manage to outfight a group of gangers singlehandedly it gives you that 'badass' feeling without making you feel like nobody could ever be a threat to you. My only gripe is that it falls into the trope of "blunt damage = nonlethal". My current blunt melee weapon is a kanabo. These things have no business being considered nonlethal weapons. (link is to wiki, no spoilers here). It is awesome that they managed to put in one of my favorite ancient weapons in the game but grrrr this trope bugs me so much.
  11. So far running great on PC. Wish I had more chargen options but otherwise so far so good.
  12. 😄 The risque moves are all made for a single edit whose character is a lot like Priscilla Kelly (though I hadn't heard of Kelly when I created her, more of a happy coincidence). The triangle chokes demonstrated are not part of her moveset and were created for a strong style character. My women's wrestling is more SHIMMER-like than anything (though I also have deathmatch women's wrestlers, and lucharesu gimmicky characters in the vein of Chikara) Oh, and for those wondering, the reason why there's two copies of created moves are so I can share edits on the workshop. For whatever reason, Spike made it so even if you created the move, you have to subcribe to the move and used the subscribed version to upload an edit with said creative move.
  13. also, here's a showing of what can be done just by altering frames and splicing animations in Move Craft. Woops, first move didn't get capped. Here's my original recording of it
  14. Actually, we got lucky. Steam servers are chugging for a lot of people.
  15. Update: Patch installing on Steam now. 60.2 GB.
  16. Death Stranding was the best game I've played in the last 365 days, with the only thing that may knock it off is the one I intend on playing after work tomorrow. Deadly Premonition, Divinity: Original Sin 1, Vampyr, Yakuza Kiwami and Mankind Divided were also highlights of my gaming year.
  17. I've been looking for a frame for a Mark Anderson kit. Odd that they put toilet paper in it, but.
  18. 57.3 GB on Steam, so take that for what you will.
  19. Meanwhile, South Florida's top team, The People's Himmarshee FC, is looking to add another community shield to the trophy case.
  20. I'm applying Hanlon's Razor to CDPR, in that they really just made a bad choice in design and not actually malicious. Still, hopefully they'll make a hotfix quick. Fuck all the assholes who tried to induce a seizure on the author though. And a lesser fuck you to the douchebags who say that adding an accessibility option that makes the lighting safer for epileptic people somehow ruins the game for everyone.
  21. Preload is available now it seems. The estimate said 30 days at 17kb/s, lol. It's not doing that though, taking about 4 hours. Steam servers must be a bit busy for this.
  22. Sharing this for people like @iDOL just getting into Fire Pro World, a bit of a showcase to show what can be done with entrance craft. All attire parts and taunts are things you can get from the base game + DLC. Edit- Audio muted Oddly, they do have audio in the full stream. Already skipped ahead to the right bit:
  23. tbh I don't put much stock in reviews in general. The Gamespot one I read out of curiosity, and it just felt like they didn't care for open world games that much, something I never quite understood (assigning people to review games of genres they dislike, that is). If you got two food reviewers, one is a vegan and one isn't, which would you send to review the new ribs place? THAT BEING SAID it being buggy at gold master for PC is a bit disheartening, but not entirely unexpected. Again, that's why QA folks being kept on matters. At any rate, I had already pre-ordered it anyway, Steam is going to let me pre-download it tommorrow morning and I finished Far Cry Primal (the game in my backlog I had been playing). So I'll probably be jumping in after my post-shift nap Thursday. I'll let you lot know how I feel as I go on.
  24. On the other hand, the most negative review I've seen basically describes a game like Yakuza 0 as a negative, so I'm not worried.
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