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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Actually I beat Wu Zi Mu twice. Once with the car by Catalina's and the other with a Willard...yes, that clunker. The thing is that the first time I beat it, the power went off in the neighborhood before I saved. The next time I tried, the car was missing at Catalina's, so I grabbed the first car I found and tried it and I managed to win.

You also have to learn the course better for Farewell My Love. You have to learn the places where you can risk taking a "shortcut"...their is specifically one point(I dont remember very well) when you can go downhill in between the trees instead of following the curves of the road and you get like a five second lead or so. Also, try to ram the cars in front of you out of the race. The bad thing is that the game cheats because I managed to ram a car while crossing the wooden bridge and he fell down into the water, only to be right behind me several seconds later

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I have $12,000,000+. No cheats, no glitches just a couple of lucky horses, such as Schlong Odds, One Eyed Warrior, Duck My Sick nd some other lucky colts. I know its hard to belive but its all luck. I made some $50,000 bets and a $320,000. The horse races are actually intense. Me and my bro put all our money on the line on a green horse with the crappiest odds and we actually won. 'm not trying to brag, but horse betting is really fun and addictive. Bet on green!

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I got the Desert Eagle off one of the beaches at Los Santos and had a good amount of ammo for it going into the mission. I took out a good number of the Vietnamese gang using the Deagle (which levelled it up to Gangster) and then once I ran out of ammo, I started using dual Tec9s.

My only problem in the mission so far is when you have to drive around and let Woozie shoot the Vietnamese cars. He shot the first one up and it burst into flames.

But unluckily for us, it was barrelling towards us at the time and I didn't have time to move the car, so we blew up shortly afterward.


I like Woozie though, he's a lovable blind guy (L)

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Same thing happened to me, Doc. I had a Broadway squeezed in The Johnson house garage with a Black Boxville (easier access to burglary missions).

Well, I got bored and started trying to raise my Machine Pistol level, so I shot the cars in the garage and made them explode. Then I walked off for a moment to kill some Ballas and went to get back into the garage and my Broadway didn't have its paint-job anymore. :/

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