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Which one of the 3 original is the one where the storm trooper hits his head on the door frame? Because I wanna watch it, but IDK which one it is.


A New Hope.


It's the first one:

When the storm troopers enter the room where C-3PO and R2-D2 are hiding, one of them "accidentally" bumps his head on the door, complete with sound effects.

From IMDB.com


Urban Legend: At the end of A New Hope, an excited Luke Skywalker can be heard to yell "Carrie!" to Princess Leia.

Actors do make mistakes. They are, after all, humans (even the computer-generated ones, at heart). Since so much work has to go into turning an on-set performance into a finished Star Wars movie, mistakes can be caught and fixed by the many people who handle the film after the shooting is done.

Much of the sound heard in Star Wars was created and crafted after the action had been shot. Though on-set microphones captured the live performance as it occurred, many times actors had to come back in to loop dialog. Even dialog that is captured on set is carefully mixed and massaged by sound editors to achieve a certain consistency and interaction with other added sound effects. In the end, so many people scrutinize the audio recording that it seems unlikely that such a gaff could have gotten through.

So, while it indeed sounds like "Carrie!" to many people, in the finished film, that's not what Mark Hamill says.

What does he say? While putting together the improved soundtrack for the Special Edition Trilogy, sound editor Ben Burtt investigated the matter. All the original tracks, 1/4-inch tapes, and source materials were pulled out from storage, and listened to in a big mix room at Skywalker Sound. "We made loops out of everything Mark said and played them for a panel of listeners," says Burtt. "We edited the recording and filtered it and did everything we could to clean up the phrase where he yells as he hugs Princess Leia"

The audio investigation included numerous takes of Mark Hamill recording that scene. "The consensus was that he is yelling 'hey' or 'yay,' rather than 'Carrie.' In other takes he specifically yells 'yay!' at that point," explains Burtt. "Like most garbled dialog, if you listen to it over and over with all the other voices in there you can convince yourself that he is saying 'Carrie' or any number of things. But we were convinced that he really was just cheering."

According to Mark Hamill, he excitedly yells "Hey! There she is!" indicating that Luke was scanning the rushing crowd for Leia. In the excitement, Luke doesn't stop to enunciate each syllable like a certain golden protocol droid would do. "I ended up swallowing the 'is' part," says Hamill. So the end result was garbled to the point that some people believe it sounds an awful lot like "Carrie!" So much so that even those closely involved in the production can hear that if they listen to it enough times.



Urban Legend: At the end of A New Hope, an excited Luke Skywalker can be heard to yell "Carrie!" to Princess Leia.

Actors do make mistakes. They are, after all, humans (even the computer-generated ones, at heart). Since so much work has to go into turning an on-set performance into a finished Star Wars movie, mistakes can be caught and fixed by the many people who handle the film after the shooting is done.

Much of the sound heard in Star Wars was created and crafted after the action had been shot. Though on-set microphones captured the live performance as it occurred, many times actors had to come back in to loop dialog. Even dialog that is captured on set is carefully mixed and massaged by sound editors to achieve a certain consistency and interaction with other added sound effects. In the end, so many people scrutinize the audio recording that it seems unlikely that such a gaff could have gotten through.

So, while it indeed sounds like "Carrie!" to many people, in the finished film, that's not what Mark Hamill says.

What does he say? While putting together the improved soundtrack for the Special Edition Trilogy, sound editor Ben Burtt investigated the matter. All the original tracks, 1/4-inch tapes, and source materials were pulled out from storage, and listened to in a big mix room at Skywalker Sound. "We made loops out of everything Mark said and played them for a panel of listeners," says Burtt. "We edited the recording and filtered it and did everything we could to clean up the phrase where he yells as he hugs Princess Leia"

The audio investigation included numerous takes of Mark Hamill recording that scene. "The consensus was that he is yelling 'hey' or 'yay,' rather than 'Carrie.' In other takes he specifically yells 'yay!' at that point," explains Burtt. "Like most garbled dialog, if you listen to it over and over with all the other voices in there you can convince yourself that he is saying 'Carrie' or any number of things. But we were convinced that he really was just cheering."

According to Mark Hamill, he excitedly yells "Hey! There she is!" indicating that Luke was scanning the rushing crowd for Leia. In the excitement, Luke doesn't stop to enunciate each syllable like a certain golden protocol droid would do. "I ended up swallowing the 'is' part," says Hamill. So the end result was garbled to the point that some people believe it sounds an awful lot like "Carrie!" So much so that even those closely involved in the production can hear that if they listen to it enough times.



Yes, it's still in there I believe. I wish it had the original version, just a little touched up instead of all the CG added stuff that doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the stuff there, at least in episode IV.


