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Avenged Probably

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Everything posted by Avenged Probably

  1. Haha yeah those games have the whole loads for when you first do things and then they're really infrequent. Seeing you post is making me want to play through them all again though.
  2. If you haven't already done Lelienas companion quest you should do 'song' before hand, adds a lot of context to it. Also it is set before the main game so it makes sense
  3. Is it not meant to be the same place but in the past?
  4. People are probably gonna refer to them collectively as Pokemon S&M so I think you're right there
  5. I hate to be that guy, it's been a few weeks though so I don't think a re-request is that offensive. No rush or anything but it would be lovely if someone could do some or all of these for me
  6. @lukkearthur The NJPW cuts are excellent, it's very annoying how most of the current ones are quite outdated/bad pictures. This is going to make my game/diary much nicer, thanks!
  7. That's pretty cool then. Wish I'd known that before starting my current game With the release of the originals now, does this mean that every Gen (original or a remade version) is playable on DS?
  8. Is there any thing to stop you starting a bunch of new games and getting all the starters using bank?
  9. I should probably go use my DS and actually finish the current game I have
  10. This is the first I've heard of this, I mean I assumed some kind of facility existed. Didn't realise it cost, but seems reasonable I guess. What do you get for the £5?
  11. I love that Martin Freeman is entering the MCU the same year as Benedict Cumberbatch.
  12. It's good, I may have watched the whole series today.
  13. I played the last beta on my own for a few hours, seemed decent. Then I forgot that it'd expire and didn't have another go. I'd be up for it if a lot of EWBers were gonna play regular.
  14. Would love the following as event pics, just the logos that is. If the 'Global Wars UK' bit is too hard to cut out, I'd settle for the RPW/NJPW logo bit instead on that one. Whatever can be done, it'll be greatly appreciated!
  15. Would someone be kind enough to put these on the standard TEW grey background?
  16. I don't think GOT was as bad as some people say, but it was my second to least favourite. The one I liked the least being WD season 2.
  17. PROGRESS: 70/110 Done all the main story and the season of infamy expansions. All that's missing from the main game is the Riddler trophies, which I'm doing a load every day but there's so damn many. Also started working my way through the DLC trophies which are "get 21 stars in AR missions with x" and I have done Azrael and Robin so far. Once I have done them I will also do th Batmobile equivalent ones. There's loads of easy trophies to be gained from the other DLC story packs, but most of them are set after the main story so I won't hit them up until I've done Riddler. There's a few obscure things to get like gliding a certain place or 'drifting' for so much time in the car, but they'll be easy enough. Going to do 'A Matter of Family' the Batgirl one soonish though, as it's a prequel. Oh and the last thing will be complete the game in New Game +, but all the AR mission trophies should be good practice with the combat system so I am prepared for that.
  18. Pretty sure Niner was just being hilarious because he doesn't even like Pokemon
  19. Partly because I like the satisfaction of actually raising them myself, but mainly because by the time I'm in a position to use a lvl. 100 Pokemon I won't have any use for them really.
  20. It's annoying that these Pokemon come at 100, I mean i'm never going to use them really.
  21. It's not actually bad, use the AR challenge called Gotham Knights and you can get it on the first bunch of guys. Its also good to know that things like a regular punch and jumping behind a guy count as a move. But also fuck the guys with shields/who can block.
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