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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. Uh-oh, yousa gonna make Numbahs angry.
  2. By far... My ears hurt by halfway through the second song.
  3. The Stepford Wives - 4/10 I'd just narrowly missed Saved (which I wasn't exactly excited at the prospect of either), so instead of waiting an hour for Chronicles of Riddick (which would be weird for me not having seen Pitch Black), I checked out this film. The Stepford Wives is a comedy/drama/thriller from Frank Oz, the guy who brought you Yoda. Seriously, his day job is puppetry in film. This is also based on a bad movie from the 1970's, and a novel from Ira Levin, the author who's novel Rosemary's Baby was adopted to screen by Hollywood psycho/pervert/pedophile Roman Polanski. So I guess a puppeteer is actually a step up. This film however, is not a step up from anything. When one adapts a bad movie from the 1970's, it would probably be a good idea to change those parts that affected the original adversely, but Paul Rudnick doesn't do this with his screenplay. With poor scripting, it is up to the actors to save this film, and from a single glance at the cast, one would think this is entirely impossible. Unfortunately, Nicole Kidman is the only thing charming about the film, and the other cast members (including Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken, Glenn Close and Bette Midler) are mearly furthering the one dimensional stereotypical characters they portray. It seems as though Kidman has become completely inept at choosing her own films anymore. Thumbs down.
  4. Perhaps the greatest interviewer of all time. Perhaps take a second to actually look it up before making comments that just appear awfully disrespectful.
  5. It's insane how these things happen in 3's. First Brian Linehan, then Ronald Reagan, and now Ray Charles. His story is an inspiring one; he overcame great adversity to achieve great success, and I'm sure it is a story that will be told for generations to come. RIP to a blues great.
  6. Credit: JoBlo.com Chappelle is so on the verge of superstardom. If either of these films hit, it'll be an excuse to get him into the mainstream media. Discuss.
  7. Sure, but why couldn't the Rap and Pop albums be released under one double album? One can easily tell that Speakerboxxx and The Love Below are VERY different albums, but Outkast released them under one banner. It just comes down to who's more greedy I guess.
  8. Exactly. His explanation makes absolutely no sense. Why couldn't he show the world both sides of "Nellyville" on a double album? Hopefully people see through this bullshit and decide to buy neither of the albums instead of 1 or 2.
  9. I agree with most of the stuff above, and don't make me say this again, but... JACK KEROUAC's "ON THE ROAD". It's the quintessential 20th century novel, at least for free thinkers it is.
  10. The similarity is that next to no one actually cares about the Lightning during the regular season. Most of Tampa's regular crowd are snowbirds from Canada.
  11. I'm not going to say it was a clean hit, because it wasn't, but the point is that you don't call penalties in the last two minutes, especially in the final game of the Stanley Cup. If you do, then all games should be called like this, not just one game in the middle of June. Kerry Fraser has proven consistently that he's about as consistent as a constipated senior citizen. I don't think there's a conspiracy Hit Man, I just think Fraser's an idiot.
  12. Would you stop being a trolling cock? He didn't say anything about a conspiracy. He didn't even say anything about Canada. Tampa may have been a better team, but they benefited from a contraversial momentum killing penalty in the final two minutes (something unheard of in any other playoff game, so why is this any different?).
  13. Michael Gambon was a worthy substitute, although you don't really get enough of him in the film to really judge. All in all, I really enjoyed this film after not liking the first one and mildly enjoying the second. This a movie that will both satisfy the hardcore fans and endear the series to a wider (amazingly enough) audience.
  14. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 8/10 It may be the third film in the popular series, but the "Prisoner of Azkaban" feels like the very first; full of more innocence and vibrance than "Sorcerer's Stone" or "Chamber of Secrets". With a new director, the series moves away from the bragadocious overdone material that likened itself to "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones", and more towards what made the original Star Wars films work - likeable characters combined with impressive yet necessary special effects and a dark yet classical storyline. From the very beginning this movie has it's priorities straight, focusing from the get go on Harry's parents and the events that surrounded their deaths. Within 10 minutes of the film, we've gotten the horrible guardians out of the way, introduced our villain and brought the three stars together. As for the stars themselves, this is the first of the three films in which the child actors didn't bother me. The young children that started out in "The Sorceror's Stone" have begun to grow up, and with this they are showing great signs of improvement, especially young Radcliffe, who definitely is allowing for major growth in his character this time around. All of the things that were great about the first two films are back, including the awesome background cast (Michael Gambon substituted for Richard Harris as Dumbledore, but otherwise the same). All in all, not only the best Harry Potter film, but a great film on its own. Thumbs up.
  15. 1. Homer Simpson 2. Heathcliff Huxtable 3. Peter Griffin 4. Archie Bunker 5. George Jefferson 6. Sandy Cohen 7. Fred Sanford 8. Tony Micelli 9. Jim Valenti 10. Herman Munster Good list, although the lack of inclusion for the Cos surprises me.
