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Enter Blue Guy

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Everything posted by Enter Blue Guy

  1. Kind of random, but a guy on Sherdog made this awesome highlight package for the Misaki/Akiyama fight from New Year's Eve. I think it's amazing. I love these type of highlights, rather than a bunch of clips of guys getting KO'd set to metal or rap. The story is Akiyama is a former judo stand out, he has huge heat in Japan for greasing up before fights (against Sakuraba) and as well as in judo bouts. Misaki is kind of a prick himself sometimes, but for the most part is a popular fighter coming out of the GRABAKA camp. Misaki doesn't like Akiyama for his lack of ethics. Akiyama, simply doesn't give a shit. It's put together very nicely. As much as MMA has succeed by separating itself from wrestling in North America, Japanese eat up the showmanship aspect of it, as do I. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4ka87_be...onflict-a_sport
  2. Bully was a good game. A lot of fun to shit around with when it was fresh. It was really easy, though. Like, shockingly easy. I haven't completed it 100%, so I don't know if you can go over it again and it's more difficult or what, but I bought and I was done the actual story mode in like 3 or 4 days, and I wasn't playing for hours at a time either. It was fun to get the best BMX and ride around seeing what things you can backflip and front flip over. But yeah, once kicking the shit out of everybody get way too easy, it got boring. There are only so many times I can beat the fuck out of 6 or 7 jocks at a time before it gets old. I thought it would be cool if they had like a street fighting mini game or something. Going around to different locations (the empty pool, the pit in the boiler room, etc) on different nights and fighting for money against actual tough opponents. I dunno, I can't perfectly describe how I picture it in my head, but I see being like a mini Def Jam Fight For New York type thing. EDIT: Talking about the PS2 verison
  3. It is short notice, so I'll give Strikeforce the benefit of the doubt. But yeah, there had to be somebody out there more deserving or more interesting that would have jumped all over this fight. I don't know if DREAM was hoping Melendez would take a spot in the tourney, maybe the rumor was overblown, but there are only 14 participants scheduled for the Grand Prix this weekend. Caol Uno is the other odd man out, who is injured, so I don't know whether they plan just plug somebody into the next round or I've heard rumors of having the 8th bout on another card too. Whatever, I'm just waiting for JZ vs. Aoki. First fight since Liddell vs.Silva that I've been counting the days for. Not that Liddell/Silva was that long ago, but I can't think of any other fight I've felt like has taken forever to happen in a long time.
  4. Heh, Cro Cop goes can hunting at the DREAM event. He's fighting Pancrase fighter Tatsuya Mizuno. This is instead of Yoshihiro Nakao, which at least would have been a notable match up. Unless Mizuno hits the ring with a 5 iron (pun intended), this should be a glorified heavy bag workout for Mirko. Yay. Not really. Ah, Mirko, you're home, buddy. Back to Japanese glory! Also, Gilbert Melendez will fight Gabe Lemley. Gilbert, get on that plane now. The Lightweight Grand Prix is waiting with open arms. Please. Interesting replacement for Rashad Evans against Thiago Silva. Antonio Mendes, who's posted an impressive 9-0 record fighting in 2007 fighting in Europe. He hasn't fought outside of Europe or Brazil, so no big names on his resume, but everybody's got to start somewhere. All of that news courtesy of Sherdog. Finally, Zuffa has launched mmafacts.com, a site to promote MMA using facts, stats, and other info in an effort to get the sport regulated in the state of New York. Pretty cool idea actually. I haven't taken that close of a look at it yet.
  5. I like the Swick vs. Davis match up. If Swick keeps this standing, no matter what the reach advantage is, I can see Davis catching him and putting him down. Also, on Kampmann vs. Rivera. I assume Okami is getting the next title shot and say he gets beat, I wouldn't be too surprised if Kampmann starts getting consideration for the number one contender after that. That's how thin the division is thanks to Anderson's dominance. Rich Franklin said even he doesn't want another rematch with Anderson because it's played out (or so he says). No sign of Lindland, Rich isn't going to get another shot at Anderson, too early for Marquardt to get another shot, Almeida could string together a few wins a earn a shot, but really, after Okami, a win for Kampmann should put him there with Cote for the next contender. Not that either guy is a serious threat to Silva. Both guys fit perfectly into the mold of fighters Anderson Silva destroys inside of 5 minutes. Marquardt should follow soon, if keeps winning. Then if Anderson Silva is still standing and Lindland isn't there... I'm stumped, unless somebody I'm missing puts strings together a few impressive wins. That's just random thoughts from my head.
  6. Add Roan Carneiro vs. Ryo Chonan to UFC 85 in London. (Y) Chuck Liddell vs. Rashad Evans Fabricio Werdum vs. Brandon Vera Martin Kampmann vs. Jorge Rivera Ryo Chonan vs. Roan Carneiro Rumored Marcus Davis vs. Mike Swick Also, Ed Herman vs. Demian Maia for UFC 83. Maia's name doesn't mean much, but he's one of the best grapplers in the World and undefeated in MMA, defeated Ryan Jensen at UFC 77. A lot of BJJ enthusiasts have huge hopes for this guy. Hasn't gotten any hype yet. Beating Herman would help.
  7. I like Drew Fickett, but he's one of those guys I will always see as the eternal underdog. He's mega talented, I hope he beats Shields so the era were Drew Fickett can truly be appreciated will begin. That was kind of exaggerated. I'd just like to see Drew pick up a big win for once. Also, Gilbert needs to drop his obligation to defend his title and get his ass to Japan ASAP. Like get on the next plane. Because I'm selfish like that.
