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Stevie B

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Everything posted by Stevie B

  1. Stevie B

    Harry Potter

    I was by 24 hour Tesco's last night at 12, and it went on sale there and then. Whilst driving home i saw a passenger eagerly reading away.
  2. I thought it was good, but not something i would really wanna see again. Thing what bugged me was that Batman was trying to save Gotham City, yet in the process they more or less destroyed it by blowing the monorail up, which would of destroyed the majority of the city.
  3. Would you be able to back that intelligence up though, like Science does?
  4. That's not really rap, that's garage. To be more specific im gunning more for tunes involving fast and loud rap with maybe mixed within jungle? Please don't say Jungle Is Massive.
  5. Lesley replied to my message on Faceparty! Science isn't thick. He's probaly the most intelligent housemate since John Tickle, hense why he calls himself Science.
  6. Im looking for some tunes, which have fast rapping in, yet don't sound boring and repetitive. Tunes can include partial fast rapping, just any tuns that contains a bit of fast uplifting rap. Any suggestions?
  7. I remember the good olde days with just 150... since then it's got mind bobbling.
  8. Virtua Tennnis 2 is awesome!
  9. My love for Sam has grown.
  10. Think Maxwell has watched The Football Factory one too many times...
  11. Damn Vanessa is such a dappy bitch... get rid of her.
  12. SHould of maybe had a picture of the ECW arena in the background? That would rock!
  13. You think a 'woman' that looks like Dwight Yorke in drag is attractive. You fail. ← Quote of the Day.
  14. Bah Gawd Science threw... a bin.
  15. Big Brother's Big Mouth was a load of shit...
  16. Will BB be on 10pm every week night just like the previous years?
  17. Pass the ball, then shoot. You will score 7/10 free kicks that way. If you wanna master the free kick, just line up about an inch away from the post, and hold the meter down about halfway for the height, and iut should float in. You may have to hold the arrow key the corner your shooting in to give it a little curl to beat the keeper.
  18. Should of been posted in the Coin Up Arcade Sub-Forum really. I haven't heard anything about the new game yet.
  19. http://www.ludoteka.com It's Spanish site though...
  20. I liked 'When 2 become 1'.......
  21. Stevie B


    Wetrix. I was the first ever member of the public to play that game! ... even though it does kinda suck.
  22. Can the latest Counterstrike be played without Half Life 2?
  23. Chemical Brothers. Reel Big Fish. Finch. Lethal Bizzie.
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