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Beefus of Bethesda

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Everything posted by Beefus of Bethesda

  1. Yeah that was a hell of an announcement last week. I still want to see Moo-saucy drop to 85.
  2. Brooks should take this decision. Cupcake is up next, always love watching that guy fight.
  3. He wasn't going anywhere in that kneebar, that one was locked up good and the look on his face was a look of pain, which under the Unified Rules along with a scream of pain [ala Chael v Filho] is grounds for a stoppage even if no tap has occurred, that said, Tan Dan is one of the worst refs in the sport and is going to catch all the flak for that. Fighter Safety and all that jazz.
  4. I almost want to strangle Tan Dan right now for that call. But that was a good stoppage, Jimmy Smith pointed it out, that was a justifiable stoppage. Would I have stopped it? Probably not, but I can agree with that stoppage. But I still want to strangle Tan Dan, he is awful.
  5. They're worth watching, shady business practices aside Bellator is fucking awesome on all fronts. Stream crapped out on me but I just caught the recap of the KO, that Awad guy hits like a fucking truck, pretty good for a guy who wasn;t supposed to be here a few days ago.
  6. Speaking of Bellator, its on right now. 4 Lightweight Tournament Fights, at least 3 of them are going to be good.
  7. As soon as Fox Sports 1 & 2 come out, no. Speed is Switching to FS1 which would take place of the FX cards and Fuel is being rebranded as FS2. FX will be completely moved away from sports at that point. EDIT: I don't condone pirating, but I do it almost exclusively, this would be a prime example to use one of those great .eu streaming sites, as the Fuel card coming up from England will have a title fight.
  8. Reasons like this is why I love the Bloody Elbow community, I may not post a lot but my god are the a dedicated bunch to the sport. http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2013/1/29/3928296/ufc-roster-current-list-fighters
  9. President Bay-Kon.. Wrap your head around that one

  10. Couple days ago when I found out the rest of my week was free, lady friend would be out of town and nobody had any plans, so I made the leap.. I downloaded The Wire. In Season 3 now, this show is brilliant.
  11. Well, looks like I'm getting a 3DS soon.

    1. Chris2K


      If it's Pokémon related then I'm probably going to as well, although not until the prices go down in a few months. Might even just get a used one if I have to.

    2. Beefus of Bethesda

      Beefus of Bethesda

      Only reason I'd get one, I'll probably get one on the cheap, friends father does DS repairs on the side, could probably build me a frank3nDS like my old DSlite.

  12. Saw the trailer for this on Saturday just after the misses left she came back up about 30 seconds in because she heard me yelling "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" and "IS THIS REALLY A THING?" and wanted to know what my problem was.
  13. PCSX2 is completely legal providing you own a PS2 for the bios and that you own a hard copy of the game you want to play (Y) Notice how I said "play on their computer". BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, People still believe that? But yes, I am so going to be doing this when I get a video card that doesn't suck.
  14. As a guy who paid full price for it, you'd be stupid not to, 3 years later, the game is still immensely fun. I'd go out and get the Cold Stream DLC if you haven't already, adds the mentioned Cold Stream campaign along with the rest of the L4D1 maps that weren't already in the game bringing the total campaigns up to 13. Pisses me off every time I see the Forza Porsche pack on sale since I bought it and about 3000+ in points worth of DLC the day before the last sale. I could have got 3-4 more games that week that I normally wouldn't have justified a purchase for.
  15. So this update is now on minute fucking 45, I am getting annoyed with it but the sheer joy of having my new toy that I have been waiting for since last year's E3 is helpijng me cope. ZombiiU is laying in wait.
  16. +Holy Slow NUpdate Ninty.. I wanna play my Wii U now. :( Oh well EWB is always relevent.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      This is why you say no to the update and make it do it whilst you sleep!

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