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Chris the Human

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Everything posted by Chris the Human

  1. Yeah, I'm a little concerned as to how they'll make a book that's smaller than one book of the LOTR trilogy into something that will add up to being longer than any one part of the LOTR trilogy. But, for now, I'll just bask in the knowledge that there'll be a fantasy film out in the not too distant future that doesn't suck.
  2. King Kong would have gone close too
  3. From reading around, Sam Raimi is rumoured to be interested in the project. I certainly wouldn't object to his contribution, Spiderman 3 aside.
  4. But no PJ as director? I don't know if I trust anybody else to do the setting he's essentially 'brought to life' justice.
  5. And there's the joke going too far <_
  6. So, apologies for bumping a three month old thread, but my browsing just introduced me to World of WhoreCraft. Easily the most awesome kind of porn ever. It starts with a WarCraft inspired fight scene complete with cheesy special effects, and quickly devolves. Hilarious shit.
  7. The Postal Service missing out makes me a sad panda. But I didn't vote, so I have nobody to blame but myself <_
  8. Alright, true to my word (albeit belatedly) I am finally reading The Long Walk. I was going to hold off until I read the book that inspired it - but that's taking forever.

  9. I like atmospheric stuff, I guess. Stuff like Sigur Ros, Mogwai etc.
  10. In no particular order: 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2. Stranger Than Fiction 3. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 4. The Shawshank Redemption 5. The Green Mile 6. Life is Beautiful 7. Oldboy 8. Pulp Fiction 9. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 10. A Clockwork Orange 11. American Beauty 12. The Departed 13. Fight Club 14. Match Point 15. L.A. Confidential
  11. I've really enjoyed these longer, more in depth episodes. If I had one criticism of the series in the past, it's been that the development of most characters outside of the big four (Dwight, Michael, Jim, and Pam) had been kept to a minimum. And even when it came to these guys, it would often take a few weeks for anything meaningful to come up. These past three episodes, they've made Michael a far more three dimensional character (ditto Jan, who was grating on my nerves). Dwight and Jim finding some kind of mutual respect for one another, however short lived, was a nice moment too. It's a pity we're back to half hour ones now. They're more laugh filled, I think, but a little less emotionally satisfying. A small thing I loved was Michael actually being liked at his other job, and not even realising it.
  12. I've only got the track YI included in Big Gay Playlist Volume III. Will have to track down more of their stuff.
  13. The third episode was the best thus far, I thought. The cheesy fight scene, the side characters (particularly the traveling salesman and the Southern Chinaman), and just cute little things. Cling wrap kissing and the Pooh references. This is just a slick, fun show. I doubted they'd be able to match the first episode, but so far both follow ups have been as good or better. Looking forward to seeing more.
  14. 1. Dr. Gregory House - House 2. Johnny Drama - Entourage 3. Captain Hero - Drawn Together 4. Hank Moody - Californication 5. Dwight Schrute - The Office (US) 6. Gob Bluth - Arrested Development 7. Mr. Eko - Lost (RIP ) 8. Eric Cartman - Southpark 9. Seth Cohen - The OC 10. Homer Simpson - The Simpsons
  15. You'll be pleased to know, then, that I'm in the process of working on a third (and hopefully) final attempt at the concept :-P

    In the meantime, Heaven Can Wait!

  16. Surely The Corrs aren't a girl band in the traditional, manufactured pop sense. There are three girls, I'll grant you, but there's Jim and the fact they write their own music and play their own instruments. That automatically puts them beyond the league of a general girl band in terms of actual talent
  17. Spice Girls - Too Much B*Witched - To You I Belong The Veronicas - 4Eva All Saints - Black Coffee Sugababes - Hole in the Head Atomic Kitten - It's Alright All songs I'll admit to listening to on occasion as guilty pleasures. That Eternal song is good too - but I didn't include them as I've not heard anything else by them.
  18. It's scary that you found that so quickly <_<

  19. How did Ahmed speak? I wasn't a fan when he was around. I just know a little about him from stories.

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