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Everything posted by pigeon

  1. April 3rd 1996 Liverpool 4 Newcastle 3 The most exhilarating game of football ever. End to end stuff, goals in the opening and closing minutes, an unbelieveable atmosphere, and the perfect example of what is great about the Premiership.
  2. Henrik Larsson is class in this game. 14 goals in 13 games so far (5 of those from the bench). Eto'o isn't doing it though.
  3. Started a game with Barca, but just made a big mistake. Signed Aruna from Anderlecht only to discover that I could only register 3 non EU players, and I already have Marquez, Ronaldinho and Eto'o. So now Aruna can only play in the Champs League.
  4. It was against Sunderland, and it was pure brilliance. As was the celebration. Plus the one-two he played before it. Riise's ustoppable free-kick for us against united at Anfield. I've never seen a ball hit harder. Le Tissier against Newcastle where he flicked the ball over 2 defenders and then slotted it into the bottom corner. Fowler against Villa at Anfield where he back-heeled the ball through Stan Staunton's legs and buried it in the far corner of the net. Steven Carr for Spurs from about 35 yards. Dunno who it was against. Maradona against England. Both of them. Bergkamp's third against Leicester, and the one against Newcastle. Plus the one for Holland in the world cup. The man is a genius. But, my personal favourite is one by Liverpool against Arsenal. It was the late 80's at Anfield. Steve McMahon ran to retrieve a ball at the touchline and then beat 2 or 3 players before crossing for Aldridge to tap it in at the Kop end. An easy finish in the end, but without the sheer will to win of Macca, it wouldn't have been possible. Don't think many of you will have seen it though ...
  5. To be honest, it looked like it was put in by one of their players from where I was sat. Though the announcer did give it to Gerrard.
  6. Kamara is class. He's never seen a bad game. Unbelievable Jeff.
  7. Morientes will be a red within 48 hrs. -EDIT Oh yeah, there was a match tonight. Not great. Fair play to the Watford fans though. The balloons were dead smart, and they made plenty of noise.
  8. I watched it. I don't think I'll see a worse game this year.
  9. I remember when Ferguson signed for Blackburn that a Scottish guy told me he'd be better than Ste Gerrard. Oh how I laugh when I think of that.
  10. So after ignoring this game since buying it, I've just started a game with Newcastle. So far I've had one game. Arsenal 6 Newcastle 1 ...so a lot of work needed.
  11. Vital three points today after the loss to a Mike Riley inspired Chelsea on Sat. I was well nervous at the end, but I feel we deserved the three points. Up to fifth, at least temporarily.
  12. Graveson is a good player, but he's not the ball-winning midfielder Real need. His contract is up in the summer though, and word is he's moving on ...
  13. According to Sly Sports News, Beattie has chosen Everton. Strange one that, I would have thought Villa would be the better choice. Then again, I am biased.
  14. pigeon


    Yeah, we used to do that too. Adds an edge to the thing. Especially when people are too drunk to see straight.
  15. Yeah, Chelsea singing 'Who are ya' during You'll Never Walk Alone yesterday. Classy.
  16. For now. What's the deal with Defoe? Out for long?
  17. Nice one Spurs. That result brought a bit of a smile back to my face.
  18. Just got back from the game. Had to walk home, so I'm soaked, and fucking gutted. And I've got an almighty hangover too ... Anyway, Manc Riley is not fit to referee. I was sat front of the Kop and got a good view of both the pens we should have got. How the fuck he give a free out when Makelele had both arms round Pongolle I'll never know. And I think the prick even put his whistle in his mouth after the handball. First half we were deffo the better side, but we need someone to stick the ball in the net. I've heard from a fairly good source that the Morientes deal is close to completion, so hopefully he'll help sort that out. Second half Chelsea came back into it and it was fairly even. The difference in the two squads was clear to see though. They could bring Drogba, Kezman and Joe Cole on, all three proven at the top level. Losing Xabi was a big blow (fuck Lampard) and we just don't have the strength in depth yet. It could have went either way though in the second half, and Chelsea got a huge slice of luck in the goal. Their defending was immense though, and they worked really hard I thought. They're deffo good enough to win the league, and if they keep getting the luck too, they will win the league. Still hope Arsenal do it though, I hate blue. Hope the players can lift themselves for Norwich on Monday. Fourth is still within our capability despite today's result.
  19. The Liverpool one to La Bamba goes Rafa Benitez Rafa Benitez Ra-Rafa Benitez Ra-Rafa Benitez Xabi Alonso, Garcia and Nunez http://www.redandwhitekop.com/images/misc/rafabenitez.mp3 <---- as recorded at Spurs
  20. Just finished Pimp by Iceberg Slim. Had to read a few passages a couple of times, as he uses Black American slang, which is pretty hard for a white Englishman to understand in places, but helpfully there's a glossary of terms at the back. It's a lot different to what I expected, as I expected him to totally glamourise the business, but instead it's very gritty and very real. Some of the stuff from his childhood is pretty rough. Recommended.
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