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Beefus of Bethesda

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Everything posted by Beefus of Bethesda

  1. NERDGASM. I got a long fucking week ahead of me, Skyward Sword and now a new Kirby that I had zero clue about until now.
  2. What a great fucking season, one of the best seasons in television in a long time.
  3. That was one of my favorite Bisping KO photoshops I've seen, thanks to the awesome guys at Bloody Elbow for that one.. and now for some more photoshops because like Lays you can't have just one. Bisping's first meal after being slammed by the almighty Fistos. For the Wrestling Fan Bisping making his best impression of a member of the Animal Kingdom There are many more but I choose the best three available. Man was it hard watching Bisping win, thankfully he even said himself he isn't deserving of a title shot.. bring on the Chael/Bisping match thats supposed to happen.
  4. FINALLY converted to a PS3. Beefus_of_Canada - Primarily play Gran Turismo 5 and will be playing SSFIV a lot more once my Arcade Stick gets here.
  5. The Jeep "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Edition"... Wow and Damn.

  6. Ahem, RockPaperScissors IS a Lawyer as far as I remember, there are quite a few in here, you're lucky Heel Turn isn;t in here telling you that your a fucking idiot.
  7. ........but The Apologetix parody shit and get paid for it. They don't get permission. And if they jumped off a bridge would you -- oh hell FUCKING JUMP YOU SHEEP!
  8. What are you trying to say? That is about as an original character as Sonichu.
  9. Mason Ryan thread is in there and I'm sure it has a few 3 letter acronyms in it. I could be wrong though.
  10. If and when a video of gameplay is made, somebody dig up Campbell and have him do another dub,
  11. The only Serious Parody in this thread is TOMK's signature.
  12. More like a gobshite, to be fair. I just watched that movie at my neighbors, it has its moments.
  13. Now address the IGN thread that you danced around, t'll buy your game if you do. Serious Bro, Serious.
  14. 2 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. *GASPS FOR AIR* ...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You.. can't be Serious, can you? As serious as a parody. I see what you did there. And I like it. A lot more than I like sockpuppets, Lamb Chops can burn in hell.
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