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Avenged Probably

The Donators
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Everything posted by Avenged Probably

  1. Thanks man, I've looked at a guide as to how to get Barrett to date me.. Missed the first bit but hopefully I'll still do it! As for the Don, I take it its just all the side stuff like the tiara, hair etc?
  2. May as well try platinum this since it has true 'cheats' for anyone who's played recently, is there any obvious missable ones which I'll need to think about ahead of time?
  3. I caved and got it too. I remember the last time I played I hated how slow paced it felt and such, so you guys swung me with all the talking up of the speed feature And oh my god, the PS4 desktop theme is lovely.
  4. I've never been bothered too much about trophies etc. but getting my first ever platinum on Game of Thrones (I know it doesn't really count) has made me want another! Decided to go with Dragon Age: Inquisition. Nightmare mode here I come!
  5. I was only asking as I already have the Steam version and am about half way through it, no need to buy this one then I guess.
  6. So is this port the exact same as the steam version other than the trophies?
  7. I haven't posted in here for a while as I've bought a fair few new games, and this is more about finishing the back log. Anyway, finally finished Anyone who likes South Park even a bit, has to play this game. Its brilliant, just like an interactive episode. The gameplay isn't very hard (except for one boss) but it remains fun throughout.
  8. I echo Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Would love new versions of them. Also whoever said a new Bioware Star Wars game, that would be brilliant - the timing would be great with the new films and such.
  9. People who follow news like we do all know he's in it. The average cinema goer doesn't, and those people make up a huge portion of who will be watching it. Not to mention all the little kids.
  10. Agree with the villains being better however id say only Ward needed the development time. Kingpin and Kilgrave were both awesome the moment they stepped on screen.
  11. I like the inclusion of the Shouten Kai Who does the superkick/package piledriver combo? Looks familiar but can't place it.
  12. I'm with you on this IDM! After subscribing I got distracted and read a bunch of stuff I wasn't meant to so I only blasted through Ant-Man today and yesterday.. Your post did such a good job, I'm not going to go issue by issue but offer some bulleted opinions. I HAVE seen the film and I'm not sure if that helped or not. It seemed, at least early on that it was trying desperately to transplant Paul Rudd's character over the exiting comics version of Scott Lang which seemed quite odd for a bit. After the first couple of issues it seemed to make its mind up a little more about that whole thing. I agree with you in regards to supporting characters. Every time one showed up or a new one was introduced, the issue got miles better. Cassie Lang saved the world a ton of times with the Young Avengers, suddenly she's helpless here? I don't buy it, she could have done something. Although I suppose the thing always driving her was her Father's death. Wouldn't have minded a team up of sorts between her and Scott. Darren Cross was boring, Augustine should have failed to bring him back and remained as a constant villain. He was great until Dad was back alive then he was a little bitch. I was fairly invested by the end, and the actual ending was pretty sad. Would happily read the next bunch if they become available, but not desperate to do so. Oh and the issue 4 cover was indeed brilliant. As was Machinesmith. And Grizzly. In the poll I actually voted for Superior Foes of Spider-Man which I think would offer a similar dynamic to those characters. Oh well, Daredevil Yellow it is. Be interesting to see how good this is since its been highly touted for such a long time.
  13. they've actually changed a lot. I've been playing syndicate and we to have a go on Black Flag and the controls were not good, I spend so long running into stuff, and BF didn't seem bad to me at release. The newer game is a massive improvement.
  14. I'm in the third episode and it's pretty great so far.
  15. Ah crap, I'm not going to get to watch Jessica Jones until probably Sunday night Maybe for the best, I did watch all of Daredevil in two sittings...
  16. Damn this is out already? Would have saved some money if I'd have realised... I will pick it up end of next week probably and will also be on PS4 :)
  17. I have a fire, the non HD version. It's a little slow, but I think any that came out after mine are more on par with other tablets. important point to make, I assume is the same with all Fire tabs but they don't have all the same stuff on App Store as other things. More importantly there isn't an app for Marvel Unlimited.
  18. I thought it was bloody terrifying :p
  19. Fuck this game. I'm on 'Hellbound' which is 12 I think and I hadn't played in ages. Kept getting killed because I was impatient, came back last night and spent about an hour and a half getting through the base, never finding who I'm looking for. Presumably he's in the only building I didn't get search, the one I got spotted and killed on the way to :/ I wouldn't mind, I did mission 11 which id heard was really hard and it was actually really easy.
  20. The suit was actually designed by Sisqo right? Perhaps whoever he is started out as a hero initially with a similar setup to Barry in terms of allies?
  21. On my way to Glasgow to see Lamb of God, MegaDave (boo), Sylosis and Children of Bodom. listening to Little Mix on the train.
  22. https://youtu.be/c05fnTnE4hk This was my first Universe mode title match and it was nuts. This is 25 minutes in, Rollins had kicked out of two F-5s, escaped the Kimura and also survived an F-5 through the announce table. Multiple weapon shots too. Of course I'd taken equal punishment but I'm playing as BROCK LESNAR so its fine. Following this video, Seth did the OMG suicide dive on me. He hit me with a Pedigree and I kicked out, I pummelled with a chair a load more before reversing another Pedigree and hitting one final F-5 for the win. I got very good at kicking out with the bar being ridiculous small during this match, but it was on the edge of your seat awesome! Edit: Can't figure out how to embed the video in the post, anyone?
  23. The submission system is weird, but I don't think its that bad. I haven't made anyone tap out yet (I haven't tried) but I've only been unable to escape one time. Moving the stick from side to side rather than trying to move it around the circle seems to be the biggest difference maker. I love this game though, I've mostly just been playing exhibition matches because the gameplay is so damn fun. Did a Last Man Standing between Wyatt and Undertaker and it went just short of half an hour, it was brilliant. Universe has been refined and even though its not really different, its just easier. Spent much less time on the usual "take ages to set up everyone on edit a wrestler" because of smoother loading and stuff. The rivalry recap after each show is really nice, makes it feel like the game knows what its doing for once Wanna dive into mycareer but I was hoping that App would be out so I could easily stick my face on a bloke. Kinda wanna try it though so might just make someone.
  24. Mines not coming until between half 3 and half 4 this afternoon should have just gone and bought it from the shop this morning.
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