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Captain Kirk

The Donators
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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. I'd be up for a FF9 playthrough will need to dig it out and maybe put it on my psp. FF9 on the move.
  2. I'd be up for a EURO 2008 network game.
  3. I just finished watching season 3 yes I know I am behind, but was anyone else gutted when Charlie died? I actually hated him until the whole Desmond story kicked in and with his list etc. start genuinely caring about his character? Plus I heard they killed Jin off that's them killed my 2 favourite characters off in Eko and Jin now. There is only Desmond left now.
  4. Was there not an old bug where the chairman would buy keepers all the time if you didn't buy when he wanted you to?
  5. Anyone else think there new video is something of complete genius? Plus it is a pretty sweet tune as well.
  6. Dunst is the one person in the Spiderman trilogy I really can't stand. Changing the leads would be a good idea as it will just get more stale with the same cast and director I think.
  7. Anyone else find themselves a bit gutted at the end of Crisis Core?
  8. My love for "Think Twice" by Celine Dion is unhealthy and I don't like that music at all.
  9. Captain Kirk

    Nick Pitera

    Anyone seen this guy before? Seeing this video he has some amount of talent and an amazing range in his voice!
  10. More like 200,000 and only a minority caused trouble when I got to piccadilly station it was a sea of blue noone without Rangers tops look at how many in the riots had RFC tops on I know there was quite a few but it seems quite weird that the majority of rioters didn't have Rangers tops even though 99.8% of fans had Rangers tops on.
  11. It was more just highlighting Manchester's inability to control anything that day.
  12. No but it certainly doesn't help when the police start charging in from all directions with kids and women in the crowd, the fact is Manchester should never hold a sporting event again. They were complaining about the mess too, I don't think I seen one bin the whole time I was there.
  13. Funny that half of the rampaging fans had english and irish accents and not wearing rangers colours eh? The police lost control and were chasing people one way then back the other, even battering some guy that was on crutches too many people that weren't involved in the violence were needlessly hit by batons. Plus Piccadilly Station was a joke no trains leaving at all for hours. At the end of the day a blind man could have seen that Manchester wasn't prepared, everyone told the council and police about how many people would come down 2 fan zones that can hold 22,000 certainly isn't enough for even the first number that was thought would go down and there was a lot more than 100k there. As most papers have stated the trouble started when the riot police came in and ended when they left.
  14. No need to be bitter Kris Boyd is at Rangers now. Someone has to do something for Scotlands Co-efficient if Kilmarnock could qualify for Europe maybe they could maybe help but fat chance of that when you will be getting relegated next season.
  15. So is anyone heading to Manchester? I know I am not sure what fanzone I shall go to though.
  16. Monmouth Evil Monkeys in the USA A #4 Western Conference, best team in the league with massive depth.
  17. My team has now went 7-0 pummelling every team in the league, my FB now has 8 touchdowns.
  18. Kingdom Hearts on the PSP think it's called First Birth. Metal Gear Solid 4 Final Fantasy XIII Would have said Crisis Core but I've already completed it. If Beijing is anything like the old Sydney 2000 game then I want that too.
  19. I have a strange liking for Nick Lachey "What's Left of Me" for some unknown reason I just connect with it. Embarassingly I may have took the biscuit and ran to Africa with it.
  20. "Are you going to take me down Mark?" Nothing beats the classic "Put on the bill" line at the end of last season.
  21. When you have 6 shots on target I don't really think of that as surviving. If your going to bottle it at penalties then you don't deserve to be in the final.
  22. I love how after you shoot your enemies sometimes you'll see them run away holding their injuries. Unlike the usual you have to kill them or they keep shooting back at you.
  23. I get taxi's everywhere. Although I really prefer the driving in this GTA as its not all about unrealistic turning and speed I can now do the driving missions.
  24. Either he took one massive shit or perhaps the Wii board doesn't work properly? :s You can lose more than a pound a week but 3 pounds a day is not very good for you and I'm not sure it's possible without leprosy.
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