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Timmoru Suzuki

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Everything posted by Timmoru Suzuki

  1. Damn. My first major mistep, a mystery called Chivalry bombed. But my two summer blockbusters, 'Bourne Again' (revisiting the Bourne Identity/Supremacy) and 'Superman vs. Batman vs. Spider-Man' (doing some films based on a Marvel/DC Colabaration) both did very well indeed. Best time to release a Sci-Fi Drama anyone? I was thinking November.
  2. My big problem now seems to be timing. I'll have 3/4 films ready to go at once, then nothing for months. Plus, I still needs to better work on budgets on films, but in my new game, nothings cost me much money yet, and I have have some huge sucesses (movies based on Halo, two on Justice League of America, two random action adventure movies in particular, and a low-budget horror movie that did average in the states, but made a killing abroad).
  3. Yeah, No books (last one I read was Ric Flair's book), but i've read Empire magazine and two Batman comics. Which is weird, cos I havent read a comic book in three years, but I just thought 'to hell with it', and got a couple of comic books the other day.
  4. Just guess work this, but presuming the HM ratings are American (I have no idea personally): All Audiences Children Teen-agers 13 Mature, 17 Mature, 18 Adult. We have U (All Audiences) Children (We don't have one for children, but you could change the name to PG. Not the same I know, but it's a free slot) Teen-agers 13 (could change to our 12A Rating) Mature, 17 (Could pass as our 15) Mature, 18 (Well, 18 obviously) Adult (well, most Adult films get 18 ratings, but you could always create a 21 rating) Not sure if that helped. OK, My question. When people say (like Chemical Inbalance) they have a budget of $75M, is that for everything - Physical Costs, stunts, effects, advertising, casting, the works, or is that just for production, production/casting, what? What i'm basically saying is the for the production values (and if so, how do you divide that among stuns, physical costs etc), or is it for 'the works'?
  5. Ok. In my first game, despite just winning an oscar for best picture (even though I had another nominated film that had higher test scores), I'm still hopelessly in debt. It was a film I accidently released straight to video too.......... Money is my only problem on HM. I keep loosing it. Only two films have made a profit so far, and I have released 6/7
  6. Quick question. Is there a way to add actors into the game once it has started? For instance, say I get two years into the game, then shock-horror, I realise Sean Bean isn't in the talent file i'm using. Would I be able to add him to my current game, decide his stats etc?
  7. Rat Race 8/10 Was thinking of 7.5/10, but i'm being generous. Tends to be 4/5 BIG laughs and little else, bar a couple of giggles. Also, it sometimes gets a bit too silly, even for the type of film it is. It is never concerned with cutting edge realism, isn't dramatic, and was never going to get any oscars, but it its a fun, silly film to wind down with, and to have some laughs at. I've seen it twice, and probably wouldn't mind seeing it again, but some of the big laughs that it relies on aren't as funny the second time round.
  8. The Martins 6/10 Not moving enough to be a drama, not funny enough to be a comedy, and not clever enough to be a mix of both. Wasn't bored watching it, but won't go out of my way to see it again. Never get to genuinely feel for the characters either, and their are only about 3 laughs in the whole film. Just average across the board.
  9. Apparently, his hosts went out of business, thats why the site has been down, and why I haven't been able to pay for and play the game. Hopefully it will be sorted out in a day or so. So, does anyone have any tips for a first time player - when I actually get started?
  10. Fight Club 9/10 A very very good film from start to finish, possibly with a slightly worse last half hour or so, but still a very good film.
  11. http://www.download.com/Hollywood-Mogul/30...tml?tag=lst-0-1 ←
  12. Big Fish 7.5/10 Was in store for an 8/10, but it gets poorer/looses it's way a bit the last half hour or so. Still, for the most part a thoroughly entertaining film that I reccomend most film fans see.
  13. Man, the site is still down, and all I want to do is download and pay for HM. Does anyone know whats going on, or any other ways to download and pay for the game?
  14. I had the demo of this a while ago, but got pissed off cos all bar one of my movies lost money. Plus I had no idea of budgets for advertising and effects and stuff, and my talent file was crappy. May get this though, this thread and the diary's in the Cube have got me interested. Plus, I have my first ever pay-packet to blow somehow......... And some decent idea's for films to boot. DAMN! The site is still down, and I want to buy this game!!! Anyone know whats going on? Also, what talent file to people use. I presume ROC uses his own, and Chemical Inbalance uses Tagams (if thats the right name), who uses what?
  15. School of Rock 7/10 A decent film, but for a comedy isn't that funny. Perfectly watchable, but nothing special. Jack Black is pretty good in this though.
  16. Equilibrium 7.5/10 A lot of films I have seen have been like this recently. Nothing bad, but not spectacular. A good film though, with some great fighting effects, and Christian Bale is very good. Worth seeing overall, but not exceptional.
  17. Why? Because he is a million times better then Mr. 'OH MY GOD I have no personality or natural charisma' Seaman. If he doesn'y go too OTT like he can, he could be a good captain. They should just cancel the show now though. Its gone on too long, and hasn't been funny for ages.
  18. True Romance 7/10 Nothing much I can say about this. It's no bad, but it's not overly good either. Good 'cameo' from Christopher Walken, and a few decent bits. Not great though by any stretch of the imagination.
  19. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 5.5/10 Meh. Nowhere near funny enough. Not much of a good story either. Meh.
  20. The Girl Next Door 7/10 Wahey! Two perfectly acceptable films in one day! Its not funny (as in REALLY funny, it has a few giggle's), but its not unfunny...... In fact all I can say is what I said about the 51st state - its pretty OK. Pretty ok................... Thats all I can say about it, its pretty OK. Not a bad way to pass an hour and three quarters, but nothing special. Nothing too much wrong, but nothing special. The bad thing is it drags on a bit, but thats about it. Nothing too bad here, just nothing above 'above average'
  21. The 51st State (Believe it had a different name in the states) 7/10 Pretty ok................... Thats all I can say about it, its pretty OK. Not a bad way to pass an hour and a half, but nothing special. Nothing too much wrong, but nothing special.
  22. Kill Bill Vol 2 9/10 Really enjoyed this one. Enjoyed it way more then the first (I liked the first, but not THAT much to be honest, but it was a good film). This is a terrific movie, that everyone should see. NOW! A couple of bits that let it down slightly (The Bride's escape from the coffin, tough that does fit in nicely with her Pai Mei training - was that is name, Ive forgotten already?, and a few bits where it was a little too pro-longed and drawn out - not in a good Pulp Fiction way - but more in a GET TO THE FUCKING POINT/OK I GET IT, MOVE ON way, but this is still a very very good movie.
  23. I am such a fucking idiot! It was three for £15 (which is still good) *Hides behind wall of embarrasment) I would have still gotten the three books, but they didn't have book one of anything apart from Megatokyo and Love Hina. (and Helsing, but I didn't want that anyway) Chobits started at book 2, Battle Royal at 2 Ranma 1/2 at book 16!!!!! I'll keep checking to see if they have more in, and thanks for all the reccomendations that I will act on. *One further embarrased look*
  24. Can't remember all I've seen. Spider-Man 2 8/10 Shrek 2 7.5/10 Starsky and Hutch 7/10 Eurotrip 6/10 Garfield 6/10 – Probably way better for kids. Shaun of the Dead 5/10 The Butterfly Effect 5/10 Van Helsing 4/10 That seems too few.
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