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I Don't Mind

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Everything posted by I Don't Mind

  1. I just finished reading Mark Millar's Wanted and what a piece of art this thing is. I mean it's art in the same way that Fight Club is a masterful piece of art. In fact, it resembles Fight Club quite a bit, but like said movie, it is just manly as all fucking hell. It even pokes fun at the over the top gimmicks of comic books sometimes. Johnny Two-Dicks. Johnny, fucking, Two-Dicks. Brilliant. So if anyone out there is looking to read something dark and brutal with some nice artwork, I'd strongly suggest Wanted. Very fun.
  2. I caught Sons of Anarchy. Felt it was somewhat lacking. Like it was too Hollywood-trying-to-be-gritty. I mean on one hand they were like "oh, junkie preggos, gun-running biker gangs, and stillborn babies" but then they tried to counterbalance it by situating everyone in middle class white suburbia. I was taken back by how freaking big that guy who's wife didn't want him to leave's house was. I get that their supposed to be making good money from their business, but daaaammmn. And according to wiki, the whole think is loosely based off of Hamlet, so that was more high-brow than I was wanting from the show.
  3. With the exception of Hulk, my god, it looks just so very, very terrible
  4. Lies! Sub-Zero's brother, Sub-Zero making the save and killing the 2-minute threat that was Smoke was epic! Annihilation's main downfall was killing Johnny Cage right off the bat.
  5. I believe that's English Rose. That song is like Animals by Nickleback, retold in a far, far more badass way by a far, far more badass narrator.
  6. While he definitely wouldn't be able to hold his own in a physical confrontation with Batman unless the character was majorly tweaked, I kind of think The Ventriloquist could make an interesting enemy, just for the scenes where he displays his DID with Scarface.
  7. Rob Schneider is... a stapler! Sandler's pretty much a genius in my book. There are some of his movies I didn't go see because they just didn't interest me when they came out but I want to get around to seeing, like Punch-Drunk Love, Spanglish and Reign O'er Me. I really can't list a bad Sandler movie. Even Little Nicky had the awesome Chicago record being played backwards scene. And I still sing "Water Sucks" from The Water Boy. Gatorade... [H20!] Gatorade... [H20!] Waaaater sucks, it really really sucks! Waaaater sucks, it really really sucks!
  8. Stumbled upon Motörhead's myspace the other day and saw they had a new album that just came out. Up until recently they had about six of their new songs from the album on their myspace, one of which can still be heard, though it's a mix of them talking and them singing. Wiki gives this as the track listing: 1. "Runaround Man" 2. "(Teach You How To) Sing the Blues" 3. "When the Eagle Screams" 4. "Rock Out" 5. "One Short Life" 6. "Buried Alive" 7. "English Rose" 8. "Back on the Chain" 9. "Heroes" 10. "Time is Right" 11. "The Thousand Names of God" And apparently #4 - Rock out, is the theme for this year's Unforgiven, but listening to Runaround Man, it's catchy as fuck. I'd definitely prefer more advertising for Runaround Man than Rock Out. I guess you can hear the entire album in full on Last.fm, though I don't visit there much, so I'm not entirely sure. I'm hoping this album becomes a big success because it's all kinds of badass
  9. Son Of The Mask - 8/10, God I love an epically awful movie. Okay, maybe like 1.5/10 if my arm were to be twisted to be an actual movie critic. The motives were cliche, the messages/climaxes rushed, and the characters complete shells of anything that should resemble human, and that goes for the dog too. But the colors. My God, the colors. As close to an cartoon/live-action movie since Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or maybe even Space Jam. I wish to buy this mind-cancer-spreading film so whenever around children, I have an excuse to watch it again and again.
