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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Yeah, if I didn't like the show it must have been that. Couldn't have been the idea of presenting fucking teen vampires in a serious light. However, I'm not trying to criticize the show. I didn't like it, but that's just my opinion. But constant bickering over the cancellation of one of your favorite TV shows is just that. Better shows have been cancelled with lesser uproar. Getting together on a message board and bitching isn't going to change anything.
  2. For fuck's sake, I don't think the Wonderfalls, Buffy and Roswell core of fans combined raised this much of a stink. Yes, The WB fucked up. So did FOX with Wonderfalls. So did UPN with Buffy. So did NBC, with the 15-20 shows they've cancelled like idiots over the past 10 years or so. From a ratings standpoint, so did ABC with Life with Bonnie. It happens. It's also just a TV show. The typical attention span of a television viewer is less than one second. Ding Ding! The one second expired like 5 months ago, just watch something else.
  3. From Justin 2 Kelly was probably the worst made movie I've ever seen, at least when you take into account budget and the such. However, it was infinitely more fun than In the Cut. In the Cut was no where near the worst made movie I've ever seen, but I've never been in as much hell watching as during that piece of shit. So somewhere in between those two films. Gigli was no where near the worst movie of all time. It wasn't even the worst movie of 2003, or the worst movie of August 2003. But when it rains it pours, critically speaking. You know what? Take everything I said about From Justin 2 Kelly and In the Cut back. Wing Commander was the worst movie of all time.
  4. Actually it's because the CFL has only 3 downs. Quarterbacks don't get two rushes before having to pass like in the NFL. It's also because the fields are bigger, and that Wide Recievers are faster. CFL is a great league, even if the one game I've been to this year was horrible. :ohwell:
  5. I'm figuring it'll be all FOX reality shows. So if you like COPS, Temptation Island, Joe Millionaire and the such, this is your network. Now if they had old Survivor, THAT would be a channel to order.
  6. True dat. In fairness to NBC, they've actually now renewed it for the next two seasons, which is a rarity among modern sitcoms (I believe it's one of two returning sitcoms for the network). The thing about Scrubs is that it somehow manages to not only maintain it's standard, but get better with each year. My Screwup is one of the best episodes of television I've ever seen. When it comes to Outstanding Performance by an Actor, how good a character isn't a factor, or at least it shouldn't be. The award should be given out to the actor who best performs his character, not the writer who best creates one. The fact of the matter is that Kiefer Sutherland took an extremely one dimensional character and made him into one of the best on Television. James Gandolfini curses alot. They were both excellent, but I'd still say that 3 Emmy nominations in its first season is quite an accomplishment. Am I the only one who thinks that John Ritter wouldn't want to be nominated for simply dying?
  7. The Punisher - 5/10 In the realm of comics, I've always liked the realism of Daredevil and The Punisher. Instead of some dainty teenager who is gifted with magical/super powers, The Punisher and Daredevil both were forced to make something of nothing. They were both motivated by revenge; Daredevil by the loss of his father and Punisher by the massacre of his family. However, where Daredevil succeeds and Punisher fails in the movie world is emotion. The Daredevil film makes strides to cast the lead as a sympathetic hero. We feel sorry as he loses his vision, and saddened by the loss of his father. We also understand the underlying revenge motive, and feel his anger. Jonathan Hensleigh's "The Punisher" is void of emotion; it's a heartless action film that relies far too much on archetypical dialogue and violence. Thomas Jane is actually competent as a stoic hero, but at times it goes from stoic to unrealistic. The action sequences are extremely well strung together, and there is a hint of sadness towards the end, but the style that the movie was made in is ultimately it's undoing. An unfortunate thumbs down.
  8. Norman Bates. But the Vaughn version. Because it's always better when Vince Vaughn does it. No matter how bad the movie turns out to be.
  9. Scrubs gets screwed for the third straight season. "My Screwup" should have vaulted the show into the Outstanding Comedy Series, and put both John C McGinley and Zach Braff in the acting categories, but of course not. No disrespect to the man, but John Ritter was in all of like 3 episodes of 8 Simple Rules season 2, Kelsey Grammer is shit, and David Nelson is overrated. As for the supporting actor category (which I suppose McGinley would have been in), Sean Hayes is no longer anything more than an unfunny stereotype, David Hyde Pierce is offensively unfunny, and either Peter Boyle or Brad Garrett should have been nominated. Not both of them. Scrubs got hosed. As for my Predictions: Obviously those are predictions, not my opinions on who should win. Who knows, perhaps my cynicism will be proven wrong, and all of the right people will win. LOL, NAAH!!!
  10. Ananas


