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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by Hobo

  1. time to get drunk

  2. Stop asking Chief O'Brien what's wrong. He's been timeshifting the whole goddamn episode. That is clearly what's wrong. It's always what's wrong.

  3. Who will be the first to challenge Carlito for the Carlito Championship? a) Carlito, b) Carlito, c) Carlito, d) Carlito, e) All of the above

  4. You remind me of the babe.

  5. You remind me of the babe.

  6. You remind me of the babe.

  7. For those of you anxiously awaiting the next update to U ALL GON DIE, I just bought the Sims 3 Pets expansion pack, so the possibility of riding around on a hell-horse is now wide open.

  8. Quote from EWBs actual rules: '16. Sousa runs everything up in this bitch.' One wrong move and he sends you to his Bacon Mines.

  9. Quote from EWBs actual rules: '16. Sousa runs everything up in this bitch.' One wrong move and he sends you to his Bacon Mines.

  10. Trying to get some Creative Ideas for EWR

  11. How did Bob Marley like his donuts?

  12. How do you actually patent a wrestling move?

  13. I'm amused "Who will challenge Carlito?","Who will challenge Giant Bernard?" etc. has become a running gag in so many threads it has nothing to do with. Maybe its to mock me, maybe its to ridicule me, but whatever the case, no publicity is bad publicity. Carry on.

  14. Lisa Foiles was a guest on my podcast and now she's got a huge billboard in Times Square. How long before they erect the LL billboard?

  15. I suggest we follow D&D rules and remember that trolls can regenerate all damage except fire damage.

  16. What I learned from this forum today: Never ever mention Chris Benoit...ever...oh shit.

  17. Guys, I saw a YouTube video with a woman talking, and her voice wasn't sexy! At all! It's like, here I am with my lotion and my wad of tissue ready to blow my load, and this woman just deflates my erection!

  18. I know a couple of people who could help out TEOL and his tight anus problem

  19. I wish someone would un-clench my anus.

  20. I miss the 90's/early 2000's :(

  21. I miss the 90's/early 2000's :(

  22. Might spend my Uni day off watching Arrested Development.

  23. Holy shiy I'm black!

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