  10. Read Knightfall, as I just started reading it as well. I'm not far enough to even form an opinion on it, but because I know what it's famous for, I'm stoked about it. Then read Hush, cuz man, it was great, except for maybe the ending. Anyone read the original Secret Wars with The Beyonder? I started reading the first issue the other day and it was so cliche and campy that I couldn't bare to read the second. The rolecall was especially tedious as everyone just announces who they are to get it out of the way. If you look it up on Amazon you can actually read the first few pages of the first issue. Spider-Man the animated series did it way better >.<
  11. Recently read Daredevil: Born Again and Superman: Birthright. Thoughts on Daredevil Spoiler: Click here to viewthis book was dark and made Kingpin out to be one evil and brilliant bastard. I had never read any DD comic before but the amount of sympathy it drew from me definitely drew me into Murdock's character. The bringing in of Nuke, and of Cap sort of started to lose me toward the end, as I felt it drew my attention away from Murdock and Kingpin. Also the ending, while I initially had the same complaint as I did Watchmen, that the main villain didn't get his butt handed to him in a big battle, I grew to love. Thoughts on Superman: Birthright Spoiler: Click here to viewLoved Clark's interaction in Africa and thought that made for a real great story. It was realistic while still working within the confines of my imagination. What I couldn't believe however was how a young Lex Luthor was portrayed. I'm not sure what exactly was putting me off about him, but every piece of his dialog just felt so forced. Not once did I feel any sympathy for him, and found some of his dialog a little cliche. Everything he said and did was to hammer in he was smart, and too smart for his own good, but no human side at all? I don't know what I was expecting, but I thought his adult form was a bit more realistic in terms of humanity and multi-dimensionality. Aside from Luthor's early days in the comic, can't complain. It was a pretty decent little story and the suspense just continued to build and build and build, and I wasn't let down by the ending either.
  12. Two best scenes in the entire movie come from Downey and Cruise. The Downey Scene: Spoiler: Click here to viewAsian Kid: Where is your farm!? Downey: HERE'S MY FUCKING FARM!! [unsheathing of double AK's a-blazin] The Cruise Scene: Spoiler: Click here to view[while on phone with terrorists]Well then do take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF! May not have gotten either of those verbatum, but God Damn they were hilarious.
  13. The Pagemaster imbd (with video!) The Pagemaster wiki And apparently you can watch the entire movie on youtube in broken up parts. Also one of my favorite movies when I was a child. Scary as hell too!
  14. This week I've read both Batman: Hush and Batman: The Long Halloween, and they've both blown my mind. I always thought the appeal to Batman comics was just that he was a dark and seedy character trying to uphold his moral integrity, but the detective mysteries are amazing. Both have great endings that I didn't see coming and the stories to both were great. It especially made me interested in Catwoman because despite her campy outfit Long Halloween, she's a smoking hottie in both. Now, if anyone could suggest any good Superman, other than Red Sun which I'm currently shopping around for, I'd be much obliged.
  15. Completely agree with TheRaySays. If I were only reading the stories once a month I probably would have spent more time on the pirate stories but I really was just all about the "give me more Rorschach!" Spoiler: Click here to view And when I first watched Jon blink Rorschach out of existence I thought he killed him too, but his line to Ozymandias "You need'nt consider Rorschach. I strongly doubt he'll reach civilization." it made me think, oh, he just teleported Rorschach to fucking Punjabi jungle or something where he'll likely die before he finds civilization again.
  16. I just got done reading The Watchmen and I'm incredibly excited about the movie. Rorschach is a motherfucking badass and I have been quoting him all day. I hope they include every god damn one of his scenes in the comic into the movie coming out because they're all gold. All of the characters in fact seemed really strong and while I had my suspicions of who was behind all the evil taking place in the middle/toward the end, it felt like a good kind of surprise when I was right. Two complaints though that REALLY I hope in the end I'm going to end up overlooking. As one other member commented in this thread, hated the pirate stories. Really bogged things down for me and I ended up skimming or skipping a lot of the pirate stories. The second thing was the lack of closure at the end. I'll put a my real complaint in spoilers so anyone who wants the ending to be a surprise doesn't have it spoiled for them. Spoiler: Click here to view What the fuck? Ozymandias just gets away with it? I thought Silk Spectre/Laurie should have killed him when she shot him. And if not killing him then, cuz granted, it was fucking awesome revealing that he caught the bullet, she should have shot him while he was meditating. And also, anytime Manhattan/Jon would be predicting the future, I really, really wanted someone to prove him wrong. Like when Laurie told Jon the argument was over and she wasn't crying, I wanted that to completely fuck him up mentally. And Jon at the end... ugh, again, I get why they did it, but it felt like Poochie on The Simpsons. "I have to go now. My planet needs me." And I get that Silk Spectre and Nite Owl live happily ever after due to Ozymandias' evil act, but what actually ended up happening to Ozymandias and Rorschach? So, overall, GREAT story and I have a man-crush on Rorschach, but not a fan of the ending.