  16. Shrek 2 - 6.5/10 Mike Myers must be the most hot and cold actor in Hollywood. It really seems like he can't throw two quality films in a row together, although I can't remember him doing two consecutive bad ones either. In this latest effort, Myers attempts to resurrect his career from the ashes of The Cat in the Hat, and more or less does so with this sequel to 2002's Shrek. All of the main cast (apart from John Lithgow's evil prince) is back for a second time, this time adding Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews and John Cleese, among others. While the humour is good, I must say that the first 20-30 minutes drag quite a bit. It does pick up nicely beyond that, and the same as last time there's plenty of humour for the adults as well as the children. Thumbs up, but perhaps just a bit of a disappointment.
  17. He was awesome in POTC, but perhaps his best performance was in a film that he got little to no credit for, Once Upon a Time in Mexico. He made Agent Sands one of the coolest characters nearly on his own (except for the whole shooting a street up with no eyes thing, I guess that's to the writer's credit).
  18. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 6/10 So yeah, it got better. Sure, the movie still feels broken up. Sure, the child actors are still awkward in parts. This time, however, the plot felt more developed. There was a clear conflict from just about the start, which gave the film more meaning than the first. The character relationships were also developed a bit more (aww, Hermione's got a crush. How... obvious.). However, the biggest improvement I think from the first to second film was a darkening theme. Instead of investigating (in The Last Crusade fashion) the attempted heist of an eternal life jewel, this time there is a potential murderer on the loose with domination of the school on his agenda. We also see a developing Harry (not just the dropping voice), as he learns to trust in himself and his friends a bit more. Of course you get the obligatory (and fairly pointless) high voltage Quidditch games (which are more or less about showing off high budget special effects than advancing the plot), and the high budget humour featuring spirits. When it all comes down to it, this is a kids movie, and a pretty damn good one at that. Thumbs up, and the success of this film makes me much more excited for the reportedly excellent third film, which I'll see sometime this week.
  19. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - 5.5/10 There were many things about this film that I liked. For instance, the backstory is done perfectly. The supporting cast of adults is excellent. Unfortunately, these two coupled with some superb special effects are not enough to make recommendable what is really nothing more than a series of video packages. While there is a purely classical sense of good and evil in the movie, there seems to be no sense of plot progression, be it classical or not. This makes the cast and presentation seem outdated and cliched, a disappointing fact once you consider the massive following that the Harry Potter books have. The kids seem raw and untrained, a fact which is both good and bad at this points, but mostly it just makes their circumstances seem ridiculous. I wanted to like this movie, I really did, but the negatives just outweighed the positives. Thumbs down, although I guess it gets better from here.
  20. He's already had two hit comedies this year, so I'm doubting he'll be "out" anytime soon, even with the debacle that was Envy.
  21. I'd tend to agree with him on this. Frasier didn't even appear in all the episodes, much less be the focus of them. I think he was in the crucial cast of characters, but more to the outside. i'd disagree that Joey was the least important of the Friends though, they went to him for half of their humour.
  22. Ananas

    Shrek 3 A Go

    This is true, and while we're on the topic of owners, Dreamworks has perhaps the most powerful cast of three in the business. It was founded by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg (former Disney executive) and David Geffen (music mogul). Of course they don't NEED more money, but they're releasing Anchorman this summer, so it's all good.
  23. National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze - 3/10 In the beginning, there was National Lampoon's Animal House, and it was good. Then, there were the "Vacation" movies, and they were good. From there on, the National Lampoon name has been systematically destroyed by bad film after bad film, apart from the often hilarious Van Wilder, which was more about the talent in the starring role then any redeeming filmmaking qualities. With it's latest entry into the National Lampoon collection, Dorm Daze presents everything wrong with the series. Gone is the inventive humour, the provacative commentary and star building characters. The cast is utterly forgetable, featuring such D-list celebrities as the guy who pissed himself in American Pie, the girl from Boy Meets World (playing a ridiculously unnatural character), Will Smith's sister from Fresh Prince, and the sister of the girl from Roswell (who is, by the way, no Majandra Delfino). The crew is even less remarkable, featuring a who's who of people I've never heard of, don't like or plain just don't give a fuck about. As for the humour, most of these jokes are the exact same gags pulled in every National Lampoon campus comedy, including drug humour, prostitution, foreign characters and all the gross out comedy and obligatory nudity a 13 year old could ever want, coupled with an insane plot concerning terrorism/contract killing/whatever idiotic crime gag the writers didn't bother to explain in the plot. Unfortunately it's so poorly laid out that not even a child would find this funny. Thumbs down, and I hope they just have the good sense to lay National Lampoon to rest.
  24. Credit: JoBlo.com This is obviously no surprise, but one must wonder how long they do intend to milk this cash cow. Oh well, I guess it's better than making sequels to the really bad films.
  25. One small update: The trailer for Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator" has come online here. I have to be honest, this is pretty disappointing. It looks like another asskissing legend preserving film, although I remain hopeful that it will shed some true light on Howard Hughes, instead of painting him as the "brilliant visionary with the guts to challenge authority". DiCaprio is another disappointment in this trailer, mainly because it looks like nothing new for him. Oh well, I continue to not understand the fascination with this idiot.
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