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Chris the Human

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Everything posted by Chris the Human

  1. I don't get all of the Juno love, so it's nomination ahead of other films somewhat bemuses me, but American Gangster!? It was two hours of shit we've seen before produced by two excellent actors playing roles they've played before.
  2. It's an absolute tragedy. The new news is that it was a reaction of his body to the combination of the pills and his case of pneumonia. The brand of sleeping pill (which I can't recall right now) has been the centre of controversy for a long time, and it seems it formed a lethal combination and caused him to have a cardiac arrest. That's what the Australian papers are saying, anyway.
  3. Best Film 1. No Country for Old Men 2. Eastern Promises 3. The Bourne Ultimatum 4. Hot Fuzz 5. Atonement Best Director 1. Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country For Old Men 2. James Mangold, 3:10 to Yuma 3. Zack Snyder, 300 4. David Fincher, Zodiac 5. Francis Lawrence, I Am Legend Best Actor 1. Viggo Mortensen, Eastern Promises 2. Russell Crowe, 3:10 to Yuma 3. James McAvoy, Atonement 4. Josh Brolin, No Country for Old Men 5. Mark Ruffallo, Zodiac Best Actress 1. Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth 2. Keira Knightley, Atonement 3. Ellen Page, Juno 4. Naomi Watts, Eastern Promises Best Supporting Actor 1. Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men 2. Tom Wilkinson, Michael Clayton 3. Ben Foster, 3:10 to Yuma 4. Robert Downey Jr, Zodiac 5. Michael Cera, Juno Best Supporting Actress 1. Saoirse Ronan, Atonement 2. Kelly MacDonald, No Country for Old Men 3. Romola Garai, Atonement Best Fight 1. Nikolai Luzhin vs. Czech Hitmen, Eastern Promises 2. Anton Chigurh vs. Llewellyn Moss, No Country for Old Men 3. Ben Wade vs. Dan Evans vs. Contention's Populace, 3:10 to Yuma 4. Jason Bourne vs. Desh Bouksani, The Bourne Ultimatum 5. The Spartans vs. The Persians, 300 Best Villain 1. Anton Chigurh, No Country For Old Men 2. Charlie Prince, 3:10 to Yuma 3. Xerxes, 300 4. Thomas Gabriel, Live Free or Die Hard 5. Flint Marko, Spiderman 3
  4. True enough, I guess. The Departed was a little more 'standard' though. I don't know. No Country for Old Men's violence seemed a little wanton. Innocents being killed. Women being killed. I have no idea what the reason would be - but there is no way Atonement was a better film than No Country for Old Men.
  5. As much as I liked Atonement, it winning ahead of No Country for Old Men is an absolute fucking tragedy. I suspect that Country's violence and the fact it wasn't a fairly standard film in terms of plot and style hurt it - because as good as Atonement was, it really didn't have anywhere near the style, scripting, or class of Country.
  6. No Country for Old Men I'm one film off having seen all of this year's Golden Globe contenders (still need to see There Will be Blood) and I think this is my new favourite. Atonement was ahead early, but the amazing cinematography, superb casting, and Javier Bardem's performance won this one over for me. I loved the continual cat and mouse and the way roles were constantly being reversed, and my only criticism would be the way in which one of the main characters is removed in what is essentially an 'off screen' way. It's realistic, I guess - nobody's death is ever as dramatic or heroic as they'd like to imagine it, but it confused the hell out of me for a while. Still, the best movie I've seen in a long while. 10/10
  7. Eastern Promises A really classy movie. I didn't expect a great deal, having not heard much about it, but it really was a tremendous film. Viggo Mortensen shows why he's probably long overdue for an Oscar nomination with a very gritty performance, the plot is slick and well written, and that fight scene... one of the best I've scene, copius wang shots aside. 9/10
  8. Anyone played this? Is it worth my time? Was a Christmas gift and I'd not heard anything about it - but most of the press I can find seems to be pretty split in its opinion.
  9. The hot doctor chick was Australian, Rose Byrne!
  10. My Last Breath is what TNA ripped off to create his TNA theme. Did he have a similar theme in the WWE as well?
  11. Rage isn't a virus. It's not a disease. It's not an ailment. It's a symptom. An emotion. The French word for Rabies. It's a 'real thing' but not in the way the movie portrays it - nor is it something you can 'catch' as a singular thing. It's a symptom or a side effect, nothing more.
  12. I'm resurrectng an old thread, but I did see this the other day and enjoyed it. Not a patch on the original, I thought, but still had some good seasons in it. That opening scene and the scene in the darkened garage were just awesome - plus stupid Americans dooming the world with their arrogance was the best possible way to continue the storyline after explaining away the virus early on. Wasn't sure I liked the wanton killing done by soldiers to 'contain the virus', even when it was clear the people being killed were not infected (case in point, the soldier who they flame to death while he's pushing a car). I suppose I'll go and see the third, just because I like anything with zombies/they're not zombies, they're infected in them.
  13. I can say come on Everton without having to feel dirty. Any team is supportable if an Aussie is in the squad.
  14. What the hell happened in the Reading/Tottenham game? Crazy high score. Reading have lost games 6-4 and 7-4 this year, now
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