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lafunky xxvii

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Everything posted by lafunky xxvii

  1. A lot of the episode takes place near the World Trade Center ← One of the best scenes in that episode actually involves the World Trade Center - He eats a bunch of that food on a stick (forget what it was called) and washes it down with crab juice. ← The food is Klabcolash or something. I've spelt it how it sounds.
  2. He's right about the family thing. She mentioned about how most of her family was in the military, and I think that was based on patriotism more than the other factors.
  3. I just got back from watching the film and thought I'd add my thoughts. Whilst there is evidence that Moore is spinning facts, I'm not in the least bothered by it. I've read his first major book and began reading the second, when I realised I didn't want to because it was the same thing again. The film is in the same vein and I knew a lot of the early facts based on the books. However I still enjoyed the film. I think Moore's use of music is fantastic and the selection of material is powerful. Whilst you have to take things with a grain of salt, it's still very informative. I think films like his are needed because they offer perspective. Whilst Moore may be guilty of spinning the facts, so is everyone else. It's propaganda, but it offers a different side to what we are normally fed. It's like the angel-devil scenario. If you have one of them on your shoulder all the time, telling you what's what you're going to get a one sided look of things. To put some propaganda from one side into perspective, you need to get some from the other. I think the message of the film is that troops are dying for something which isn't worth fighting for. I think the bit towards the end with the mother at the White House where she confronts the other woman is extremely powerful and reflects his point perfectly.
  4. Like most teenagers with attention spans destroyed by TV and the internet, I only read on holiday. I go away on Sunday, so I need some recommendations. I'm quite particular about what I read. The last two books I have read are Stupid White Men by Michael Moore and The Rainmaker by John Grisham. The sort of books I am interested in are: -Political books (like Stupid White Men but not another Michael Moore. The hatorizing on GW is a little tiresome after one book). -Books like The Rainmaker (not the exact same, but with a similar style and same sort of genre.) -Autobiographies (I fancy something a bit different. Wrestling ones would be good) I'm not into horror and the likes, so Cloddy can stay out with their Steven King recommendations .
  5. Sonic Youth doesn't really reek 'work it babay' to me, Squancho.
  6. Did you not see that England moved up 5 places?
  7. I always thought that. You go into HMV and singles are about £6 a pop. You look on Play.com and the full album is around a tenner. But I'm not really taking into account that fact that HMV are money grabbing bastards who over-price EVERYTHING.
  8. Storge \Stor"ge\, n. [NL., from Gr. ?, ?, to love.] Parental affection; the instinctive affection which animals have for their young.
  9. I don't know how long budget it is, but maybe Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
  10. Are you looking for more things to spend your hard earned cash on?
  11. He could put it on 'Best of Cade Sydal: Volume 2'
  12. I think Owen is actually turning into Heskey. Remember when Owen was our savoir and you actually thought he could score every game and Heskey was completely over shadowed and couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo?
  13. Fair enough. I can respect a man who strives for novelty value. If you are looking to waste more money, I suggest purchasing BioDome.
  14. My mother washes my boilersuits. Anyway, care to share as to why you are going?
  15. You want to wear a Hawaiian shirt to a metal concert. Good enough?
  16. Why, out of interest, are you going to see Slayer and Slipknot? It doesn't seem very Keith-like.
  17. During the big fight, what actually happened? Did anyone get hit? Did Victor hit Emma?
  18. I really do want to go into that house and kick Emma hard in the face. She's so fucking irritating. She was sitting in the bedsit yelling at the fucking screen! They can't hear you, love! Fucking twat.
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