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Timmoru Suzuki

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Everything posted by Timmoru Suzuki

  1. This game is turning into a farse. Rooney has been substituted for his own sake (for Smith) because he was so close to getting sent off (cropped a few players, shoved Casillas into the crowd - he threw his armband down, and stormed off the pitch, didnt shake Smiths hand as he came on etc). We are going in strong in challenges (see Neville, Rooney, Cole, Lampard, Beckham), but the Spanish are going down like they have been shot. Raul's dived to get a pen, but Robinson saved. We also have Cole and Torres and Neville and Reyes squaring up to each other every time they get close, and shoving, kicking fouling each other etc, and the fact England haven't put 3 passed together all half. This is one fucking foul every other second, and this is getting heated, and becoming a farse. Discuss. Spain are winning 1-0 BTW. And are beginning to take us to school.
  2. Something well funny just happened to me - I'd just done the 'Home Invasion' mission, and thought breaking into peoples homes was pretty cool, so I thought I'd break into a few more. I got the Boxville (thats what its called right?) opposite the gym in Ganton, and found a house. I walked thorugh the front door - and their were three people sat staring back at me! There was a short pause - seemed like a few seconds - with us just staring at each other waiting for the other to react, then they all reached down for their guns and started firing! It was well funny. I do however have two questions: 1) Are their any houses near where you find the Boxville opposite the gym? I wasted half my time finding somewhere. 2) Do you have to be BACK at the lock-up in the time limit, or just have got out of the house? If its just out of the house fair enough, but to get to a house, steal summat and get back makes it a challenge...........
  3. I just failed the Ceasar Vaialpino (sp) mission, where you have to bounce the low-rider in time with the music. I only just lost (by around 50 or so points I think), thats good for me considering how shite I tend to be at such kinda games. I also hit the gym a bit too.
  4. I've had the game since Sunday, and have hardly done any missions (Seriously, I have only just met the Emmet guy). Instead, I have just been hitting the gym and exploring. I just played two days in the game. 1st, I just drove about Los Santos, and did a bit of shopping (A guy has to look his best). The 2nd day, I drove out into the sticks, and explored a few little villages like Montgomery, Palomino Creek etc, saw (and maybe caused) a mini pile-up on the intersection, and did some off-track betting, and killed some random hillbilly types. I'll probably just go to the gym for the next few days too. To be honest, in previous GTA games, I was never one for missions, juts liked to cruise around, and do whatever took my fancy. So, whats everyone doing in San Andreas now? Missions? Driving round and exploring? Killing Spree's? Shopping spree's?
  5. I couldnt do this either, but that was because I couldn't ride a bike. I kicked a car (go up to one and press triangle). They are quicker and safer. Go to the yellow blip on the radar. The radar itself confused the hell out of me at first, but I have gotten more used to it. Just head for the yellow dot, and do as AppleShampoo rightly suggests. You can always use the fold-up map that comes with the game too if that makes things easier.
  6. Thanks for all the help guys! Seriously, many thanks. In the end, I just nicked a car..........
  7. Doesn't the game tell you to hold down X??????????? It's that fucking simple?????? Yeah, I remember how to run. I was thinking of just running my way back actually. *Cries* It's that simple.............