I used to rent all three of them weekend-ly from my local video store, but after the special editions were released in what, 98? 99? I stopped doing that. I like the touch ups that they made to make it look a little nicer, but I feel the CG effects on Jabba and the entrance to Mos Eisley is just out of place in the film.


I have no problem with him doing what he wants with them...but the fact that he's not releasing the original versions that the fans want as well as the SE. Saying he basically doesn't care what the fans want, he's releasing them how he wants is kinda ass...but hey, who are the fans? Just the people that have spent billions of dollars on Star Wars over the years and made him rich.


George Lucas vs. the Stormtroopers

by Scott Holleran

September 26, 2004

George Lucas

America's highest-grossing movie series continues to reflect the culture -- this time, with alarming implications. Because the pictures were changed to suit George Lucas, Mr. Lucas' Star Wars trilogy, which premiered on DVD this week, has unleashed a storm of controversy.

The opposition to Mr. Lucas' changes shows how far America has slipped off its foundation -- the idea that the individual has inalienable rights -- and is teetering on the brink of the sort of evil Galactic Empire that he imagined for the silver screen.

Before the DVD's release, there were signs of hostility -- not merely to the esthetics of his changes, a legitimate grievance -- but primarily toward the concept that the creator owns his work.

Foes had mobilized long before the trilogy hit the market, circulating an online petition demanding that Mr. Lucas reverse what he considers improvements. During the Hollywood DVD premiere, one reporter indignantly told a Lucasfilm executive that Star Wars does not belong to the man who created it.

When the DVD went on sale, a newspaper columnist's headline commanded: "Stop messing around with our Star Wars." Another dubbed Luke Skywalker's creator "Darth Lucas." When Mr. Lucas' detractors oppose his right to change Star Wars, they mean it; they oppose the artist who dares to regard his work as his own. They do not recognize rights.

Freedom is based on rights. Without the right to property, one has no rights. With generations being taught that stealing software, music and movies is acceptable, many no longer acknowledge private property. One Star Wars fan told a newspaper: "Each and every one of us thirtysomethings that spent our allowance on multiple showings of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi are now the true owners of this work of art."

Another fan, writing in her Web log, declared: "Star Wars does not belong to [George Lucas]. Any movie that is that huge a phenomenon ceases being the vision of one man. Star Wars belongs to everybody." Practically waving the hammer and sickle apparently made one of her readers a bit uneasy, though no less reluctant to the idea of stealing Mr. Lucas' property. The reader replied: "It is his work, but if some video pirates somewhere put out the original versions on DVD, I'd buy them."

Not surprisingly, intellectual property thieves have found their champion in a Libertarian, who wrote: "As far as the morality of [stealing] Lucas' movie goes … f destroying art means making more of it available in more pleasing versions, then I say let the destruction begin."

There is a word for this philosophy -- fascism.

The oppressive state depicted in Mr. Lucas' Star Wars -- the dreaded Empire -- has already had its day on earth. In fact, they had the last century, the bloodiest known to man, dominated by National Socialists and Communists. As witnessed in Germany and in Russia, tyranny typically begins with censorship. And censorship begins with the extermination of the individual's right to create, speak and write.

The evidence is unmistakable and it is everywhere, from government intervention in speech on talk radio, politics and the Super Bowl to efforts to eradicate sex, guns and cigarette smoking from music, television and movies. The assault on George Lucas' right to Star Wars is the latest example; it demonstrates that, when the state restricts speech, the mob will not only oblige -- it will offer suggestions.

The assertion that Mr. Lucas has no right to add Gungans, Greedo's first shot and Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker's ghost amounts to advocating censorship. Those who lay claim to Star Wars share the same premise as the thug who acts on that notion: force.

Audiences have the right to reject what George Lucas creates -- and recreates -- and, as the creator and owner, Mr. Lucas has the right to change his movies -- whether he puts Chewbacca in pantyhose, recasts Ewan MacGregor as an Ewok singing "Your Song" to Jar Jar Binks or smashes Artoo Detoo into a thousand pieces. As one lone fan put it, when asked why he does not object to Mr. Lucas' changes: "It's his story."

He is right, which is why anyone who holds rights as inalienable ought to defend George Lucas against today's intellectual stormtroopers in a battle which looms larger -- and more urgent -- than any crusade depicted in his Star Wars.


The ONE thing that I don't like about the touching up and updated stuff is the changing of Anakin to Hayden Christensen. I mean, if he's going to do that...wouldn't it make sense to change Alec Guinness to Ewan McGregor? I don't WANT him to, but that would make sense.

Other than that, I'm fine with it all. Cept Jabba the Hutt walking...that's wrong.

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