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Recommend me an RPG

Timmoru Suzuki

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Ok, I have NEVER gone for RPG games. They just never appealed to me. The only RPG's I have never played were KOTOR (but thats more of an action-adventure RPG) and Fable (which was horribly over-rated).

For some reason, I feel the need to play a game that doesnt involve sports/and or shooting, and try a traditional PC RPG.

I am slightly concerned with controls (I only ever play strategy games on my PC, as I have proven in the past to be at horrendous at controlling a PC Game that involved MORE than a mouse), and the fact that I'll probably hate it.

But still, I'm ever so slightly tempted (as in ever so slightly) tempted to get an RPG. I was looking at a pack on Amazon that includes Baldurs Gate, Invicticus (sp) and Icewind Dale for £16.99, and if I liked them (or maybe instead of them) getting Neverwinter Nights.

So I was wondering what you thought. Should I bother getting any at all, or what RPG's would you recommend if you think I should etc.

Thanks all.

EDIT - Im leaning slightly towards Neverwiner Nights, I can get the deluxe edition for £14.97 (huh, thats weird, the standard version is £29.99........)

Anyway, still keep the recommendations coming, cheers Dan.

Edited by timmayy
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If You can get hold of FF7 thats a great RPG.

www.maydisle.com is great too ¬_¬

Irrelevant of time, platform, advancements in technology and stuff, Dan is 100% right......FF7 is still great, and well worth picking up if you can.

EDIT: After re-reading your post...get Baldurs Gate if you can (or even number 2), as its awesome, I have both...never got particulalry far in them, and they may not be for the RPG n00b, but they are very good.

Edited by rvdwannabe
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If You can get hold of FF7 thats a great RPG.

www.maydisle.com is great too ¬_¬

Irrelevant of time, platform, advancements in technology and stuff, Dan is 100% right......FF7 is still great, and well worth picking up if you can.

Or if you want a great game rather than a good one you could go for FF8 :P .

Although, I s'pose 7 is better if you're new to rpgs. Baldurs Gate is certainly an excellent choice also.

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don´t go for anny FF game exept for FF Tackticks (wich infackt was not planed to be an FF game, only renamed shortly before they finished it and packet with some stuff that need to be in a game that has FF on it´s title)

Disgaea should be one that everyone can enjoy, try that. (ooops, thats ps2, still worth getting the ps2 for it ;) )

FF8 was out on pc, 7 and 8 were

Edited by Michael Matzat
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Broken Sword.

Seriously. Point and click is pretty much all you have to do, but for some reason I love those games. The Sleeping Dragon is the latest one, and I stupidly got it on PS2 and can't really get into all that much because of it. But it is still brilliant, and should be better on the PC.

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If you want to try an RPG, you're better off trying a console one than a PC one, in my opinion.

If you have a PS2, I'd recommend either Legend of Dragoon (a game made for the original Playstation), FF7 or X, or Xenosaga if you like sci-fi. (Its a Greatest Hits game now, iirc. But you could easily find a copy cheap even if it isn't)

The only thing that might put you off on Xenosaga is the length of some of the cutscenes (some are 45 minutes long!); its almost a movie as much as it is an RPG, but the voice acting is incredible, and you can skip through the cutscenes.

BUT....Xenosaga is my favorite RPG of all time, with FF7 running a close second, and FFX close behind.

Oh, and regarding Matzat's taste in RPGs....bleech! Anyone who likes Unlimited Saga and doesn't like any FF games except Tactics (which is more of a strategy game with RPG elements) is someone I wouldn't be asking for recommendations from.

(FF Tactics is rather good, though, but I wouldn't recommend to someone who has never played an RPG)

Edited by GhostMachine
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For the computer, pick up Fallout 2. Easy to get into, and you become the most evil person alive! Hell, you can kill a child, and everyone will call you a child-killer! It has a great story, and it is really fun.

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Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic I and II are great RPG games...if you love star wars, they might be you favourite rpg's ever.

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Super Mario RPG.
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Oh, and regarding Matzat's taste in RPGs....bleech! Anyone who likes Unlimited Saga and doesn't like any FF games except Tactics (which is more of a strategy game with RPG elements) is someone I wouldn't be asking for recommendations from.

(FF Tactics is rather good, though, but I wouldn't recommend to someone who has never played an RPG)

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For the computer, pick up Fallout 2. Easy to get into, and you become the most evil person alive! Hell, you can kill a child, and everyone will call you a child-killer! It has a great story, and it is really fun.


Also, Diablo is NOT an RPG. Diablo is a dungeon crawler... more of an action game then an RPG by far. It's also pretty uninspired artistically, although I have no issues with the music.

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True, but a lot of times it still falls under the RPG category, I suppose because you *are* playing a role...*cough*...yeah. Playing a role. A role of a necromancer, or a druid, or a barbarian...but mostly a necromancer or a druid because they're the best.

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I'd get that big bpack with Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale and whatever the fuck the third one was AND Neverwinter Nights.

Because those three games are great games. Play them in order, BG, ID, and NN, and by the time you get to NN, you'll be really good at it. What's more is, you can set them all so that after every turn, or every attack, or every anything, it'll pause and shit...so you can strategize...and, for the most part, it's mouse-clicking.

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Diablo is not an RPG. Neither, really, is Icewind Dale.

They play like point and click hack and slash action games. Like a PC version of Gauntlet from the NES. Just because you get points for winning to upgrade your chatacter does not make it an RPG. You do that in No Mercy too. Is that an RPG?

The only real connection it has with RPGs are the fantasy setting. For a long time that was seen as a nerds setting to be left alone with the weird Japanese style games and to never be touched by a good genre. Now with LOTR you see fantasy everything, fantasy first person shooters, fantasy real time strategy... lots of stuff.

But none of those games are RPGs either.

I don't really like RPGs (as I don't really like Fantasy at all) but I despise even more that games like Diablo are called RPG of the Year Candidates, ecspecially when the few RPGs I do enjoy are far, far superior. It's just how the industry works... you call shit a filet mignon and pretty soon everyone forgets it tastes like shit.

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