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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by LL!

  1. Hey, guys. Quom is currently goint through male menopause and needs you guys to pay attention to his thread in the Lounge.

  2. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and JBL closer together.

  3. If he dies, he dies.

  4. If he dies, he dies.

  5. With the network premiere of Wrestlemania 28 coming up, which pop song do we expect to serve as Taker's entrance theme? Another Katy Perry? Nicky Minaj? Carly Rae Jepsen?

  6. With the network premiere of Wrestlemania 28 coming up, which pop song do we expect to serve as Taker's entrance theme? Another Katy Perry? Nicky Minaj? Carly Rae Jepsen?

  7. With the network premiere of Wrestlemania 28 coming up, which pop song do we expect to serve as Taker's entrance theme? Another Katy Perry? Nicky Minaj? Carly Rae Jepsen?

  8. With the network premiere of Wrestlemania 28 coming up, which pop song do we expect to serve as Taker's entrance theme? Another Katy Perry? Nicky Minaj? Carly Rae Jepsen?

  9. With the network premiere of Wrestlemania 28 coming up, which pop song do we expect to serve as Taker's entrance theme? Another Katy Perry? Nicky Minaj? Carly Rae Jepsen?

  10. Has an idea for a podcast, requires co-host. Not sex related. Instead miss manners or how to deal with a situation related. Apply within (by PM)

  11. LL knows a fag walk when he sees one

  12. Roses are red, violets are blue, fuck rhyming, just do me on this table right now Rich.

  13. Dan is on t' mobile

  14. Dan is on t' mobile

  15. Dan is on t' mobile

  16. Just reached 200 +1's. Only 999800 to go, we can do it guys!

  17. Don't fight fire with fire...it just creates more fire.

  18. People are out in the lobby singing Jesus songs really loudly He loves us apparently.

  19. Bring back the EWB Attitude Era! We want a to bring back a time when Dan could call an admin a cunt and get away with it! None of this kiddy PG mature era bullshit!

  20. I, The Unemployed Historian, am currently unable to edit my next episode, this makes me a sad panda. You could make me happier by being one of the 4 extra people to like me on Facebook in order to get my page on 50 likes! Go on! It's my birthday tomorrow! http://www.facebook.com/TheUnemployedHistorian

  21. Someone with a 360 and Worms, come play with me, LL and Ruki

  22. I am about to watch my first ever episode of Doctor Who. Wish me luck people!

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