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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Sweet's Girl. (Yeah..how embarrasing...)

By the time I get there I've got about 1/4 of the time limit left, and I can never work out what to do when I get there. There are a load of green guys shooting stuff (they're on my side, right? Green and stuff?), but I can't see what they're shooting at. Plus, I don't have a gun, and by the time I get to Emitts, there's no way I can get to the house in time (common sense would say go to Emitts before starting the mission, but I keep forgetting).

Any tips?

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For the Sweet's Girl mission I just got the pistol before the mission. When you get to the house, I ran over two of the guys shooting at you on the ground, got out of the car and picked out the other three with my pistol. here are only five guys you need to kill, so its much easier than some of the later shooting missions. It took me a few times to do it though, as at that point in the game I was still getting used to the aiming, but after a while I killed the remaining three guys easily after making sure a car was beween me and them and crouching while firing.

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fineintent, I just chanced my luck, and got the mission. I had it around 30-40%, and it was a different cutscene, not the one where they play the PS2, then you can do the mission.

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I got her past 50%, and got the car. Once I get to 100% I'll get a suit right?

After 100%, do I ever have to see her again? This girlfriend shit is tedius. Can I lose access to the car/suit if the relationship level goes down?

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I don’t know them all, but I know one gives you the ability to get Wasted and not lose money or your weapons and another one is just like that, except for when you get Busted. You more than likely will lose them if you neglect the date and their percentage goes down.

Edited by cravatemark
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They're found in the 'ghetto' areas, like around CJ's house. They usually are more prevalent at night and in the middle of the night. You have black guys in a black tanktop who do a lot of standing holding their hands in front of them, while you have white guys in white hoodies (found across the bridge to the West of CJ's) who also stand with their hands in front of them.

They're also the people who, when you walk in from of, you get a < or > prompt. You can either say something positive like "Hey man." or something negative like "I thought I Told you to get the FUCK out of here."

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