    Most NHL games usuallly have a combined score of about 5 or 6 goals. Most starting goaltenders have a goals against average of less than 3, meaning that they usual give up 2-3 goals per game, not 6-7.
  11. Yeah, because terrorists hate those Greeks. If the Olympics were on American soil, maybe, but not in Athens.
  12. Ananas


    Don't you think there's something wrong with the AI when you get several 6-2's or 7-1 games on one night? I'll check out the updates, once those bastards at SIGames validate my membership.
  13. Ananas


    Sorry for the bump, I've been playing this game for about 5-6 hours and thought I'd pass along my thoughts. In short, it's crap. First off, it's highly unrealistic. I guess it's not too much of a shock when you factor in that it's been made by a British company, but whoever made it doesn't know hockey. You do NOT get 6-4 results in a hockey match. At least not 5-6 times per night in the league. Second of all, the engine is all together too similar to CM. You get comments from the commentary that seem altogether unlike hockey and too much like soccer IMO. I take issue with some of the AI and stats, but at least the stats can be fixed. Unless this game gets patched hardcore there's gonna be a lot of people who feel taken for their money. Not me of course ( ) but others.
  14. She's not that bad. Not on the level of Hilary Duff at least. Oh well. It's a shame, because she's actually not that bad on the acting level. If only she'd stick to that. On the other hand, it's not like you have to listen to it. There's a market for this kind of stuff and record labels would be counterproductive not to milk it. Didn't Hilary Duff have a number one album last year? Just saying, is all.
  15. http://members.tripod.com/~davidschutz/superman3.html I didn't know that bit about the Daily Star though. That's interesting.
  16. Bunch of Trailers/News: 1) The Trailer for the recently re-named Johnny Depp-starring Finding Neverland is here. I envisioned that the film would be good, and this trailer exceeds my expectations. 2) A Home At The End of the World - Trailer. This is an interesting film, which could go either way. When you do a really deadpan type of film, it can either be hugely satisfying or dull. The trailer seems to indicate the latter, hopefully that can be chalked up to low budget marketing. 3) Ocean's 12 - Trailer. I feel bad even linking you to this. It's nothing more than a graphical outlining of the plot and cast, without any movie or cast footage. Obviously they're behind in filming, I wouldn't be shocked if it doesn't make it's December premiere.
  17. The trailer can be seen here, for those who have missed it so far. I'm definitely looking forward to checking the film out, since Cho and Penn contributed greatly to the small roles they had in their respective films. It's great to see the supporting actors get a chance to shine.
  18. I don't get it... so... you DON'T like Prince?
  19. Not according to the Covers Project there isn't a new version
  20. Your favorite shows run in August? Even if it flops, do you really believe that they'll not show the next one? The Olympics are probably the longest standing tradition the western world has.
  21. Ella Enchanted - 5/10 I suppose to rag on a movie like this is a little unneccessary, since just about everyone in their right mind knows that this wasn't about to blow the hardcore movie fan away, but I likes bad movies, so I reviews bad movies. As far as the cream of the crap this year, you can do much worse. There are periods where the movie is charming, others where I'd even go as far as saying it's funny. Unfortunately, most of the pleasure I take from the film is in it's lesser points, which as always, amuse me. Anne Hathaway is charming, but if you promise Parminder Nagra, why only include her in 5 minutes? It seems counterproductive. As for the plot, how do you make a movie out of a girl that is overobedient? Ella Enchanted is full of promise, but next to none of it pans out. Thumbs down.
  22. Shouldn't this be in Sports? The Olympics probably will be a disaster. Not disaster on the level of Atlanta, but a disaster none the less. It's a shame that no one listened when people floated the idea of just having the Olympics in Sydney again.
  23. Bubba Ho Tep - 6.5/10 Movies like 3000 Miles to Graceland don't exactly give credibility to Elvis themed films. Neither does the opening 25 minutes to this one. However, once the theme of the movie itself (not to mention Ossie Davis) is introduced, the movie gets good. Really, really good. As for originality, I don't think I've ever seen a movie about mummies attacking a senior citizen's home which houses Elvis Presley and JFK before. Thumbs up, even if the opening makes you want to turn away.
  24. Daredevil, because of the extremely cool Kevin Smith-Joe Quesada stuff from series two. Then David Mack had to fuck it all up. Still, Daredevil owns.
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