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Everything posted by VerbalPuke

  1. So I saw Sing 2 today. Second time seeing it actually. First my daughter and I saw it over Christmas break. Then today me and all three of the kids saw it. It's a really fun movie.
  2. I don't know how to embed tweets but Aaron Rodgers had this to say: "Great quote by Aaron Rodgers on Biden: "When the president of the US says, 'pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes." wut.....
  3. He was in another movie called Freak i think it was? He played an abusive dad and was pretty good in it.
  4. Bummer. I like Meatloaf, as everybody said his stuff was bombastic but it worked. Some of it felt like a Baptist church guy belting out love songs, but then I feel like it has elements of do-wop and 50s rock. Really a bummer.
  5. For me its something I might buy every few years. But after a price drop. Its not bad in limited doses but yeah I haven't bought these games in back to back years since....2010 maybe? Then it was 13 and 18?
  6. The deputy said McDowell, who makes his living as a defensive tackle with swift bursts of violence. lol. That whole article is something but that line in particular is funny.
  7. Yea. The jam sessions tend to go longer than if we were to make them actual songs. I think I keep them long because I like to figure out what works, what doesn't, and where a fill/bass line/leas guitar part might work in the framework pf the song.
  8. Couple more... This one was my favorite. I'm on drums and I suck compared to my dudes jamming on guitar and bass. Still, this one is a good track ,it's 8 minutes, if you want to skip to like 3 minutes in thats fine, thats when my drumming gets a bit better. Me on guitar. I'm trash at trying to play lead, again my mediocrity is saved by superior musicians.
  9. Caldwell is a good coach that can get a bad team on the right track. His players LOVE him and he can get a lot of out of a little. You can argue he could have done better in Detroit, but he'd probably do well going somewhere that isn't a total rebuild.
  10. I'm probably the worst person to talk you out of buying something to do with music. I always encourage frivolous purchases when it pertains to creating music. So buy that shit.
  11. Cheers. I think we all meshed well last week, probably will do it again soon sometime I'd imagine.
  12. Nice to see Buffalo whooping New England.
  13. fuck it....I hope Cinci goes all the way. I always kind of dug them. Better them than fucking Green Bay or the Rams.
  14. So lots and lots more music. Me on bass, Larry on Drums, Adam on Guitar. The picture below for this track is from my old backyard and is a picture of Larry's moms backyard. I miss that house so much. This next track is me on bass again, Larry on drums, Adam on guitar. A fun surf tune. Me on drums, Larry on guitar, Adam on bass. I like jamming with these dudes because they're really good and make me look good. But also because they're some of my best friends in the world and are just the most wonderful people to know.
  15. Yeah, you pretty much have to swallow them up in the end zone.
  16. Man...I'd fucking stear clear of anything Patriot as a head coach. We got fucking burned so bad on Quinn and Patricia....wouldn't wish that on anybody.
  17. Nice, my son literally asked me a day ago if we could go see it but I told it would probably be on Disney+ soon.
  18. VerbalPuke

    The Punk Thread

    Ah shit....Big Boys are another good example of a "straddle the line" sorta deal. Hardcore punk but sometimes really funky and dancy tunes were done. They had a reputation as "funk punks".
  19. Thanks, yeah its fucking pretty raw with the fuzzy bass added. So Sundays jam proved fruitful. I have a lot to mix but wanted this one done asap. Probably my favorite of the day. I'm on drums, friend on guitar, friend on bass. They're both great musicians, dude on guitar especially, he can play anything well. My drumming is a bit eh at first but improves. This one is kinda long but I think feels shorter. Listen to Thought It Would Never End by VerbalRick on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/T38yM
  20. This is exceptionally exciting news. I am fucking ready.
  21. Dude, me and my kids still laugh at that shit. Bob Saget was awesome, this really sucks. Wholesome dad, vulgar comedian, total pro.
  22. Definitely. I'm thinking get Hutch or Thibs, then maybe LB and WR at the next two picks. Maybe add a tackle (I'm actually inclined to think we can cross train Evan Brown as a back up guard and center, he played well in Ragnows absence). Dare I say we may be able to attract free agents if word is out that our coaches are good guys to play for. Oh, I think I'd also add a young arm in the draft. Later on though....Boyle and Blough aint it.
  23. Yea, I'd rather have the win. We're guaranteed #2 and either Hutchinson or Thibodaux will be there. Credit to Goff...he finished the season strong.
  24. VerbalPuke

    The Punk Thread

    Here's a cool Dead Milkmen thing.
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