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Everything posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. Show is basically beyond savable, hopefully airing against repeats in the summer will add some viewers and hopefully save the show. Atleast we'll get to see the series close out.
  2. FYI: A & E runs edited episodes of "The Sopranos" Wednesdays at 9PM. They are currently just getting into season 3.
  3. :lmao: South Park is brilliant.
  4. Pine Barrens is fukking quality. In fact, I'd say season 3 is the best of all of them.
  5. "Children, I'm gay!" "Again?" ---------- "Your a lesbian now?"
  6. 30 Rock getting picked up makes me happy
  7. Except Bobby whooping Tony's ass, the epiosde was pretty boring. The less Janice Soprano, the better.
  8. The 24 & Easter episodes were real good. Saved the season which has been pretty poor.
  9. With Duchovny, probably the best one hour drama I've ever seen. Right up there with the first three of four years of ER, once he got the movie star bug and kept trying to leave, the show became a chore. The guy who tried to kill John Cena was just not a suitable replacement.
  10. Scrubs will never be the same but atleast we got a reason why Dr. Cox was bald
  11. I haven't really liked any of this year's shows
  12. Because we all know that internet petitions always work. Always. Well, BMW is a great show, one of my favorites of all time. Does anybody know why they don't release it on DVD?
  13. Why not? If the rumors are true and he was deathly ill, isn't there something admirable about a man going out his way?
  14. I wouldn't say "kudos" for offing himself but dying is sad. I saw him live on 21st birthday and had a great time.
  15. This has always been my problem with BMW. The early seasons he wasn't as stupid, just always chasing girls and not wanting to apply himself, but when it came time to get serious with Corey or Feeny, he always came through and showed his intelligence... then when they all went to college.... he turned into a mindnumbing idiot.
  16. So now Dr. Cox has a full head of hair, ZUH?
  17. Big Scrubs news Zach Braff agrees to do a 7th season of Scrubs
  18. The Bears are falling apart, funny.
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