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Moses Julep

The Donators
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Everything posted by Moses Julep

  1. I am so happy Veep called an episode C**tgate and the episode lived up to that name.
  2. I do wonder if that means Benzema is on the way out though.
  3. So realistically, what lineup is Roy most likely going with during the Euros?
  4. Flaked was painfully average with a few entertaining moments, at times it was trying to be a live action Bojack and failing but I guess if you're bored it's worth your time. I personally really enjoyed Love, but I will say that I hope the lead male character is probably one of the most annoying characters I have ever seen and I hope he dies in a fire. Though I am pretty sure this was done intentionally and I've read about some people feeling the same way about the Gillian Jacobs character, either it's a cool little show.
  5. Least funny of all is that no one slipped
  6. Am I the only one really intrigued by a dark version of Archie?
  7. Apparently Hatem Ben Arfa is going to Barcelona?
  8. I thought American Crime Story was the show of the year, then I thought it was Better Call Saul and now I am convinced it's Horace and Pete and I'm willing to call it one of the best things I've ever seen. It's hilarious, it's heartbreaking, it's beautiful, it's got some of the best acting I have seen and everyone should watch it.
  9. I didn't because it was really funny when he said he wouldn't let it slip and then he slipped and then he cost Liverpool the title.
  10. It's weird because he's not an annoying manager in the style of a Mourinho, but I for one take glee from Pep's failure to win the CL with Bayern.
  11. I think that was the best thing.
  12. I would be very entertained by a City/Athletico final. One team with a crazy attack and another with a terrifying defense.
  13. How far did you get? Because I will echo your sentiment until the second season, which is when the show really took a life of its own and became lovely. It's still obviously the same type of humour, but it took a different structure.
  14. Veep is still amazing despite the new show runner, I am relieved.
  15. We've been good before, but it had a lot to do with one player carrying the team, whether that was Carrick, Berbatov, Modric or Bale. Now we're good as a unit and this is fantastic.
  16. It's the money Spurs would get from Nike, not the quality of the kit. We're Jews remember?
  17. Never mind, I cannot read. I have no idea why Tobes isn't on the Player of the Year shortlist.
  18. American Crime Story went from being entertaining to just really fucking good. Awesome finale that somehow still managed to work even though the outcome was known. Just a really great show. In my opinion it's probably neck and neck with Better Call Saul for best show of the year. Sidenote, found out the forewoman on the jury actually played OJ's wife in the Naked Gun, which was kinda cool.
  19. Gerrard slipping is not just a fond memory for Chelsea fans, but, really, for all of mankind. Pure definition of schadenfreud.
  20. I think Chelsea fans sing about it even when they are not playing Liverpool because it was really funny when Gerrard slipped and cost Liverpool the title.
  21. It's not bad. It's a bit all over the place though, like the first few eps were not great, the middle ones caught my interest a bit and the finale is a bit of a clusterfuck. I guess you should watch it if you love Will Arnett or don't have anything else going on.
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