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Everything posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. I'm liking it. But one thing, Ray Liotta looks TERRIBLE. He still looks like he's in his "Im dieing" mode from ER.
  2. Patriots, good move getting rid of most of the cornerstones of your dynasty. Nice job.
  3. The Tigers clinched a playoff berth today, their first post season appearance since 1987. As a 22-year old, a good Tigers season in my lifetime has been "hopefully they'll win 85 games." Today was win 94. I love the Pistons and Red Wings, but THIS is what I have been waiting for. Now, they just need to take care of biz against Toronto and KC and lock up the divison and the #1 seed in the AL. Justin Verlander = AL ROY. Jim Leyland = AL Manager of the Year.
  4. Anyone else not getting sound for the Sunday Nighter?
  5. This Jim being transfered thing can't be permanent, can it? Call me crazy but I don't think a Jim/Pam relationship is what's best for the show. Like on Scrubs, the prospect of JD & Elliot being together was actually better than them actually being together. I think Jim & Pam are better as friends.
  6. Michael Madsen saying Bruce Willis "Had a bum ticker" was the greatest line ever spoken. I read on IMDB that Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller plan to shoot all the Sin City stories.
  7. First, lets address the Studio 60 vs. 30 Rock comparison: To me atleast, these shows appear to be very different. 30 Rock is done by Lorne Michaels and Tina Fey. It's probably going to be a lot of the crappy humor you see on SNL each and every week. Studio 60 from what I saw tonight will be about the struggles of making the show and the people. I'm surprised NBC picked up both shows when one is going to be mocking the other one and is mocking NBC's most succesful show. Just finished watching it on the DVR. I was a HUGE SportsNight fan and it crushed me when ABC cancelled it to the point where I now hate Geena Davis as a person. (The Geena Davis Show took SportsNight's timeslot.) The way the show was shot and the dialouge reminded me of SportsNight, which is a very good thing. I never got into the West Wing but Sorkin's talent is obvious. Matthew Perry was great. He was the reason I ever tolerated Friends. Bradley Whitford was good. Didn't get to see too much too of others like DL Hughley but they needed to get a lot in. I'm not sold on Amanda Peet of being president of a major network but will see. Overall, a major thumbs up.
  8. There's only really a few shows that I'm looking forward to, 30 Rock, Studio 60, Friday Night Lights and those haven't premiered yet.
  9. Roger Goodell recently said he doesn't see the NFL expanding beyond 32 teams, except maybe for putting a new team in LA. The league wants a team in LA. So I'd say Toronto is way down on the list.
  10. Is it a rule that these Labor Day Miami/FSU games have to be boring, low scoring affairs? Any word on why ESPN carried the game this year? Mike Patrick is a fine announcer but anytime I hear Brent Musberger or Brad Nessler it makes the game seem bigger.
  11. Who knows.. IMDB says that three episodes remain from season three, tvrage says five. All I know is that I want more. The ending didn't leave me hanging in the same way S1 or S2 did however.
  12. Why is Jake Gyllenhall linked to every super hero movie ever made? And he's gonna be filming Aquaman 2 so he's out............ Here's what I don't get......why aren't they calling this Batman at all? This franchise has been around a long fucking time and through countless comic books, TV shows (live action and animated) and 5 movies one constant has been the name "BATMAN" in the title. Just seems odd to me.....
  13. It's a great show that is a perfect fit for cable. It's such a hidden gem. I watched the first season last year and loved it but FX kept moving it around and I thought were going to kill it. I was concerned about adding Danny DeVito but his character is a perfect fit
  14. I would get this but I'll just wait for the inevitable 20th anniversary edition. What's so important that we need another disc 5 years later? Quentin Tarantino is such a whore.
  15. I'm a big fan of the movie. Saw it in the theatres and have seen it a few times on cable. Really funny. Had Lindsay Lohan in her naturally hot, pre-coked annorexic whore phase (natural red heads rock and the rest of you are just jealous) and she was perfect in her role. Rachel McAdams was great as were the other "Plastics." All the SNL people were funny as well, Tim Meadows and Amy Poeller were great. It was a great story and the fact that it was full of hot girls didn't hurt either.
  16. If something involves Bill Lawrence and Zach Braff, there has to be a role for John C. McGinley, there just has to be. Would that be in any way not good?
  17. Since when did he lose credibility with Jersey Girl? I guess I can see where he did though as it was a total departure for him but i still liked it, maybe because it was a good chick flick. I liked Clerks 2 because it could have been a simple "same shit as before" sequel but instead it ws actually about these characters having to grow up already.
  18. Why is Kevin Smith so obsessed with "ending" the Askew movies? Originally it was a trilogy. Then it was done after Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Now Clerks II is it? He needs to stop pinning himself into statements like this because it makes him look like a liar and somebody who really isn't a man of his word. People like these characters, he doesn't need to keep retiring them. He can make a Jersey Girl type movie then do a Clerks type movie to try and act like he still has some credibility. If he's serious about retiring these characters, kill them off and be done with it.
  19. Boy Meets World was great until Angela showed up. She Ted McGinley'd that show. My favorite years were the Mr. Turner years, Mr. Turner was cool and Topanga was such a babe during those years. Then she got all fat during the college years which were horrible because everybody went crazy and the logic just went right out the window. Like how Mr. Feeny ended up teaching everywhere they went or why Cory lost his mind. And Matthew Lawrence? Puh-lease. But this leads to this question? Kelly Kapowski or Topanga?
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