  8. Alright, the last GTA game I played was GTA3, which I completed, and loved to bits. I wasn't going to bother with SA, but after reading reviews and topics on this forum, I decided to get it. Firstly, Its taking a bit of getting used to (only because I Instinctively go for the d-pad). Anyway, I begin the first mission, and use the L-Stick to move CJ as instructed. Get on the bike. Hold down X as instructed. I want to move CJ forward, so I press up on the L-Stick. Only CJ decides, so kinda pedal half round, and then stop, start, stop, start, so it takes me ages to get anywhere (with me shouting "MOVE! FUCKING MOVE!" at the top of my voice. I finally get going, even though I didnt seem to be doing anything different, and it suddenly reverts to its stop start motion - then gets going properly, then changes back and so on. On one occasion when I finally get moving, I run someone over. On a bike! Why use a machine gun to kill someone when I have the bike of doom!?!? Anyway, this guy I ran over had some mates with him, and they all start shooting me. Naturally, being weaponless and gutless, I want a quick escape - again hold forward on the d-pad and hold down X - only now CJ feels like doing wheelies. I turned the PS2 off at this point, after my parents shouted up to ask why I was once again shouting "GET FUCKING MOVING............MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At the top of my voice. So, in short, I fucking hate bikes, and if I ever get past these otherwise easy looking first mission(s) I will never use one again, and make a point to kill anyone I see riding one. And I suck at this. And I'm taking my frustration out now on GTA3, running round the Portland Island with a Uzi gunning everyone down
  9. Been getting into this way more recently. Scored my first 2 screamers, both with Duff (I play him on the right wing - when re-bounds fall outside the area, he slices them across goal with his left foot, thats how I scored the screamers, and cutting back and playing a deep ball into the back post works well). I'm slightly pissed at the transfer system in master league though, I have had bids for Defoe, Adriano, Jankulovski, Martins and Diomansy Kamara (loan) all turned down - it was never this hard to get players.
  10. Kinda SPOILERS I guess, but everyone seems to have gotten beyond it. To prove how shit I am at the game, I can't kill the heretic leader (and i'm only playing on normal difficulty). I stick a plasma grenade to one hologram killing it. The I get butchered by the other hologram and the leader. Time and time again. I fucking hate the Arbeiter. He seems to die twice as fast as Master Chief. On another note, vehicles drive so much better this time, and the graphics have improved soooooooo much. Only really enjoyed the 2 earth levels so far, but a mate, who has almost completed the game says their are some very good ones to come.
  11. Thanks! What do folk think to this? Its cheap and cheerful, but Amazon seem to be pushing it: DVD Player
  12. Ok, my current DVD player is getting very old (It's easily 3/4 years old), and i've been entertaining the thought of getting a new one - ideally a multi-region one. However, I'm not really well up on good makes/brands whatever, or good places to buy from - and i'm the suspicious type. I've mostly been looking around on amazon.co.uk, but if anyone can reccomend a good, cheap multi-region DVD player, or a good site to look at, that would be great. I am on a budget though so nothing way expensive. So, can anyone reccomend a good cheap DVD player, or a good site to look at/buy from (i'm gonna keep looking around myself). Thanks.
  13. Middlesborough are a good side, and could well finish in the top six, and get a good cup run in both Europe and the FA cup and Carling cup. They have had a good start to the season, and as JohnnyPerfect points out have been solid in Europe. Why call for his head? They have improved solidly season after season since he took over. (not sure if he signed these two, but) Ehiogu and Southgate have left them with a very solid defense, with Quedrue. Mendieta is a very good midfield player, and added to Boateng, Parlour, Downing, Zenden etch they have a very good midfield - particually for passing the ball about. They had all this last season - but couldn't score. This season they have signed Hasselbaink, who is easily one of the prem's best strikers, and he was scored a lot already this season. They also added Viduka who has a proven record for scoring where ever he has played. If these two stay injury free,and gel as a partnership Middlesborough may well have one of the best strike forces in the Prem. He has added some good solid 'squad' players also, like Nemeth, Riggott, Doriva, Job etc. Maccarone was a flop fair enough. Ricketts was too, but Christie was not a flop. He has had a bad time with injury's, but had a proven record in the prem before. I admit, he was never red-hot, but again, like Nemeth is a good solid squad player. He has spent a bit of money - but only Maccarone and Ricketts were flops. Every manager has them. And with players like Mendieta that he has added for bargain prices, these become even more meaningless. Plus, a lot of the 'shit loads' of money as you put it was spent at the start of this season. At least give them chance to settle in! And look at the quality they are - Hasselbaink, Viduka, Zenden (permanent), Parlour are all top quality players, particually Hasselbaink, and also Viduka if only for his goal scoring record. Added to that Reiziger, who when he gets back from injury is a very good, experienced right-back. He has also overseen the development of the clubs FA youth cup winning youth side, and the development of players like Parnaby, Downing and Morrison - Downing in particular looking very good. And you say all he has is a carling cup? Despite the fact this is his best squad so far, that is still 'new', have had a very good start, are still settling in, and have injury's - It still means they have won a major trophy more recently then you. In close, Boro are a good side, that could well push on the Champions league, and at least a UEFA cup place. Fans should not call for McClaren's head, he has done a very good job, and has built a very good side that can take it - and compete with the best. However, as TheGame3000uk points out, if at the end of the season they haven't achieved at least a UEFA cup place, then maybe it may be his time.