  17. Boondock Saints A Clockwork Orange Hells to the yeah
  18. I think as wimpy as Mr. Reese's character was portrayed, he could turn out to be The Riddler, it would just have to be some explained character development in the next film. Mr. Reese has stated that he knows the true identity of Batman, which some, maybe like Falcone who didn't die in the car crash, or Falcone's wife, kidnaps him to draw the secret out of him. Mr. Reese, having had his entire personality altered by having his life threatened, grows a spine, but is also unsure of whether he should reveal the identity because of moral conflictions about Batman/Bruce's character. Is he a good guy fighting villains and saving lives? Is he a selfish bad guy letting people be killed because he doesn't want to turn himself in? Batman happens to be on the scene and beats up the Falcone gang and frees Reese. Reese is then sent under witness protection as Edward Nigma off in another city or something, or maybe he cleverly fakes his death so no one else comes after him, but comes back very soon, having decided his course of action. The Riddler, in a SAW like manner (though with the gore tamed far down since it's a Batman movie) kills the head of the Falcone family who kidnapped him. Batman now has to take down The Riddler, but Riddler now knows the thrill of Batman's life and refuses to be caught. Maybe Riddler has even taken the point of view that Batman is a selfish bad guy and Gotham needs a true white night like Harvey Dent again, and he's going to give it to them. Yeah, not a perfect story, but just in my mind, a possibility of how they could take a weak ass Mr. Reese and build him into a semi-believable fiend.
  19. I read The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth today out of love for The Dark Knight movie, and having never been a Batman fan before, I was sincerely impressed. The Killing Joke had an amazing overall plot but I wasn't really sold on how The Joker was portrayed. I loved what he did to Gordon but just something about his dialog, his random "everyone feel sorry for me" attitudes and backstory really made me say 'lame'. I was expecting a bit more of Ledger's Joker presence, which in the beginning of the comic I thought I was going to get, but I couldn't believe Joker's backstory lead him to becoming who he became. With my overall view on the comic, I wouldn't suggest it Jairus unless you found it for cheap. Arkham Asylum... scared the shit out of me. Alice In Wonderland quotes, semi-homosexual Joker, poltergeists and just everyone being overall way fucking more terrifying and fucked in the head really kept me reading. I've read on wiki, though the Joker's actions alone were a dead give away, that everyone would have a bit of a different character take, but I'd suggest this one.
  20. Only tried the TUVWXYZ file, but it wasn't corrupted.
  21. What was their reaction to Joker's Disappearing Pencil Trick? Cuz I laughed my ass off, and I'm betting they didn't when they should have!
  22. Inked - A Comic Book Scenario (featuring Marvel vs. DC vs. Dark Horse vs. Image) Mediafire RAR Inked Comic Book Picture Pack Mediafire RAR Updated January 2000 Scenario Mediafire Zip Mediafire RAR
  23. I Don't Mind

    Best Lyricists

    I don't listen to his stuff a lot because his voice bugs the crap out of me, but Conor Oberst is simply amazing. I wouldn't say he's a great musician, but much like Roddy Woomble is described a poet that sings his poems. A sampling from We must talk in every telephone Get eaten off the web We must rip out all the epilogues in the books that we have read And in the face of every criminal Strapped firmly to a chair We must stare, we must stare, we must stare We must take all of the medicines too expensive now to sell Set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell And in the ear of every anarchist that sleeps but doesn’t dream We must sing, we must sing, we must sing It’ll go like this: While my mother waters plants My father loads his guns He says death will give us back to God Just like this setting sun is returned to this lonesome ocean
  24. I like to listen to director commentaries on all of my favorite movies to give me a good idea of what the creators were thinking, but I have to agree, some commentary on DVDs are horrible. For example I like to hear commentary from the director if he doesn't speak with a thick as hell accent so I can understand what he's saying. If I wanted to hear the movie in a foreign language, I would have just switched the language preferences to such. But I also make sure I've watched the movie about three times on it's own without any commentary so I could recite the dialog if I wanted anyways.
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