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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Just thought I'd be helpful and point out that the trailer can be found here.
  2. This isn't a Ben Stiller starring vehicle, he's just the villain. Vaughny is the star of the movie, and he's perhaps the most talented comedic actor out there. His deadpan delivery is absolute gold.
  3. The early reviews for Joey have been great, but then again so were the early reviews for A Minute with Stan Hooper. The cast is as follows: Paulo Costanzo - Michael Matt LeBlanc - Joey Tribbiani Drea de Matteo - Gina Tribbiani Ashley Scott - Allison It's also been reported that Jennifer Coolidge has joined the cast, which in my opinion cheapens the whole thing. I've always thought that Drea de Matteo was horrible on The Sopranos, so I guess it all comes down to how funny Matt LeBlanc and Paulo Costanzo can be.
  4. They got pretty much the entire cast of crucial players back, including director, core cast and screenwriters, which is good. Don't lose faith, they're going on about as much backstory with this one as they had with the first film, so I'm sure it will turn out alright.
  5. Newsflash, NONE OF THOSE SHOWS ARE STILL ON TV! Some "craze" that was. The shows (like I said) that were actually having success were traditional sitcoms and cop dramas. All of those shows faded within a few seasons, and I'd like to point out that FOX stuck by Futurama and Family Guy longer than any of the other networks stuck by the other shows you mentioned. Judging by the fact that Comedy Central REPEATS of Family Guy are pulling in record ratings, it simply was ahead of its time. Like I said, the reruns have also done huge numbers. Read the whole story.
  6. Not really. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a guaranteed cash grab, and Lion's Gate wasn't too dim to pick that up. In the past year, they've released Dogville and The Girl With A Pearl Earing. To the best of my knowledge, those are the only good films they've released over that entire year. Lion's Gate will have a fluke hit here and there, but they release just as many shitty films as the rest of them. I must say that Focus Features and Miramax are my favorites when it comes to distributing unique films.
  7. 1) You're in no position to make a judgement on her character. 2) She does make mention to the show having a huge fanbase, acknowledging the business end of things. 3) Family Guy quite clearly was ahead of its time. It came around at a time in which conventional comedies and cop dramas ruled. Now, in 2004, off beat comedies are finding success, and it's the perfect time for the show to make its return. If something like that is so clear that I can see it myself, it's not unreasonable that the president of the FOX network would see that.
  8. The solution: Right click the file and Save As. Then, make sure the file ending is PDF.
  9. Because the networks' roles are to make money and they can do that by doing Reality TV (which people are eating up en masse). I'll be honest, I despise all reality TV not called The Osbournes or Survivor, but I'm not going to slight the networks for giving the majority what they want. They'd be insane not to.
  10. Just thought I'd repost this on the offchance someone else wanted to use it for reference. I've converted all four parts into a pdf file now, and what is good is that in the months since I've done the list, many trailers have popped online, and with the constant reshuffling of movie schedules, this is the most up to date version of the list. I've also added my ratings to the films on the list that I've seen so far. Enjoy, I guess. Right click, Save As, and make sure the file extension is .pdf. Bitch about how stupid some of my choices were in retrospect here.
  11. They're not a network. They're a cable channel. Come to think of it so is QVC.
  12. Actually, when you think of it, all of QVC is reality TV.
  13. Name one network that isn't guilty of jumping on the reality bandwagon too much. FOX, on the other hand, also has the most successful reality show on television.
  14. What the hell are you complaining about? So Gail Berman, the President of FOX Entertainment, isn't allowed to make decisions based on what will make her company the most money? Now, for one, she seems to have more of an interest in her programming than any of the network executives, taking vested interests in 24, The OC, Arrested Development and Family Guy. She was a big part of Family Guy's success in the first run, and once she became President of the network (last summer, well after Family Guy was cancelled) she ordered both a new series from Seth McFarlane and new episodes of the show. People should be thanking her, not just for her commitment to her network's programming, but because she was involved in developing most of the network's really good shows (24, Family Guy).
  15. Super Size Me - 9/10 I can't remember another documentary that combines entertainment value with impactfulness so well. From director Morgan Spurlock, Super Size Me chronicles a 30 day period over which Spurlock eats a complete 3 meal McDiet. Interspliced with this odd adventure is Spurlock's manifesto, railing against both the fast food chains themselves as well as those who have allowed themselves to become completely dependant on them. The most unique part of this documentary is it's unbiased presentation. Mr. Spurlock is openly a fan of fast food. In fact, he has a discussion with his girlfriend in which he rails her for suggesting he drop meat entirely. He also doesn't pull many punches towards the group who tried to sue McDonald's, implying that their intentions were entirely monotary based. On the other hand, he does attack the irresponsible manner in which fast food companies have presented themselves as the easy alternative to all 3 meals of the day. I won't say too much more about the movie so as to let you watch it fresh, but I can't stress enough how much I recommend this documentary. With so much focus on the upcoming Fahrenheit 9/11, allow me to suggest that this film is perhaps more important in its content. While Michael Moore's upcoming film presents a moral dilemna in deciding who shall govern the United States for the next 4 years, Spurlock presents an eternal reality; that America is growing increasingly obese, and it could lead to morbid consequences for its citizens. Thumbs WAY up.
  16. You mean the concept Conan's writing staff stole from Ed the Sock two weeks after they rejected bringing Ed himself on? That puppet dog?
  17. I thought Lindsay Lohan was "yours". Are you even remotely capable of monogamy?
  18. Funny, I did the same thing, other than that I sent Mark Hoppus 5 dollars to take out Gwen for No Doubt's pillaging of all that is ska.
  19. One question, were Blink their usual selves (immature, cursing and sex jokes) or have they cleaned up their act along with their music?
  20. Wasn't there a contraversy over that show being racist? I thought that had something to do with it being cancelled.
  21. Because FOX didn't know how to promote it and it never got an audience. Fear not, as Andy Richter has another show called "Quintuplets" premiering this month on the very same network.
  22. Lion's Gate seems to be the Weinstein Brothers' go to company whenever they get into trouble with a movie. Of course, after having solid success with box office and DVD from Dogma, why not continue to bail Miramax out? Good to see the film fell into the right hands, and Independent Film Channel already rules for releasing Waking Life in theatres.
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