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Beefus of Bethesda

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Everything posted by Beefus of Bethesda

  1. Matt Mitrione Pound for Pound King via 2nd round cheeseburger. No but really, this is all Nelson.. I love me some Meathead though, that guy is just fun. EDIT: Facebook/YouTube Prelims are almost over, FX Prelims at the top of the hour. And for those who saw it, how fucking sweet was that armbar?
  2. Lady friend picked this up on Steam last week, so I've been playing iot on the 60 again to help her get acquainted with the maps when she plays herself, so count me in, I'll probably be killin zombies all day again today BeefusofCanada for the XBL, currently my mic is dead though so if you teamspeak, I just follow orders.
  3. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Those are the three best you could come up with?
  4. Yeah, Ok.. you haven't been saying that for the last 10 years, Disney drops 4b into your lap and suddenly your tune is changed. Thank Fuck. Disney can't do worse than Episodes 1-2, 3 was alright in the sense that this shit was finally over. I'll go see Ep 7, Disney hasn't shit the bed on anything in the last 15 years.
  5. Yeah I started a couple days ago, just finished up an hour long EXP raid [20k+ every 7 minutes] on the Ninja Rat things bumped me up a level and a half, not expecting to be challenged much until I reach the Arid Nexus or until my Bonus Package loses it's luster.
  6. DAT KNEE in all its glory. Yeah I'm thinking the same thing Victor Cui isn't stupid by any means, if there is gonna be a NYE show in Japan, expect it to be done by ONE FC or Inoki or a combination of both. Instead of double posting, here's a 62 year old man winning via Spinning Back Fist KO
  7. Yeah Sutter knows how to pace a season, after 3 straight bangers ending with the death of a member of the family you'd have to think that the next one would slow it down before cranking it up again.
  8. 2 weeks for the music and a week for the formations. OSU produces a new show every game. At least thats what the guy on reddit who claims to be apart of the band says.
  9. I laughed so hard at that and this gem he says about a half hour after that mission about Moxxi. Had to put down the controller.
  10. OHHHHH HO HO HO DAT KNEE TO THE BODY.. Bas would proud. Seriously, click that above link folks. Not one boring minute yet.
  11. All Women's MMA Card for free right now Invicta FC 3. First 2 shows have been firmly in my top 10 shows of the year, lots of finishes, lots of action, ya'll should check it out. http://wpc.4ec3.edgecastcdn.net/004EC3/fightnight/
  12. Say I bought a 3 month sub for gold at a Canadian retailer, could I give said code to my American friend so we can Borderlands?
  13. 3 levels above? Enemies never stop spawning? Oh fuck yes, my turret is gonna have a field day.
  14. You'll be able to do those missions after you get back to the place where everything happens.
  15. Seeing how my Commando is just now getting to the Caustic Caverns and this hasn't been posted yet... .. probably the coolest Easter Egg I've seen since the 90's.
  16. This. Also, looking at that gif.. it goes too fast for people to notice both knees hitting Cub in the face.
  17. Anybody remember what happened last time these two got together? I do.
  18. You could buy the CHL Package through your local provider if you want to go the legal route and theres sites like The First Row which has absolutely everything sports related on there, that site alone is saving me 400 bucks a year.
  19. Yeah I packed my Turtle Beach attachment cord but not the headset, I'll be live with that by Thursday or something.
  20. Well, 90% moved into the new place, Internet hasn't been switched over so I dug out my big blue ethernet cable and plugged 'er in.. I'll be on all day.
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