  8. The audio commentary on the Office (US) DVDs are great. More funny most of the time, rather than informative. Well, for the most part. Jenna Fischer is NOT funny out of character. Not that I think she is overly funny in character either. BJ, Rainn, John, and the some of the staff (writers, producers, etc, I can't assed to remember their names) are really fun, so is Steve Carell when he actually does them. Being a big fish in a small pond doesn't leave a lot of time for audio commentaries. The first line of commentary I can remember was from Season one, one of the first episodes, when the Universal logo pops up with the music in the background, Rainn Wilson pipes in out of nowhere and says "that's me playing the French horn". I don't know why, but I laughed my ass off at that.
  9. It's in that blue part under the first controller slot.
  10. Ricco may be fat, but I'd put my money on him ripping one of Kimbo's limbs off. Cabbage seems like the right answer.
  11. Shamrock vs. Berry spoilers Spoiler: Click here to view Shamrock got KO'd in the first round
  12. Rampage is going to be the new Nike commercial with a bunch of other sports stars, that should work out nicely for him. I wouldn't say he is bigger than Chuck or even Tito (EDIT: At first I though you said he was a bigger name than Tito AND Chuck, my bad). Tito was one guy that everybody knew before UFC hit it big and he is still one of the most well-known, bankable stars in MMA. He's got tremendous name value, despite mixed feeling about him personally and professionally. Right now, Chuck is still the poster boy for the UFC. He has fallen from grace a bit, lost his belt, but I'd say even with the loss the Page, he is still a level above him in terms of popularity. More people relate Chucky to UFC or UFC to Chuck or whatever more than anybody else. Rampage's popularity is growing fast and it will continue to grow as he enjoys more success, but I'd say at this very moment, he's a step below Tito and Chuck in terms of popularity.
  13. I honestly think if this fight happened in the UFC, it would draw huge numbers. I'm going to go out and say that if a deal materializes, and this fight gets the pimping it deserves, you'd be surprised at the results. I don't know how you can say Randy isn't popular amongst casual fans. He's not the most popular, but he is easily one of the most well known, even amongst casual fans. IIRC, last year UFC 68 with the Randy vs. Sylvia main event was only out drawn by UFC 67 (Jackson vs. Liddell) and UFC 79 (Liddell vs. Silva/GSP vs. Hughes). UFC 74 with Couture vs. Gonzaga got better PPV numbers than UFC 76 too, which had Liddell vs. Jardine and Shogun vs. Forrest. You market this as champion vs. champion, the two top heavyweights in the World, with Randy's name value, the hyping of Fedor being the unbeatable champion from the East, the biggest fight ever, the hardcore fans will watch regardless, and the casual fans shouldn't be that hard to convince to buy it.
  14. Randy said on Bubba the Love Sponge he is in the process of setting up submission wrestling match with Kurt Angle. Not holding my breath.
  15. Jane Fonda was hot. She's actually still pretty good looking for somebody is probably 70 or older now, except she's got this weird Joker thing going on.
  16. There was this Michael Jackson video game for Sega that my friend used to rent all the time. As Michael Jackson, you had to save kidnapped children. They should make a sequel were you save kidnapped children from Michael Jackson. There's my unoriginal joke of the day.
  17. This is a stacked card, I can't wait for it, but isn't a little bit early for a pimp thread for it? Anyways, props to MMA fans for letting Spike know this card should not go to waste with just two hours, because the prelims could be a separate UFN on it's own. Hopefully the three hours will be packed with fights like fans are hoping for, instead of using the extra time as a shillfest. Got to please the sponsors, I guess. I'll be disappointed none the less, because I want to see everything on the card.
  18. His son, Ryan, will be on the card too. Besides seeing how the Shamrock family does, I'm interested in Silva vs. Imanari.
  19. I watching a lot of the Food Network. The Canadian version, though. I don't know how much different it is. I assume we get the same shows, except a lot later than in the States. As for as I know, Dinner: Impossible has only been on for one season in Canada. But yeah, I love the Food Network. I remember a comedian saying watching the channel stoned is like watching porn. Or it might have been the Food Network is like porn for fat people. Or maybe I've heard both, but I will definitely agree with the first one. We still get reruns of 30 Minute Meals in Canada and Rachel Ray makes the greatest munchies I've ever seen. Plus, she was pretty hot back then. Tyler Florence's show, Tyler's Ultimate, is by far my favorite, though.
  20. I hope they find a replacement. I mean, they should. The fight is three fucking months away.
  21. I don't know if anybody heard (or cares) but Peter Graham (a loudmouth K-1 fighter) and Kazuyuki Fujita got into it pretty heavy at the WVR press conference. http://www.sherdog.net/forums/showthread.php?t=741997 Pretty funny stuff. I love Fujita as a fighter. He's ballsy, entertaining, tough as nails, his lack of regard for his own defense and his raging bull fighting approach won me over a long time ago. Now my interest for this show has risen, just so I can see Fujita GnP his skull into dust. I love how Josh is just chilling in those pictures. And when ever there is a fight at a press conference, there is always that one guy laughing at the whole thing, which in this case is Gomi. Reminds me of Don Frye and Shammy getting into it at their press conference and Enson Inoue is cracking up in the background.
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