  14. Just had a game I quite enjoyed. Was Arsenal, and went 1-0 down to Man City without touching the ball once (about 2 mins game time). I was 2-1 by the 15th minute, and won 4-1 overall. I can't be arsed changing kits, bar Charltons. The Charlton kit on the game is horrible.........
  15. Cheers for the editing site Johnny! Its going to take a long, long time.............. Its been 45 mins, and i've done Club team names, and stadium names. Transfers, Club player names, national player names to go...........
  16. Thanks for the tips Johnny. How do you get the 2nd free-kick player to tap the ball? I can only get him to run and dummy it? Free-kicks are much better on this then they were on PES3 IMO.
  17. SHOOTING TIPS REQUIRED!!! I am hammering teams, but just not scoring - just had the perfect example, Chelsea vs. Villa. I had so many chances, but just couldnt score, and drew 0-0. I am creating way more chances then I ever did on Pro Evo 3, but just can't take them. Keepers seem to take up 90% of the net......... And Colly, I am having the exact same header problem myself
  18. Well I don't Adam and Eve it! I was Spain: SCORE:Spain 1-2 Romania SHOTS ON TARGET: Spain 12-2 Romania I dominated posession - Romania's first - a beautiful chipped through put Mutu athrough on goal, and he beat the keeper in a 1 vs. 1 situation. Naturally I wanted revenge: SCORE: Spain 0-1 Romania SHOTS ON TARGET: Spain 7-2 Romania I had most posession - Romania's goal - beautiful chipped through put Mutu athrough on goal, and he beat the keeper in a 1 vs. 1 situation. DAMN MY INABILITY TO DEFEND A CHIPPED THROUGH BALL! DAMN IT TO THE REACHES OF BLOODY HELL!!! My shooting needs serious work too
  19. Is it me, or is this game goalpost obsessed? Anyway, I am liking this more. Does anyone find it harder shooting. Nearly all my shots go right at the keeper. I have trouble finding corners. They've obviously tightened it up since ProEvo3.
  20. Cheers to whoever suggested moving the camera in, but it still isn't the same as PES3. I like this more now, but still prefer 3. I can't decide between the camera's. I find the default better for taking people on, and for medium/long range passing, but I always score more zoomed in, and find that better for short passing. If only there was a medium - like I dunno, the PES3 camera. I seem to win 1-0 every game on default camera, and 2-0 on zoomed in, but I play worse defensively. Ok, heading - the game REFUSES to let me score a header. Nearly every header I win goes high centre despite where I aim it. There are then these two examples of where I have missed headers that would have been harder to miss than score, despite doing everything right: 1) Henrik Pederson, Bolton vs. Fulham. Djorkaeff crosses from the left. Stelios nods down. Pederson, stood on the six yard line, in line with the left post now has a clear header from 6 yards out. Van Der Sar is also stood near his left post (like Pederson), meaning I just have to aim to the right, and have 90% of the goal to aim at. I aim to the right (to avoid Van Der Sar - anf giving me 90% of the goal to head into), and the ball goes RIGHT along goal and hits the right post. It has to be the worst miss in Pro Evo history, even though I did everything right 2) Wayne Rooney, England vs. Finland. Beckham corner from the right. Rooney, centre of goal, 6 yard box. Just has to aim to either side of Neimi (who is in the centre of his goal) and he wil score. Aim to the right - again, hits the fucking post from 6 yards out. I went in training to practise headers, and I was still hitting posts from close range, or headers were going centre, over depsite my aim. I dont like shooting in general as much either. Aiming as you would on Pro Evo 3, you always hit right at the keeper, so when I press down harder, it drags wide. BUT I will get used to it in time. The animation is FAR better though, and the dribbling is just right - dribbling stat count for something this time around. It is easier to take people on, but not too easy. It is better weighted, so Rooney, Giggs, Ronaldo etc can get past people, it is ace. AND looks SO fucking cool Plus, as Johnny Ace points out, free kicks are a lot better. It's easier to get the ball over the wall, but the aim has to be possibly better. Its a much better system. But overall, my headers need serious help........
