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Everything posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. The fact that any judge thought Chuck Lidell won that fight makes to wonder about if Bob Arum has infiltrated UFC. Even Lidell knew he lost.
  2. NBC on Thursday Night pretty much. I'll give Chuck a shot, but I watch so much sports and wrestling, not much time for anything else.
  3. They had a sneak preview of it on WGN last week and I really enjoyed it, very funny show. And WGN is a national superstation, it's on most basic tier's of basic cable.
  4. Season 3 debuts September 13 on FX, I'm assuming at 9pm but I could be wrong.
  5. Greg Giraldo stole the roast, pure and simple. Kimmell did pretty good but ripping off one-liners doesn't seem to be his thing. The Benoit line was in there just to be edgy and the crowd was just offended. But I did enjoy the entire crowd clapping for Mind of Mencia to be cancelled. Not because I care if he steals jokes but because he just sucks.
  6. Yellow Journalism. Yeah, all that flimsy "grand jury testimony."
  7. Compared to the others he doesn't make my list. He isn't even on the bench. Nor the rotation. Bonds, Mays, and Griffey can all do it all. Power, Contact, Defense, and Base Running. They can hit that much needed HR, or they could steal a base to get in scoring position and manufacture a run. And on the bench you have some of the guys MSC mentioned and Ted Williams not to mention probably my #2 guy on the bench behind Ted, Hank Aaron. I just think as far as complete players I'd have Bonds, Mays, and Griffey out there. As far as pitching goes, yes his numbers are good just like batting, but over time pitching got better and better and I'm looking at big game pitching as well which is why I put Bob Gibson on there. He is one of my favorite all-time pitchers. And I've expressed my opinions on Babe Ruth in the past and not going to go in to it.
  8. Yes.....aside from the bottle of andro and stuff in his locker :blink: How exactly is Bonds a cheater if he didn't break any rules? There were no rules against steroids in baseball....blame MLB. We have no way of knowing how many guys took them. Plus the fact that 99% of the players who've failed steroid tests still sucked says something. You still need the talent. Bonds was a first ballot Hall of Famer before 1999 when he allegedly started to take steroids.
  9. There wasn't OVERWHELMING evidence against Mark McGwire, who also is a cheater. Bonds would've been a first ballot Hall of Famer regardless, but decided to cheat because he was jealous of the attention McGwire & Sammy Sosa received in 1998. According to reports, Bonds started using in 1999, anything from 1999 till drug testing came in, should have an asterik.
  10. A truly sad day for baseball. He's a fucking cheating, arrogant prick and for him to hold the two most honored record in sports is a fucking disgrace to a great game.
  11. Its so true. Randy always brings the awesome.
  12. I hope they bury the West Coast Offense with him
  13. Spoiler: Click here to viewThe Marge video bit was great. Her voice was different and it was she'd been crying and her speech was stuttering and rambling, not with witty one liners and came off very, very real.
  14. The Simpsons used to be like an actual sitcom that was just animated before it went all cartoony. Family Guy, while funny, is what happens when a bunch of comedy writers put in a bunch of funny gags and pop culture references, then come up with the plot later. Plus, Family Guy is way too preachy.
  15. I don't watch so I don't care but I'm just glad nobody has to see anymore of Rosie O'Donnell.
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