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Stevie B

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Everything posted by Stevie B

  1. Does it have a monthly suscription?
  2. The Commodore 64 Years. Terminator 2. Teenage mutant hero turtles. Rollaround. Dizzy series. Newzealand Story. Rainbow Island. James Pond. Arnie. Robocop. 3D Snooker. Creatures 2. Snicks. Paperboy. WWF game.
  3. Stevie B

    Madden 2005

    You must be an Apple Mac user. Not a big fan of Madden so much, mainly because i don't know the rules to American Football, but wouldn't mind giving this game a whizz online once my PS2 goes online.
  4. If the sex is fitted into a mainstream story, then i say it's fine as it would just add to the realism of the game. Some games are looking for the 'real life' feature, and what would real life be without the regular bonk?
  5. I don't know why, but from the screenshots, this game reminds me of Shenmue. I don't know why, it just looks more like an RPG than Grand-Theft-Auto style game.
  6. I won my Dreamcast along with WWF Royal Rumble, so that's the only reason i have a Dreamcast.
  7. Just because the plastic caseing fell off, doesn't mean the Xbox won't work though.
  8. Gamestation's retro games are a bit pricey. There selling Super Mario All Stars in a battered up box (and i mean battered), no instructions and dirty cartridge for 18 quid!
  9. In some games though, sequeals are different campared to the last one made. For example, take Shenmue. The first one was set in Japan. The sequel to Shenmue was leading off of the first one, but it was in a totally different setting and just seemed like a different game altogether. The other type of sequel, which is common sport games is basically just an update. I haven't noticed much difference in the FIFA games since 2003, as they all look the same. Overall, i like sequels that are based on the same engine, but are a different game, why fix something if it's not broken?
  10. I used to play Counter Strike online, but damn that was so bludey hard, as the standard of most players was immense! I started to play Medal of Honour online, but damn that's hard too.
  11. To celebrate the 1000th number one, which was by Elvis last month, in one of the National papers they printed a list of every number one, dating back to the fifties. I have the list somewhere but since you have your information, i don't need to look anything up.
  12. Slough has two Game stores. One which deals with regular new stuff (like most stores) and the other one which deals with Trade-In games. The Trade-In Game is the one which has been promoting old skool gaming over last few months, but guess they realised the old skool phrase had died out, so there just flogging it all off cheap. (either that or there shutting down the trade-in Game, as it's probaly expensive to run two Game stores in one town).
  13. I was looking to pick one up on Ebay, since the only one ive seen in the High Street is going for 45 quid, w/out a box in Gamestation.
  14. Dreamcast Internet is no longer online. I probaly pick Chu Chu up tomorrow just for the fun of it.
  15. Game (UK High street Shop) have decided bringing back Retro Games has gone out of fashion so they have started to sell of all their mega drive games they have. Went in Game yesterday, and amonst the rabble of Mega Drive games, i noticed a few Dreamcast games. Turns out there getting rid of their remaining Dreamcast games aswell. I wanted to bulk up my collection so i brought a copy of each game they had in the basket. * WWF Attitude. * Trick Style. * Shadow Man, * F1 World Grand Prix. * Toy Racer. Don't reckon there any good, but my Dreamcast game shelf looks better with additional games. Left in the basket are about 5 copies of Chu Chu Rocket and another copy of WWF Attitude. Damn i didn't see it sooner as they might of had more 97p games avaliable. Would never of thought of seeing Dreamcast games going for soooo cheap....
  16. That could also be debated though since the statement brought up is that ROM's are legal, as a resource for back-up purposes. Say if i wanted to make a back-up of Super Mario Kart because my old cartridge is being held together by tape, would i be wrong in asking for a link to a ROM, which i can download, so i can still enjoy playing Super Mario Kart once my cartridge dies?
  17. To what extent are we allowed to talk about ROM/Emulation on these boards?
  18. The Newzeland Story. Rainbow Island. Dizzy. Creatures 2. Damn Commodore 64 games had nice catchy theme tunes.
  19. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of liberty.
  20. Someone knows there stuff. :thumbsup: Bugged me how Ryo never took enough interest in Nozomi though.
  21. Awesomeness, they made a Takeshi game for the NES, may need to check into this. Haven't watched Takeshi's Castle in quite a while, but it is really good. Takeshi Mania started couple years ago in the UK when they first started to air it on Challenge. Since Takeshi though, Challenge decided that Japan stuff brings in viewers, so now they started to bring a load of Japanese shows onto Challenge like Sushi TV... unfortunatly they don't measure up to the goldness of Takeshi. Anyone seen the episode where Craig Charles is raving about one guy all the way through, who he names 'Mr Technique'? He had to be the best contestant EVER!
  22. Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For Scissor Sisters - Filthy/Gorgeous Lemar - If There's Any Justice Man the chart is a pile of shite...
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