  21. I got it today, and it is NOWHERE near as good as Pro Evo 3. I haven't enjoyed my first few games on Pro Fifalution Soccer that much. The camera seems to be in the right place, but the players are about 1/16th the size they were on Pro Evo 3, meaning you either stick with the camera and sit really close to the tv and squint and just make out which side is which, or you select a closer camera, and lose a sense of seeing the pitch - you only get a section, and guess where other players are. The graphics look worse to this effect too - when zomed in to extreme range (like a headshot) they are fine, but in normal play, the small nature of players means you can hardly make players out and see who is who, and it seems like head/body/leg animations are blurred together and it just looks horrible. Because you can't tell who is who, you'll go for a long range effort with Lampard, only to find it's Wayne Bridge for example - you can always check the player indicator at the bottom, but that isn't always possible in the heat of the moment - and you could tell by looking on Pro Evo 3. Also because everything is so small, I could have sworn on two or three occasions a keeper had tipped a shot over the bar, but once zoomed right in, the ball missed the keeper by miles. The menu screens are fucking awful, and again, everything is too small!!! This will damage my eyes beyond repair in days. The last FIFA game I played was FIFA 2003, and Konami have re-created it perfectly. This plays exactly like that - in all the ways mentioned above, and in the general way the game feels and plays - tackling is more luck then skill, the way crosses are delivered and attacked, the way passing is done, the entire way shots are shot (every shot either goes right at the keeper, or creeps just wide regardless of where you aim), and look, and the overall feel of the game. Headers are crap too - I dont think I've won more than 2/3 yet, and the ones i have have all gone miles over and wide regardless of aim. Passing is worse - Just played a half of a match, and 4/5 passes went nowhere near where I aimed them. Also a player will sprint to a loose ball, then suddenly slow down for no reason allowing an opposition player to steal it. On a plus side, all the new teams and league's and stuff are cool, and in matches new animations are good, and I really like how full-backs overlap and attack more. Ref's are spot on, and you can tell dribbling and speed stats count for much more now, also you can do some great little touches between players, when the passing system works, which it does every once in a while. I'll play it more tonight, but I may go back to Pro Evo 3, and may get distracted by Fable later.........
  22. Does anyone know the best month to release a western drama (think Deadwood. Because it is Deadwood), and a Computer animated Comedy (Family Guy the movie to be presise)? I was strugling with the game for a wee while, because I had ran out of idea's for films (plus I set the 'game ends when' standard to high, I was never going to release 100 films unless I made a bunch of straight to video porn or horror films), so I took a week or so off, and have come back with some better idea's for films now - rejuvinated!
  23. Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (from the DVD Boxset) 8.5/10 An excellent film, even with George's 'improvements'. It was a 9 before........ The Bourne Identity 7.75/10 Liked it more then when I saw it at the cinema, but I still don't see what all the fuss is about..........
  24. Man, that came as a real shock when I watched the news earlier. It's a shame, he was a great manager, and a very funny guy too. R.I.P
  25. Hellboy 6/10 Was worth seeing once, but nothing special.
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