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Everything posted by VerbalPuke

  1. @damhausen Any insight on Chris Board? The Lions signed him, looks like he was a special teams guy and depth LB? He seems to be our replacement for Jalen Reeves-Maybin that went to Houston.
  2. I don't know where The came from. I think when I watched Season 1 I had been eating a lot of edibles so everything seemed deeper to me. I'd probably go with Daredevil overall as my favorite. Season 1 of Jessica Jones was great, as was Season 1 of Luke Cage. I liked everything Punisher, but he's always been one of my favorites.
  3. I loved Iron Fist, thought it was great throughout. I think I was sold when Danny Rand was upset about profiting of people's misery when he returns to the company. The
  4. So it seems there could be a few different ways of doing this. You can probably go midi to midi on the Synth and Looper, not sure which should be the slave or master, probably a preference thing. The scarlett doesn't appear to have a midi hook up, but thats ok. You can get basic guitar cables, plug them from the synth and looper directly into the Scarlett (the front two plug ins for your microphones ALSO can be used to plug an instrument cable directly, in effect make the recording program your amp). I think if you were to think of it in turns of if you were plugging a guitar in or a bass that might be the most obvious plan? So with mine, I've got my korg midi cable hooked to my drum machine, and then my drum machine to my Behringer TD-3. From there the Korg will control all three if I use the sequencer. The Midi cable should ideally sync the internal clocks, but I don't know if the Boss has that. I don't know how the looper would react with the synth exactly. Check these resources as they might be smarter than me...
  5. I was kind of drunk yesterday so yeah you're right. I mixed the two up. Either way you're on the right track there. I'll respond a bit more in depth a little later, still early.
  6. The Beatles honestly. Don't hate them, like them well enough, never hate hearing them, but really never go out of my way for them either.
  7. Ok so lets start from the beginning, and I apologize if it seems like I'm explaining like I'm trying to dumb it down, but I like going with an easy explanation so you know exactly what I mean. So an audio interface is a program on your computer to record music. They can be very expensive but there are great options that are free or cheap. Audacity is free and I think is very good for Audio Interface newbies, it can get the job done. I use Reaper, it is also free but with a caveat, you can use it for sixty days (not sixty days consecutively, but every time you use it it's a day). It's free but after the 60 days the program will remind you that the program is not free and they ask for a 60 dollar payment for the license. You can ignore that and keep using it. I paid the license because 60 dollars for an awesome audio interface is a bargain. A DAW, yes plug in to a CPU with a usb and Audacity or Reaper should read it. I agree with what you said yes. So... It would help if I knew what type of synth and looper she has. To give you an idea, I'm running a Korg Minilogue, A Behringer TD-3, and Arturia Drum Brute. All three have a "midi" hook up, looks similar to a microphone input but is skinner on the inputs. So I have those three hooked up together and essentially you use one synth as your "Master", it will control the other. The others that are not in control are known as "Slaves" (I swear I'm not making that terminology up). I usually plug my three synths in to my mixer individually via standard guitar jacks and I can then record or play them directly through my audio interface into my DAW. Can you plug her synth into an amp? Does the looper have a midi connection? There may be other ways to do this but that is how I know how to do it. For DAWS, I'd probably look at Presonus and Scarlett as they offer good quality products without breaking the bank (really depends on how many inputs she's looking for. I"m at a point where I have an entire mixing board/interface because I need 12 inputs. Obviously, a synth can get by with one or two).
  8. Three firsts is a nice haul, but Cleveland should be able recoup some of that with a Mayfield trade. I mean that type of haul, but a few decent picks I'd guess.
  9. I do sort of,I have my own set up.
  10. I like the Charles Harris re-signing, he played well. 2 years 14 mil isn't too bad and he's still young. Disappointed we missed out on Williams but I think Holmes isn't trying to kill our cap space while we rebuild. I
  11. I like that Chark signing. Low risk, high reward. We didn't commit stupid money. 6'4 and 4.3 speed, could be a steal if he can stay healthy. Much preferable to overpaying Allen Robinson.
  12. Lions are re-signing Evan Brown and Tracy Walker. I like both of those moves.
  13. Fuckkkk I fucking hate Tim Boyle. Well ok, I'm sure he's a nice guy but he's god awful.
  14. I'm just baffled that they got two firsts, two seconds, and Noah Fant. Noah Fant is a good young TE perfect for a young QB in Seattle.
  15. I love Russell Wilson but Seattle won that trade so hard.
  16. Probably best to not smoke pot as well.
  17. Gang of Four this Thursday, fucking stoked for that. Like with all the different stuff my wife and I listen to, its a relief this should be a relatively mellow show for my old ass haha.
  18. I told that joke in the donator thread and I'm glad it continues. In NFL news...um. i got none. Go Lions.
  19. Just finished the Eternals. Not bad, it was solid.
  20. This might make me sound awful but I may have reacted the same. Like "oh fuck fuck what do i do". I don't think he should get shit for this though.
  21. Yup. I read that but forgot Rice did it over his career. Kupp did it in a season. Granted my dude Calvin still has the 16 game receiving record. Who was his QB?
  22. I wrote this song for my wife, she turned 40 last week. I played it for her in front of a big party. People clapped.. Listen to Partner In Crime by VerbalRick on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/fpz5X
  23. Yea, like Stafford had his share of fuck ups in Detroit, but he really only had a superior defense once and never any fucking run game. And he did have great WRs, but look at how Tate, Jones, Golladay, and others fared without him. Hell, Cooper Kupp just had one of the greatest seasons of any WR in history. I think only Jerry Rice accomplished what he did in a season. He's always been ridiculously talented. I dare say he's close to Hall of Fame status with his ring now. I think one more good playoff run should solidify it.
  24. He's been doing that for years. I'm really fucking happy for him though. I'm not one of those Detroit Rams weirdos, but definitely excited for him. He's a genuinely good soul, he embraced Detroit, and well....didn't work out here but he's incredibly deserving.
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