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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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You cannot dual wield SMGs, hitman increases your hit ratio, ammo capacity("Ammo per round without having to reload"), and increases damage, once you get hitman on SMG it's pretty easy to blow up a car, just try to aim at it and shoot.. I used it and I sorta regret it cause i was too close to the car. Blew it straight up in my face. :angry:

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One, make sure your straight before doing it.

Two, get a car.

Three, honk your horn at them as you pass a hooker by...

Four, press right on the d-pad to accept it..

Five, let her in and find a secluded place.

Six, let the bumping begin (Literally as the car moves)

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Don't need one anymore, just completed the Fire Truck missions

Oh yeah, like a pimp I'm pimpin, got a boat to eat shrimp in.

Took three attempts.

Firetruck advice... if you get a call for a fire on east beach, and it's near the cliff face.. park your truck inbetween the vehicle and the cliff.... that way the people that run out, have no chance of falling off the side of the cliff and getting stuck halfway down with no way for your hose to reach them :angry:

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I can't seem to figure out how to get a hooker in the car. I honk the horn, but they just stand there.

Anyways, my Muscle, Stamina, Sawed Off Shotgun, Uzi & Rifle (the one right after the Uzi :shifty:) are all maxed out.

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is it me or does the fire seem to have a mind of its own. i had the flamethrower and the cocktails and inside cj's house i decided to have a rampage. the hous burning everywhere , downstairs , kitchen upstairs it wasa mess. i get out the house and the next thing i know a fire truck is trying to ram their way insdie my house to put out the fire. soon a small fire breaks out int he front yard but yet they are still trying to ramm inside my house. i steal the truck and take the fire fighting into my own hands. the fire wouldn't go out. i'd spray it with the hose and it would stay out for a few minuts and then all of a sudden it would flame back up. . I said fuck it and lgot out of the fire truck and i was walking away from my house when the next thing i no the fire magically flames up in front of me and burns me to death

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