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Enter Blue Guy

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Everything posted by Enter Blue Guy

  1. I would do it, only the lack of microphone would hold me back. I'm guessing the built-in mic in my lappy would suck ass unless I pressed my mouth up right up to it. Now, if only I knew how to work the damn thing to test is crapability. A puckcast would be awesome because I'm the worst at getting my point across on screen. When I do try to get a point across, I usually end up typing a huge rambling paragraph for 20 minutes, then say "fuck it" and leave the thread. And by that point I'm still only halfway through my post. I need a mic.
  2. I really have no Bond preference in terms of actor. My five favorite films are Live and Let Die, Goldeneye, License to Kill, Moonraker, and Goldfinger. I have no clue which Bond films are well received and which ones aren't, but those are my honest favorites.
  3. Two fifth rounders. Not exactly the "assets" we were all creaming for a few weeks ago. It's not Fletch's fault, his hands are tied. (Sarcasm, I'm just sick of hearing his "hand are tied". We get it) Poor Fletchy, so much rejection, you'd think he was the ugly girl at the prom.
  4. Wow, looks like Kilger will actually survive trade deadline day. He was the one guy on the Leafs I was sure would be moved to a playoff team.
  5. If Brock would have chilled the fuck out for a second, he would have had complete side control and could have pounded Frank into the mat. It even looked like he could have full mounted Frank if he knew what he was doing, instead chose to hammerfist recklessly. No way was Mir going to get out from under there and he was in serious trouble before the foul. If somehow they ever ended up fighting, Brock would shoot a mega double leg, and unless Kimbo can catch him with something gwell timed, Brock is going spear him through canvas and pummel his remains. Internet MMA fans dismiss Brock because he's a ex pro-wrestling meathead with little MMA experience. Brock with his superior wrestling, super strength, and with hopefully improving stand up and BJJ (sub defense especially), he could definitely be a force in MMA just by taking opponents down, keeping them on there backs, pounded them, and hopefully avoid any sub attempts (easier said then done, obviously). He's working with Sean Sherk, which is perfect for him, because his success will come by way of becoming the heavyweight Sean Sherk. Not that Brock can do it overnight or anything... That's just what he needs to become. I don't hate Kimbo, but he's beaten three guys that by no means make him any more of a legit MMA threat than he did before. Working with Bas Rutten is huge and it seems like Bas is quite high on him. It doesn't hurt that Bas is probably making a nice chunk of change off of Kimbo either. Still, Kimbo hasn't even been tested on anything but fighting dudes with sloppy boxing. It'll be interesting when he'll be given somebody that won't stand to toe to toe and slug it out with him. I'm not sold on Kimbo being anything more than a solid draw for MMA yet. For the sake of comparing, I can see Brock being much more of a relevant presence in MMA in the future than Kimbo ever will be, if Brock sticks to it that is.
  6. For some reason Power Rangers seemed to go from cool to gay pretty quick at my school. The video game for SNES was amazing, though. And my aunt looks like Rita Repulsa. That red dude is strangely homoerotic for children, no?
  7. Thank you for my new signature. Jerome Bettis, the Bus-tapo?
  8. The legendary. Trailer: http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/5870/The-B...father/trailers Bought for $2.99 at a truckstop somewhere in Tennessee on a spring break roadtrip to Daytona a few years ago. Best three bucks I ever spent. It took me about six months or longer for me to get around to actually watching it.
  9. I'll have to catch that if I can. And yeah, Meltzer does write for Yahoo Sports. One thing I hate about MMA net fans is that they despise Meltzer solely because of his wrestling journalist background, when he is one of the best MMA reporters out there, if not the best.
  10. I saw episode four yesterday. It's the only episode I've seen, but man, I'm making sure to watch it every week now. It really toys with your emotions, I love it!
  11. That was Urulsa, though! EDIT: I'm sorry, I'm Friends obsessed.
  12. Off topic, Ursula is way hotter than Phoebe.
  13. All I know is Friends and Mad About You. EDIT: Oh, and Joey of course. And that site is really cool.
  14. Tank has got nothing to lose in this. He has his fans, me included, but even we know he is a washed up street fighter who doesn't take training seriously and just shows up to throw bombs. Kimbo, on the other hand, is training hard, with Bas fucking Rutten, and wants to continue making a name for himself in MMA. So much pressure on Kimbo's part, in front of his home crowd too.
  15. Friends is pretty much my favorite show ever and one of the few shows I've followed since almost the start. If I was to start naming favorite episodes, moments, etc, I'd be here all day. Actually, I started to do a list of favorites and was typing for 20 minutes before I realized there was no end in sight. I'll just add this. My favorite short scene starts at 2:10 of this clip. http://youtube.com/watch?v=zZY40rqUphk Admittedly, Friends is probably the saddest obsession in my life, I own all the seasons on DVD and have seen each episode a million times. Seriously. It's already on TV literally 10 times a day and if I'm bored I'll watch an episode or two from my DVDs. Usually when I'm doing school work I'll throw on a DVD and just let it play in the background. It eases the tension, makes writing a paper a little less stressful. And I'll go through all the seasons in order too, which is what I've been doing since I finished watching season 10 when it came out.
  16. It would be awesome if some how Fedor ended up in the UFC and fought Mir first, only to have Mir heelhook him inside of 2 minutes.
  17. It's a fun, harmless show that's surprisingly addictive. I like it. It's probably the best thing to watch on television while stoned, next to sports.
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