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Turbo Yannis

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Everything posted by Turbo Yannis

  1. I think the guy that pushed Fagan was Bassong. That rather annoyed me when I watched it back. Fagan's just been kicked for no reason, so what does Bassong do? Pushes him. Eugh, some footballers really are knobs.
  2. I just went for the DCFC discography. Much easier that way So, new Kings of Leon. What's the opinion? I'm liking it but it just seems really fecking slow.
  3. You actually watched a porn film from start to finish? I can honestly say I've never done that. Unless the Sex Court movie counts...
  4. I hate the out of character excuse. I'm sure Craig Fagan doesn't give a fuck if it was out of character or not.
  5. Fucking nonsense. They should have kicked the little shit's arse.
  6. Idlewild 1. Too Long Awake 2. I'm Happy To Be Here Tonight 3. The Nothing I Know 4. Everything (As It Moves) 5. Not Just Sometimes But Always We Are Scientists 1. Inaction 2. Hoppipola 3. After Hours 4. What's The Word 5. The Great Escape The Cribs 1. We Can No Longer Cheat You 2. Our Bovine Public 3. Men's Needs 4. Be Safe 5. Mirror Kisses Say Anything 1. Plea 2. Belt 3. Woe 4. Admit it!!! 5. Metal Now Yeah, I'm only doing 4.
  7. Hell fucking yes. I can't remember the last time I had the same reaction I had to 'Íllgresi'. Such a beautiful song.
  8. Other than Transatlanticism, what DCFC album should I download?
  9. Just go to Spankwire. It'll take at most 5 minutes to find something worthy of a small universe being desposed of.
  10. Am I the only one who really can't stand Oasis?
  11. I might be late with this, but I find Riera at Liverpool quite odd. I seem to remember him not being all that amazing at City. Them again, that was a few years ago now so my memory might be a bit hazy.
  12. It's funny. English fans are thinking "Theo Walcott?" when the Scotland fans have that beat "Kirk Broadfoot?"
  13. Listening back, how fucking good was Thee Cheers for Sweet Revenge? I forgot how much I love(d) that album.
  14. I fucking love rex "BOOOOOOO I'M LOUDER THAN YOU"
  15. Well, there's my interest gone.
  16. I'm getting properly back into We Are Scientists again. I love them more than I love Oreos. And I love Oreos a shitload.
  17. It's your place or mine Just don't make me choose You know I know you think you're saying what I want to hear But I'm smart enough to recognise a bad idea Your intentions are transparent, am I making myself clear? We Are Scientists - Altered Beast
  18. I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one that didn't like In Nothing We Trust. Cities on Fire, Blood, Bunny, Larkhall, Agony/Agatha and Deadly Lethal Ninja Assault were decent songs but they just weren't the Reuben I fell in love with.
  19. Why can I see Mark Hughes coming into his office tomorrow morning and just thinking "We've signed WHO?"
  20. I must admit, I never used to mind Paul Jewell but I'm more inclined to agree with Ace these days. Guy is a total cunt.
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