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Everything posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. That Black Donenelly's show looks like a total rip-off of the show Johnny Drama booked on Entourage, or vice-versa. Either way, Studio 60 going away makes me angry.
  2. I read on Zap2It last week that Rashida Jones took a pilot with FOX. So I guess the Jim/Pam/Karen thing will soon end.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks of Charlie Haas when I see Roy?
  4. I'm scared to death that the Tigers AL Pennant winning year was a fluke.
  5. Ray Lewis never did the killing but helped cover it up and used his limo to get away. If the prosecution hadn't screwed up royally, he'd behind bars.
  6. Did you guys know that Tony Dungy AND Lovie Smith are black? I think I heard that once or twice.
  7. To quote Ralph Cifaretto: "It was a fucking animal." His injury was sad but I take issue with the people who sent cards to the horse. Condolence cards for a fucking horse? You might as well take the money and set it on fire. Seriously, a fucking horse? SportsCenter had a "Barbaro 2003-2007" graphic. Lord, this country is fucked up.
  8. WWE has two NBC specials in their contract with NBC Universal per year.
  9. Anyone see the Chinese lady next to Dikembe Mutumbo at the State of the Union? Highlight of the president's speech.
  10. Dwayne Casey fired by the T-Wolves. Randy Wittman takes over on an interim basis.
  11. Is it just me or did the Steelers just hire Omar Epps?
  12. Didn't see "Last Kiss" but in Garden State he played a character he wrote, he directed himself and the movie was based on his life. I think he can play himself.
  13. Good news Scrubs fans, there is a possibility for a 7th season, if not on NBC then ABC. Bill Lawrence discusses a possible 7th season of Scrubs Also, the musical episode airs tonight.
  14. But the Raiders fucking suck. Would you send the shittiest soccer team over to the US to promote the sport?
  15. Yeah, the refs handed the Pats the game by not calling a penalty when Rivers got decked right in front of them, then the Chargers' kicker blew his first FG attempt at home in 2 years.
  16. Anthony Gonzalez is leaving Ohio State early. Take Ginn & Pittman with you.
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